2024 Quantum Quickening Series

A Time for Fearless Faith as Never Before

The writing is on the wall... if you can read it.

The choice between heaven or hell on Earth
is now a global affair for all of 'US'
(United Sovereigns of Earth).

Full awareness of both the systemic problem
and the holistic solution is the fulfillment
of the opportunity for a clear choice.

So here's another reality report of recent news
in context of global holistic healing tools
and processes for conscientious
common sense wisdom.

Seize the Vision of Victory to be
Winning from the Beginning,

Skip to the bottom for a geopolitical overview
from Benjamin Fulford
June 1, 2024

Preface note for new subscribers:
To avoid being overwhelmed by too much information,
it is recommended that your first reading is just the
headlines, by-lines and comments as overview
before selecting in-depth videos and links.
This newsletter is a 'Table of Contents'
with 'Chapters' linked - an 'E-book',
for a custom multi-media show.


Top Japanese Scientists DEMAND Withdrawal of

May 30, 2024 / The Vigilant Fox
The tide is turning.

THEY KNOW: Parasites are the CAUSE OF CANCER!
May 29, 2024 / Dr. Jane Ruby Show [video]
The CDC, American Cancer Society, and many surgeons know
and have always known that parasites are the cause of cancer
 when a weak biological terrain creates an environment in which
  many parasites of the fungal, bacterial and wormy variety thrive.
That why anti-parasitics work so well with "covid" symptoms.   
And that's why cancer rates exploded when Ivermectin and     
 natural immunity protocols were suppressed; follow the money.

 Cancer Surgeon Reveals the Surprising Potential
of Ivermectin Against Cancer
May 28, 2024 / Need To Know
She said that Ivermectin can kill parasites, those fungal,
bacterial and wormy critters that everyone has, but our
immune system keeps them in check.
And yet, all the
official medical protocols during Covid WEAKENED
the immune system from incessant fear porn and
 masking to social alienation and toxic vaccines.
Ivermectin and natural immune-building protocols
were all demonized and censored during Covid
The enemy of the pharmacidal psychopaths
 is any narrative that builds health and thus
  prevents the disease-profiteering incentives
  of the corrupted medical-industrial complex.


90 second
shocking video:
"We incentivized MURDERING Patients in Hospitals."
May 24, 2024 / The Vigilant Fox

…genocide of a population through
 mass psychosis hypnosis – a ‘spell’
 as in nefarious sorcery or witchcraft
  with toxic pharmaceutical potions for
  whatever ails you. And though some
  nontoxic drugs do no harm, extreme
 levels of toxic formulas in dozens of
vaccines are scheduled for children
from the time of birth - killing many.

The World's Biggest Mass Murder 'Psy-Op'
(perception deception, hypnotic spell, sorcery, etc.)
June 3, 2024 / ShawnLoomis.substack
Note from CR: For those science geeks who appreciate the
whole truth of the REAL cause of mass dying during the
 Covid Psy-Op, this article is one of the best I've seen,
with both the biology and 'quantum' (5G) factors.

Excerpt: The PCR test invented by Kary Mullis cannot test for any virus and consequently all the numbers of cases and deaths are based on lies. They are conjured out of thin air in a massive act of deceptive magic. The unscientific PCR Corona protocol created by Christian Drosten in Germany in January 2020 became the standard method for testing for SARS-CoV-2 worldwide. I am sure this was preplanned and part of a high-level conspiracy. This protocol set the cycle threshold (amplification) at 45 which results in 97% false positives. These were then called cases: An act of fraud on a massive scale. (4)

2 minute video - iconic truth telling
Kary Mullis (inventor of the PCR Test)
Exposing Anthony Fauci's Big Lie.
May 5, 2024 / Twitter/X
Fauci's fork-tongued, two-faced, disinformation
was so BIG and so bold and so often told
- fake science pushing "safe & effective" jabs -
 that many damaged victims still believe the lie.

The Gov't Cartel paid billions to Walgreens and CVS
not to supply Ivermectin - the question is why
May 22, 2024 / America Out Loud News
While Cuomo now admits the government got it dead wrong,
   he seems less willing to admit the part he played in amplifying
 government's lies in what is the health fiasco of our lifetimes.

Rally In Geneva June 1 To Oppose
WHO Pandemic Treaty
May 28, 2024 / activistpost.com
Warning: 'W.H.O Global Coup in May!' explains that the vote
on the World Health Organization's Pandemic Treaty and new
globalist regulations will take place in Geneva May 27-June 1.
WHO Needs A Treaty? "One Health" Is Already
 Firmly Established In America

May 16, 2024 / Activist Post
 While the United Nations and its WHO should be
kicked out of New York into the Atlantic Ocean, 
the real problem is our government, which has   
 been front-running the whole operation for years.

Corporate media is ramping up the fear about bird flu
ahead of the vote on WHO's pandemic plans

May 27, 2024 / expose-news.com
Health officials are issuing very ominous warnings about
a potential bird flu pandemic, as with the Covid roll-out.
The Bird Flu Plandemic Operation;
what’s really going on?

May 20, 2024 / Jon Rappoport

Ruling Class "Advances" Its "Plan" To Produce
4.8 Million Bird Flu "Vaccines"

May 23, 2024 / Activist Post
 The Health and Human Services arm of the ruling class is now
"advancing" its preplanned scamdemic "vaccines" for bird flu.
In order to "prepare" for the next plandemic, the ruling class  
  is creating 4.8 million H5N1 avian influenza shots along with a
propaganda campaign to convince us to get injected, AGAIN.

~ Mike Adams at 3:20 min of video HERE
May 29, 2024 / InfoWars
"They're using it to shut down the food supply."
UN Announces Plan to Ban Most Farming and Meat,
Triggering Shortages and Starvation
May 28, 2024 / Need To Know
 The United Nations' World Health Organization (WHO) Director
Tedros declared that farming accounts for 30% of greenhouse
  gas emissions, and cow farts are part of the problem. That 'BS'
 (Belief System) is only true if you belief it, thus
casting a spell.

Researchers Call for Urgent Action to Address
Mass Contamination of Blood Supply

May 28, 2024 / Dr Mercola
"...many countries around the world have reported that so-
   called '
genetic' vaccines - those using modified mRNA
encoding the spike protein, with lipid nanoparticles 
as the drug delivery system
- have resulted in post-
vaccination thrombosis and contaminated blood."



May 28, 2024 / Breaking Points

A.I. in the News - A Pandora's Box

The Lamest Show on Earth
Story #1:
Tech Companies Agreed to A.I. Kill Switch
to Prevent Terminator-Style Risks


May 31, 2024 / Corbett Report
Welcome to New World Next Week, the video series
 from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers
important developments in open source intelligence. 

21 'Smart Cities' Confirmed in the Planned
Fall of American Cities
May 28, 2024 / Need To Know
Smart Cities claim that the use of technology and the Internet of
Things (IoT), are 'solutions' to improve everything from critical   
  infrastructure and public safety to efficiencies in city energy use.
Critics say that this could be a totalitarian A.I. Borg nightmare.  

Artificial Intelligence: The consumer is the prey
May 27, 2024 / expose-news.com
The concept of an "AI Revolution" has gained significant attention
in recent years, with many experts and enthusiasts predicting
a "transformative impact" on various aspects of society.

"Upload Moderation":
The EU's Latest Name For Messaging 'Surveillance'
May 28, 2024 / Reclaim the Net
The proposal mandates that users of communication apps must
 agree to have all images and videos they send automatically
scanned and potentially reported to the EU and police.
Common sense is uncommon, and the most powerful A.I.
special interests in the world have a vested interest in
the divisive dialectic that keeps us in dis-ease with
collective anxiety disorder - not common sense.
Call it power trips of the power elite
or top-down tyranny...
Sucks the 'oxygen' (common sense)
right out of consciousness.

Either we harness the potential of heartless A.I.
heart coherent mind congruence
- conscientious common sense -
or the inordinate love of power of the elite
censors the ordained power of love
 in our collective conscience.
As man
kind chooses to live kindly,
we will embrace an upgrade of
common sense principles
- A Universal Language Standard -
For United Sovereigns of Earth and
The Aquarian Quantum Age.

Either we understand and agree
we have the right to be free
or we choose subjugation
rather than integration
with common sense.

This world is an epic test for
all souls of Conscience, and
 that test is reaching a climax.

“Humankind is standing precariously on
  the edge of its destiny. It will either rise
 to a paradigm change or experience
decline and possible destruction.
 This is an unavoidable confrontation.
The options will be presented and
the choices will be made.”
 - from 'Jesus Speaks: Love Without End'
by Glenda Green

5 minutes - Must Watch!

May 30, 2024 / Reese Report
The Zionist NAZI Connection and Creation of Israel
Note that the Rothschild bank dynasty financed Zionism,
WWII, and creation of the State of Israel.

Is it true that Donald Trump has been bailed out of
two massive bankruptcies by the Rothschilds?
Watch HERE if you want confirmation.

Are you aware that President Trump is still praising his
disastrous Warp Speed program pushing toxic jabs?  

  Would you agree that all that can be forgiven if Trump
and the White Hats drain the swamp and institute  
a quantum shift to global cooperative co-creation
that liberates all of 'US' as 'United Sovereigns'?
(See Ben Fulford for more on this, at bottom.)
Will Trump's Space Force be with us
to unite with the Galactic Federation
and counter the A.I.-NAZI invasion?

The NAZI intention of power without moral principle
  has infiltrated and morphed our core social, political
  and economic institutions. Let's call it 'The Swamp',
  well known as the 'Deep State' or 'Corporatocracy'.

  In the larger scheme of unified quantum connection,
intention naturally neutralizes inordinate
love of power. That's how we drain the swamp
It is the ordained
Power of -in-action
 that represents the Holy Spirit at the heart
of pure intention as focuses attention on
retention; conscious ascension
in the 5th dimension of full spectrum

We are ONE in the image and
likeness of, by and for the
G.O.D.--'I Am'
'High State' as Higher Power.

The greatest opposition to this High State
is the Deep State whose intention is...
'The Closing of the Internet Mind'
May 28, 2024 / Jeffry A. Tucker
 You have surely heard that your search results on Google
(with 92 percent share of the search market), reflect not  
your curiosities and needs
but someone else's views   
what you need to know. Deception is incentivised
for benefit of the Deep State. That's hardly a secret. 


The Great Awakening has collateral damage:

False Flag Democracy Raised
By Deep State Media

A common side effect of vax toxicity
- and mass media complicity -
 is brain fog, cognitive confusion and
Trump Derangement Syndrome:

Almost 10 million views in 2 1/2 years:
Nov 9, 2021 / NYT Opinion
What Democrats actually do in States
where they have all the power.

Heaven knows that those who are poor in spirit
will always be with us. Some came in that way
and others just got
'Stuck In Negativity' (SIN).
The most difficult thing in the worldly 3D world
  is to remain unstuck with 4D=>5D conscience.

So always remember, is for giving
rather than for getting.

Keep the Faith ~ See the Good
Make it So!

Full Spectrum 5D 'TLC'

 Pure geometry thoughtforms as
 Aquarian First Principles 
Geometric Ordered Divinity'
G.O.D.~ Constitution);
Five Core Net Freedoms
with universal 'Light Language'
Effective Sensory Perception
  via interactive TeLeCommunion:
 TeLeComm for TeLeCommunity,
TeLeConscienceTeLeCare and

 Quantum Enlightenment
(Aquarian Quantum Age)

To   with all your strength, mindheart and soul,
and your all-connected Netizen neighbors as thyself.


Geopolitical Overview from Benjamin Fulford
on April 17th
HERE, and May 24th HERE.