2024 Quantum Quickening Series

Mossad Headquarters Bombed - End of Israel is Near

There's no escaping justice for their war crimes.

Skip to 4:14 minutes for Scott Ritter's debriefing;     
Skip to 7:25 minutes for blow-up of Mossad HQ;     
  Skip to 14:50 minutes for countries flipping on Israel;
Skip to 26:30 minutes for Iran's secret weapon;       
Skip to 31:33 for the UN's condemnation of Israel;   
  Skip to 47:47 for glimmering of hope moving forward;
   Skip to 53:29 for how the future will judge the present:

Oct 17, 2024 / SonOfEnos

"If they were really God's chosen, they'd be winning,
but they're not. The only thing the 'Chosenites'
have been chosen for is to lose. This was
over before it began. Now they lose."

Note from CR:
When I write about light and as a solution
to the year long genocide of people in Gaza,
my readership falls way off as in my last
newsletter: A High State of
For Our Election Made Sure

Have we become stone-cold heartless
after a year of demoralizing
 murder in our face?

Or have some of us bought into the
Christian Zionism deception that
the righteous historical Israel
is the same modern State?

History will document the big question of our
children who will ask:"What did you do
to stop the insane mass murder
of helpless Gaza civilians?"


It's the least we can do right now
as we pray for the agony to end.