Show audio podcast
by Christopher Rudy (bio)
This is the message I’m sending.
[ The divine feminine ‘fruit’ of the 2017 Big Shift is now ripe for a Thanksgiving harvest of abundant Vision, Virtue and Valor with Vow for the Big V of Victory for the Spirit that matters:
of the Divine Feminine
It’s now well known that the universe is
holographic in
nature as is structured holistically with first principles of
cosmic law governing the order of the universe with the
prime directive
that is self corrective with self-regulating systems of self
governing sovereignty in terms of the one-universal law language for global
Atonement as at- ![]() framing spherical synergies - 3-fold flame of BEING - (BE IN G.O.D.) in the 4-quad, archetypal dimensional coordinates to the CAPstone Vision of freedom's ascent for 'US': United Sovereigns of Earth.
This Conscience Currency
"To understand the nature of God, it
is necessary
Quantum field geometries have always framed the
Constitution of Conscience of, by and for
United Sovereigns of Earth.
This ‘cosmic code’ framing the first principles of Cosmic Law is
simple yet profound in its representation of the fractal nature of
quantum field geometries as was anciently understood by the three
astrologers who found the Christ child via astrology.
![]() ![]() (squares and crosses in astrology); ![]() (conjunct blending of energies in astrology); ![]() (trines and sextiles in astrology). ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() (on Earth as in heaven-cosmos at large)
This is the fractal order of the holographic universe that frames
the constitution of biomimicry whereby the quantum
“kingdom of heaven” (unified
field) is written in our inward parts, coded in our DNA,
geometrized via astrology, ‘eye-dentified’ via iridology and
‘grounded’ via foot reflexology for ‘under’ standing. Those who understand these holographic maps of consciousness will more likely appreciate how they are ALL connected in the quantum field according to each soul’s unique configuration of wholEness for 3D interpretation of 4D processes - in time - to involve and evolve 5D Conscience.
This is the time ordained for building a
momentum of truth-telling
- moment-to-moment – for
personal and planetary evolutionary ascent. I’m not saying it will
be easy. The current astrology with Jupiter conjunct the Sun in Scorpio is very ‘intense’ right now, especially with Venus conjunct Jupiter and moving together through Scorpio this month. That's a sure sign of 'Big Love' exposing all that is less than God-Love; a mass awakening catharsis.
A good debriefing on the current intensity can be
heard in Wednesday’s video by Kaypacha at New Paradigm Astrology. This guy may sound trippy but
he’s like a court jester with a lot of wisdom that he brings to his
worldwide network ‘court’ for the fun of itJ
Keynote: And the more the truth is revealed, The more we stay without turning away, The more our wounds can be healed."
EXCERPT: We're at the
turning of the ages, and it is a time of revolution where we may be
exposed to some revolting stuff! As the old structures,
beliefs, moral codes, and belief systems are questioned, challenged,
and discarded by many, both external and internal chaos can ensue.
It is up to each of us as individuals now, not as sheep following a
shepherd, to hone our own moral compass to the "highest" expression
of our Self. Injoy your journey!
Rise of the Divine Feminine
will bring balance to the imbalance in Western civilization.
Smart without heart is ‘DUH’ (Dense, Unconscious & Heartless). And
‘DUH’ is the heartless genesis of ‘FUD’ (Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt).
But FUD and DUH are naturally neutralized by the
holy spirit
That whole, holistic and otherwise holy spirit is a good example of
the Prime Directive
as can be clearly seen in the biomimicry model of
hemispheres which work best as a healthy, holy whole when they
are in BALANCE.
Have you ever wondered why print language in the West evolved with
symbols (letters) of symbols (words) that are read on a page from
left to right, but language in the Far East evolved with holistic
pictographic calligraphy that is read on a page from right to left?
The West is left-brain
dominant just as most men are. That’s why the rule of law in the West underwrites win/lose
competition – a masculine ‘ownership and control’ mindset that in
excess is out of balance with win/win cooperation values.
The East is right-brain
dominant just as most women are. That’s why social conscience in the East is geared to win/win
cooperative ventures between East and West like the BRICS bank and
their new high speed East-West Silk Road venture.
Rise of the Divine Feminine in the West will see the nurturing of the highest and best use
of our human and physical resources for the optimal health of
Western MEDIA –
– and MEDICINE –
TeLeCare. Global TeLeCommerce will thus thrive with prosperity for all to the extent that the first principle of an Economics of Abundance –TLC-in-action – is abundantly integrated in social media, health care and the economy.
The merger of science and spirituality is the
TLC Connection whereby
heartware defines,
refines and ‘shines’ the integration of hardware, software and
netware for
Web 3.0 paradigm shift.
SPIRITUAL ASCENSION PROCESS Toward a Post-Materialistic Science
The latest issue of Explore in the Journal of Science and
Healing contains a bombshell of an essay titled
Manifesto for a Post-Materialist Science, and it could be to
science what Luthers 95 Theses were to religion.
balance of hemispheric fields will see We’re already seeing this. Technological innovation has been a strength of the left-brain dominant West, but the right-brain dominant East has rapidly industrialized to manufacture Western commodities, and they have invested heavily in developing extremely advanced quantum technologies that could either liberate humanity with unprecendented unity-in-diversity Conscience... or enslave the public if open-transparent Net reality is not upgraded to represent United Sovereigns of Earth.
Outraces U.S. In Quantum Computing EXCERPT: If China wins the Quantum computing war, it will obsolete land-based communication infrastructure and give China complete dominance over data encryption. China has already indicated that it will invest whatever resources are necessary to win this race, which many have compared to the original race to land on the moon.
The future is what we
make it.
The Internet has forced the future upon
‘US’ – United
Sovereigns of Earth.
Our new instant-everywhere and interactive Net reality has raised
global awareness of the imbalance that compels BALANCE of
feminine heart coherence
divine masculine mind congruence.
Facebook and Google have previously helped in this regard, but both
have been privatized by powerful special interests with a vested
interest in terror, war, disease and disinformation. “Do
no evil” was quietly removed as Google’s motto this
last year.
To do no harm
IS the
Prime Directive. the heart of sovereignty Conscience.
“Conscience is the most sacred of
Covert censorship by the ‘Deep State’ has become
systemic in mainstream centralized media and increasingly over the
decentralized Internet. The whole truth wants only to be free, but
is increasingly filtered out of search capabilities with Google
banning, redirecting and demonetizing many websites that have alternative views
which challenge the official
politically-correct narrative of the Deep State.
Trump Blocks Full Release Of JFK
Bush Sr. financed massive growth of the CIA after working a deal with Saddam Hussein for protection in exchange for a major cut in their huge oil profits. Bush Jr. lead the neocons to murder Hussein and take over the oil industry for ALL the profits, killing more than a million Iraqis
with mass destabilization which led to regional war and millions of refugees. The world now knows that the excuse of weapons of mass destruction was a fabricated deception to further the imperial ambitions of the War Party.
Of course, the CIA doesn't want truth to be freed from Deep State control of the official narrative. The decentralized Internet has been a huge challenge for centralized power structures – both East and West – and we’re seeing loss of control by centralized power being compensated by technocratic attempts to limit those five core Internet freedoms that will upgrade the American Republic as a model for global sovereignty principles and processes.
Saint Germain’s Message:
This video is a ‘must watch’ for those who want
to know why the destiny of global freedom and opportunity depends on
the FULL DISCLOSURE that Saint
Germain is saying must now expose and neutralize those Deep State
secret agencies which have inverted and subverted the ordained
power of love
under Constitutional Law.
For those who don’t know the history of Saint Germain behind the
creation of the American Republic - and the challenge to founding
principles since then - I highly recommend the following video:
This is
required study for all Netizens devoted
In the West we see extremely advanced surveillance technologies now
being used to profile and covertly censure politically incorrect
positions in social networks.
In the East we see extremely advanced facial recognition and voice
recognition technologies to recognize and ‘shame’ dissidents who
don’t get along by going along with centralized state policies.
Huge Facial
Recognition EXCERPT: As it collects vast troves of data on its citizens, China is advancing as a Technocracy and is headed for complete Scientific Dictatorship within a few years. Americans do not understand that this technology and mindset is also targeted for America with the same result.
Huge Voice
Recognition EXCERPT: China is perfecting Technocracy and Scientific Dictatorship through massively intrusive citizen identification that also records political predispositions and psychological profiles. What would China do with such a system? Anything they want! You can run, but you cannot hide. EXCERPT: We now have a global platform that allows us to stand up to the injustices perpetrated by government, media and corporations in social media sites such as Facebook and YouTube, however, these sites are starting to restrict content from the people standing up. Algorithm changes and blocks do not affect the websites with a specific narrative which supports the current system, but they do affect alternative ideas and websites that are promoting truth and unity. Many websites that have been working hard to spread honest ideas have been targeted and had their content blocked, while mainstream media can publish inaccurate content without any repercussions.
Darkness Before the Dawn of the Golden Age?
The corruption of Net neutrality by the
represents the last phase of Web 2.0 social networks before
Web 3.0
cyberEthics takes our global Net reality to the next level. Readers of this 2017 Big Shift blog are well aware of the systemic problems and holistic solutions that are quickening as conscientious common sense matures in the collective awareness of global humanity – Global Metamorphosis with Rise of the Divine Feminine.
At this time of global alignment with intense
photonic light as our solar system aligns with
our galaxy’s
Photon Belt,
conscious evolution is naturally 'sparked' by cosmic fire,
and the resulting surge of systemic global
enlightenment is compelling
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
In the
larger scheme of personal and planetary evolution, there are
MegaShifts that follow
natural laws governing conscious evolution of social norms for holistic
health on Earth as in heaven-cosmos at large.
Every golden age in cosmos ascends
To ‘Know Better’ so we can ‘Do Better’
Gnosis is knowing as discernment – the first gift of the holy
spirit which has the feminine attribute of ‘intuitive knowing’.
Gnostics throughout history embraced the wisdom of a direct
connection with God-Love-Source – the understanding that it is
better to BELIEVE NOTHING – no “BS” (Belief System) – and either
KNOW or NOT KNOW the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so
help me God-Love-Source...
... For
Rise of the Divine Feminine
The common sense of divine love on Earth may be uncommon but
there are numerous signs of the times that define, refine and
‘shine’ the unprecedented opportunity for culturing our new Net reality
as the Family of Mankind in an all-connected global village. For example:
KNOWING that systemic global transformation is in process is one
thing, and applying this knowledge to a highly personalized
process of mass ascension is quite another.
World history is littered with the carcasses of civilizations
that rise and fall according to cycles of enlightenment and then
devolution of the first principles for evolutionary ascent.
Now we’re in a cycle of
alignment whereby we have the opportunity to wise up and
rise up as never before in human history. Imagine what that CAN
be like. Know that it’s not only possible but is also quickening
at all dimensional levels.
Shift Happens!
The general pattern that has repeated throughout history is that
civilizations rise as civility thrives with the
power of love
that brings prosperity. True spirituality at the heart of
win/win cooperation is the genesis of prosperity. Everybody
This is opportunity for a global golden age,
Historically we’ve seen ownership and control values – in excess
– have caused the concentration of power and the inordinate
love of power that rises to its level of incompetence at the expense of the
power of love.
Today we can see the crisis in global civilization from that
simple yet comprehensive perspective. Win/lose competition of
the rich and powerful have privatized much of the human and
physical resources of the planet for their profit and control.
The War Party Marches On
US Has Wiped Raqqah Off the Face of Earth
But this too
shall pass!
See: Global Economic Path to