2023 Mainstream Awakening Series
Diffusing War Mania in the Media
Diffusing the Israeli War False Flag
is a compendium of articles and videos
published since "Israel's 9-11" (false flag),
with emphasis on a few of the most
truth-tellers in American independent media.
When Christians, Muslims & Jews awaken to
- just as with the 9-11 false flag debacle -
they will see through Deep State devolution
that makes a killing creating and managing
global disease, war and 'population control'.
The Whole Truth has a
Liberating Influence.
Oct 24, 2023 / Heartcom Network
readers to my substack list are finding
that I’ve been curating independent media
- from a
perspective for decades
within my weekly newsletters and podcasts.
My intent is to give readers a front-row seat
to the most dramatic events of your
I do this research for myself - to know what's
really going on - and then share it with you;
enlightened self-interest:)
There are benefits to Great Awakening with
views from enlightened people in the news.
Many readers share this with their network,
culturing social conscience in the worldwide
web of enlightened interactive social media.
“This is a Lesson and a Message for
the Entire World at this Time”
Oct 20, 2023 / BruceLipton.com
"War does not determine who is right;
war determines who is left."
world is currently trying to come to terms with the inhumane
atrocities carried out by both sides of Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Around the globe, citizens
are rallying in concerted effort to bring
an end to the barbaric nature of
planetary violence & endless war.
On the horizon, I see an
opportunity is now arising wherein global
civilization is once again coalescing &
demanding an end to war.
Brilliant Reality Report to the Israeli People
18 minutes of powerful truth-telling
Oct 14, 2023 / Middle Nation
The same argument can be made for eliminating
duel Israeli citizenship for US Congress critters.
Which country are they serving?
Weekend Edition
Note from CR: I've received Jeffrey's newsletter
for years - exceptional intelligence!
Spiritual Warfare - Corrupting Conscience
Most Christians in American are not
aware of
the Zionist infiltration of Christian conscience
with the Big Lie as is taught from the pulpit in
most of the 'Christian' churches in America.
For those who read the previous newsletter,
'Globalists BUSTED!', you
may now know
why millions of U.S. Christian Zionists
- and Zionists in both political parties -
support the Zionist State of Israel:
It's important to understand how our Judeo-Christian heritage
has been hijacked by
Political Zionism to create the
known as
'Christian Zionism' –
that was published as the Scofield Reference Bible in 1909,
and taught by Christian theologians for more than a century
to convince about 60 million U.S. Christians of the
Zionist BS
that the political State of Israel is now God's 'Chosen People'.
The Untold Story of Christian Zionism's
Rise to Power in the United States
July 12, 2019 /
If you seriously read this article in 'good conscience'
(pure intention, focused attention & love retention),
you will 'realize' (real eyes), the genesis of
Great Deception
that now challenges the
Scofield’s many annotations are claims that have
since become foundational to
Christian Zionism, such as
Scofield’s annotation of Genesis 12:3, saying that
curse Israel
by Christian Zionists to mean
the state of Israel since its founding in 1948), will be cursed
by God and those that bless Israel will similarly
be blessed.
by masters who rule them with lies.
They feed them on falsehoods
till wrong looks like right in their eyes."
~ Johann Goethe
Great Awakening is Gaining Momentum
If you truly
understand 'Political Zionism',
and the oxymoron 'Christian Zionism',
you have transcended the 'Big Lie'
Now that you are clear of all the 'BS',
ask yourself, what would Jesus say?
Is it true that the unbiased
initiative of
pure intention in enough good people
worldwide can ressurrect humanity?
Are you aware that pure intention will
focus attention with love retention for
one's ascension in a higher dimension
Would you agree that the
light of G.O.D.~~Source
'I Am'
will always, and all ways, prevail in the
larger scheme of eternal progression?
The solution to Earth's
'existential crisis'
- psychopaths running the nut house -
is simply a High State of Conscience
to assist the Great Awakening drama.
Mediation Methods Mitigate Mania
via Vision, Virtue, Valor & Victory
with a High State of
Aquarian Quantum Age Precepts:
The Heartcom-Heartware
Involving-Evolving 'Common Sense'
(Unity In Our Diversity).
Introducing a simple yet effective process of
interactive global TeLeCommUNITY-
for 'mediating' (culturing) social conscience
in our all-connected global social networks.