The Relationship Dance – Like a Prayer
for “KoF”
August 26, 2018 / Full Moon in Pisces
more to the
than the
so get ahead
with more
Life is the dance… of relationships. Not just men and
women but also individuals in the ‘collective’ of one’s
community, nation and the Family of Mankind
in our global village of all-connected
social networks.
in relationship to the Creator of
all that IS REAL in
however you know God-Source.
the nature of love itself. To truly know love is to know and
understand God; and to know God is to understand love."
~ Dr.
David R. Hawkins, "The
Eye of the I"
(pg. 88)
Skip to the bottom for five ‘videos of the week’;
deep insight into global
upgrade dynamics.
Follow the ‘money’ – your
relationship prayer
as your
worth ship
of the ordained
Currency of Conscience.
Energy flows where your attention goes.
You bring about what you think about.
Conscience IS what
Note how people in the Western hemisphere developed writing that reads
left to right, just as Eastern writing developed with calligraphy that
reads right to left. This hemispheric dominance is based on
Natural Law.
This is why the Eastern mind has been ‘inscrutable’ to Western minds.
We’re coming from very different perspectives… like left brain dominant
males and right brain dominant females.
Men tend to ‘feel’ love with their thinking – a linear logical timeline
– whereas women tend to ‘think’ in a more nonlinear intuitive way via
their feelings… but not always. There are a lot of alpha females who
dominate with high emotional intelligence, and a lot of omega males who are
in complimentary relationships with alpha females.
In the larger scheme of soul evolution, the spirit that matters on Earth
as in Cosmos is the whole, 'holistic' (holographic) and otherwise holy
spirit of
"In the beginning, God
This is the learning process for conscious
evolution that follows Natural Law whereby we
geometrize our divine destiny. And the Full Moon now opens a window into that process –
a good time for life review insights and ‘future
memory’ revelations.
This August Full Moon aligns with the deep space energies of Pisces – a
very “nonlinear” (mystical) sensitivity that speaks to our timeless
souls. The message is profound intuitive insight into our soul purpose,
the universal meaning of everything, and how we are all connected via
natural-universal ‘cosmic’ law governing the order of the universe and
our role in this ‘3D=>5D movie’ – a temporary script we agreed to via soul
contracts before incarnating.
This Full Moon represents ‘zeitgeist’ – spirit of the times – with mass
awakening to Deep State deception and High State correction in our
consciousness and core
social institutions. This is not just a paradigm shift from patriarchal
dominance to rise of the divine feminine.
This world-changing event is in fact a
This event is our divine destiny… to become more conscious of HOW we are
individually and collectively conscious. It is this
Currency of Conscience that will define and refine the
Next Economy.
According to Natural-Cosmic Law – which human laws are ultimately accountable to
– mankind will only be allowed to utilize extremely advanced suppressed
technologies to the extent we raise our spiritual IQ.
A new norm of 5D divine
The ‘PTC’ process of
personal and planetary ascension –
The ‘light language’
for the brain holodeck is
Without a ‘holistic-
It’s only by balancing the
Power- ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Relationships with mutual self-respect and self determination for self
elevation will always honor the higher ‘Self’ as mediator for the soul… for
perception correction through ‘Self’ knowledge.
There’s a full spectrum of relationships with
Since Aquarian Age quantum reality is now being recognized as the
natural-cosmic laws governing the order of the universe, this is the
time prophesied anciently when the ‘veil is lifted’. Like fog on the
still waters that vaporize at sunrise, our 3D ‘Intellectual Quotient’
(IQ) is being upgraded with ‘Emotional Intelligence’ (EQ) of a 4D (time)
nature. See: 5D
This movement from linear-
In the larger scheme of eternal progression
there’s common law, patterns of perfection, and common language for inspired direction centering love within, so when we all enter in we find a unity state with one clear mandate: either we optimize unity or we’re insensate. |
The Unveiling of Our Cosmic Destiny
mind-expanding videos of the week
to reward open minded discernment at
this time of the Full Moon in Pisces:
‘Waking Up To Our Space Family’
The true story of Valiant Thor is well known to
UFO initiates but virtually unknown to 99% of
the public. This interview with
Robert Potter is
an introduction to Dr. Frank Stranges who is
featured in the next video.
August 14, 2018 /
Ben Swann
“Existential Battle for the Soul of America”
August 21, 2018 / Bruce Lipton
Deism is a philosophy of science with spirituality
Enjoy the 'Deep' (High) Insights!
Think Galactic. Dance Local.
And try SPX ‘Royal
Jelly’ for a
whole body cellular upgrade!
~ Christopher