2023 Mainstream Awakening Series
Global Crisis Resolution
As Mass Illusion Disintegrates
(Fake News Exposed)
Conscience Integrates
(Whole Truth Disclosed)
Let me sum it up for
‘initiates’ whom I consider
regular readers of
Mainstream Awakening.
humanity is facing a challenging crisis,
which has become increasingly self-evident.
Call it the Great Awakening or Revelations,
the Global Crisis has compelled us to face our
worst fears with a High State of Aquarian faith
that will neutralize
faithless Deep
State fears.
Visionaries who see
great opportunity with all
the challenges will bring light
to dark places.
is the High State Golden Rule Standard
cultures the
Great Aquarian Enlightenment
Holy Spirit Grace
of -in-action.
So Focus on Faith – Aquarian .
See the Good – Keep it
Care to Share!
9-9-2023 / Heartcom Network
The Aquarian Avatar, Saint Germain.
Previous article at:
The Spirit of ‘76 – A Global
throughout all history, whether man
shall be allowed to govern himself
or be ruled by a small elite."
~ Thomas Jefferson
Jefferson was
very outspoken in his later years,
saying that the Revolution had failed to create
more balance between
corporate interests and
public interests. There is still a big disconnect
between the
love of profit
(for stockholders)
and the
profit of love
(by and for the people).
disconnect is the core conflict of interest
‘We the People’ and
was appalled at how self-serving
moneyed power focused on ‘monopolizing
property ownership’
as we see today with
power elite potentates; pirate
who want to own and control everything:
Klaus Swabb – World Economic Forum
They used to call them ‘Robber Barons’,
but then they bought out Big Media
and scrubbed the record of their
inordinate love of power at the
expense of the power of love.
Jefferson Warned Us!
Witness the Crisis Now
Remember What Happened Right Before 9/11?
It's Happening Again.
Sept 10, 2023 / The Corbett Report
Sept 10, 2023 / TheLastAmericanVagabond.com
COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity
Follow the money:
A new economic order is going global – moving towards a gold standard and the
Quantum Financial System
(QFS). This disrupts the monopoly on paper money by the ‘Federal Reserve’ that
is 'not Federal’ (private banks), and has 'no Reserve’ (printing $'s out of thin
This ‘Fed Fraud’ has gone pathological with profiteering on drugs, disease and war at
the expense of public health and peace.
It has become self-evident to global Netizens that a Deep State of corporate
tyranny in America is running roughshod on core Constitutional freedoms. A
medical-media-military complex of Empire mercenaries have infiltrated core
social institutions to manipulate and monopolize control of the physical and
human resources of the Earth.
9/11 - The Onslaught of an Endless War on Humanity
Sept 12, 2023 / GlobalResearch.ca
The Echoes of Dying Tyrannies
The FBI’s Gestapo-Like Tactics Are Hallmarks
Of An Authoritarian Regime
Sept 1, 2023 / Technocracy.news
All authoritarian regimes, including Technocracy,
require an enforcement function:
“Secret police. Secret courts. Secret government agencies.
Surveillance. Censorship. Intimidation. Harassment. Torture.
Brutality. Widespread corruption. Entrapment. Indoctrination.
Indefinite detention.”
~ TN Editor
But the Government Is Ready
to Lockdown the Nation
Sept 5, 2023 /
John & Nisha Whitehead
First came 9/11, which the government used to
itself into a police state. Then the COVID-19
pandemic hit,
which the police state used to test out its
lockdown powers.
Full Presidential Candidate Report
Sept 7, 2023 / AwakenWithJP
State Approved Propaganda About the
Presidential Candidates!
Welcome Conscious rEVOLUTION
future so many of us have been hoping for
The Counterculture Revolution is Already Here
The Empire wanted to lock-down American freedoms in 1776, and they are trying to
do it now. They are losing control of the narrative that their global military
‘might’ (roughly
750 US foreign military bases spread across 80 nations),
is ‘right’ (justified), so
they’re forcing the issue as all degenerate empires do – eviscerating the
Constitution of core sovereign rights… and betraying the Hippocratic Oath of
‘Do No Harm’.
Millions worldwide have died from the experimental mRNA vaccines, but the lamestream
media maintains they are ‘safe and effective’ and we should line up for more
this fall.
Billions worldwide are now awakening to the evil of toxic vaccines that poison
the populace for massive back-end profits treating the toxic side-effects with
more toxic drugs for whatever ails you.
It’s not just a coincidence that
the power elite
Anyone who reads this newsletter regularly is well aware that they should avoid
toxic vaccines because mainstream drug-pushing is like the plague of death and
dying not seen since the Dark Ages.
“It is no measure
of health to be well adjusted to
Global Holistic Healing Is Our
Systemic holistic healing begins with a ‘grassroots’ (net roots) networking of
the Whole Truth in the face of the Big Lie... as at the time of the American
Revolution when only about 1-3% of the colonists were involved with the fighting.
The rest were just trying to survive the encroaching tyranny.
Likewise today, about 1-3% of global Netizens have a sphere of influence with
the 20% who do 80% of enlightened networking in social media networks. These
cultural creatives, opinion leaders and spiritual activists all contribute to
social conscience in our local and global social networks
“Conscience is the most sacred of
all property.”
Enlightened Conscience – like Common Sense – may yet be uncommon, but as we move
from Great Awakening to Great Enlightenment in the
Aquarian Quantum Age,
a very few who attain a high frequency
"One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of
The Challenge
– at a high level of psyche-spiritual service – is to rise above the
divisive dialectic that amplifies fear and subservience to victim dictum and
'S.I.N.' (Stuck In Negativity).
The Opportunity
- for Great Enlightenment
or Revelations –
is virtually the ‘2nd Coming’ of
Christ-like loving kindness in the collective Conscience of Aquarian
humanity. This High State is the ‘New
of a New Common Sense – a unified field of
Divine Grace as Social Conscience in our ubiquitous social networks.
The Global Crisis has forced us to face our worst fears with faith in the
Aquarian High State that will naturally neutralize the dystopian Deep State.
It is a high standard of
This is the natural trajectory of ‘Aquarian
as the morphic field of Earth energies adjust to the ‘Quantum
Field of Aquarius'.
In the meantime, the ‘battle of light and darkness’ (High State versus Deep
State) is reaching a climax in the hearts and minds of mankind striving to
just live as 'kind men' (including woman) - in an upside-down bizarre world gone mad with evil
called ‘good’ and truth demonized and censored. "None are so hopelessly
This is the archetypal challenge - creative tension - between polarized
powers of 'The Force' (Source
Field), on a scale from
Enlightened Grace
'DUH' (Dense, Unconscious
& Heartless).
That's the full range from
Christic kindness
to retro
'FUD' (Fear, Uncertainty
& Doubt).
At the top of that scale you've got the
unlimited Power of Love with non-attachment to worldly desire -
And at the bottom of that scale is
insatiable desire, materialism, and love of
So at a high level of understanding, you can see how full-spectrum
enlightenment is an uplifting experience - the ascension dance from 3D => 5D
- whereby pleasure-pain, loss-gain, fame and shame are all the same test
that's best for upward-mobile conscious evolution.
At a deeper level, the existential world crisis is a disconnect from the
ordained power of love as checks and balances the inordinate love of power.
"Where love rules, there is no will to power.
inordinate corporate 'love
of power'
(3D divisive dialectic),
has always inverted and subverted the
ordained non-corporeal 'power
of love' (5D wholeness and healing)…
and we are dealing with the same old challenge to sovereignty today via
corporate power without Constitutional principle of, by and for global
"All power tends to corrupt and absolute power
Those who were paying attention may have noticed how Google emassed immense
Internet power and then changed their slogan from 'DO NO EVIL' to providing
the technocratic infrastructure for the censorship-industrial complex.
Classic 'bait and switch'.
The 'elephant' in the room.
Info-tyranny undermines ALL our social institutions.
Some call this the “Final Battle” of light and darkness, good and evil,
utopia or oblivion. Apocalyptic absolutist hyerbole fits the polarized tenor
of the times. But at a higher level, the black and white duality shifts into
a complimentary polarity with a full range of grey tones in between.
"Enlighten the people generally,
and tyranny and
It is inordinate fear - perpetrated by the Deep State - that is their primary psy-op and tyranny tactic. But it's losing traction. People
are wising up. You can only cry "WOLF!" so many times.
The Deep State is disintegrating. Their time is short - and they know it.
two-faced, fork-tongued snakes want everyone as fearful and miserable as
they are… so we’re not out of the woods yet folks.
Realize that the most powerful special interests in
It’s called ‘5th Generation Warfare’ which is not
Saint Germain’s fiery discourse
Please care to share with others who can
Sept 6, 2023 /
Thrivetime Show
Doctor Rashid Buttar, Attorney Todd Callender, Karen Kingston, and
Retired Air Force Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney explain how
5G and hydrogel - plus nanotechnology in mRNA shots - are planned
for use to activate pathogens, as documented in patent descriptions.
WARNING – Disturbing to victim dictum.
5 minute Reality Report
Sept 8, 2023 / Reese Report
Many have forgotten, and it's time to wake up
preempt another false flag tyranny psy-op.
– where a large segment of the population
turns against the Woke ideology –
is gaining momentum."
Robert Malone
Sept 5, 2023 / Sasha Stone
The song, Rich Men North of Richmond, has now wracked up 57
million views on YouTube in just a few short weeks. It could be a
about the fires in Maui or the train derailment in East Palestine.
It could be for a
father whose parental rights have been terminated
because he loves his
daughter, who now insists that she’s his son.
DUH... Who
would do that...
after what we now know :)
psychopaths behind this pharmacidal
have a
'eugenics' (population reduction) agenda.
a profoundly sick society.”
~ Krishnamurti
Aquarian Destiny
Conscious Evolution Revolution Revelations.
~ Constitution’s chief architect, James Madison
– as in
– can ‘hold the balance’ (raise the standard of Conscience) – for masses who are
just beginning to wise up and rise up - ascending - with a higher standard of
living as thrives with a higher standard of
Conscientious Common Sense...
Effective Sensory Perception... Holy Spirit
pure love and reverence for all of life will counter-
balance the negativity of 750,000
who calibrate at lower weakening
~ from the decade-long research with millions of tests
utilizing behavioral kinesiology, as documented
The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior
by Dr. David R. Hawkins , M.D., PhD in Psychology
that leads to the
Aquarian Great Enlightenment
with the Holy Spirit Grace of
as those who falsely believe they are free.
The truth has been kept from the depth of their minds
by masters who rule them with lies.
They feed them on falsehoods
till wrong looks like right in their eyes."
- Johann Goethe
And where power predominates,
there love is lacking.
The one is the shadow of the other."
~ Father of Modern Psychology,
Carl Gustav Jung
corrupts absolutely."
~ Lord Acton
the Google News
Initiative (GNI)
August 15,
2023 / needtoknow.news / Expose'
Google has partnered with the United
Nations, World Health
Organization and others in a new
global censorship tool that
was introduced last Monday, according to
LaToya Drake,
head of Google News Lab.
Sept 6, 2023 / Health
Ranger Report
The government-corporate collusion that
Freedom of Speech by creating the
infrastructure for
the corporatocracy's censorship-industrial
mainstreaming dysfunctional dystopian deception.
The Organization Behind the
Vast Majority
of Censorship On All Social Media
Sept 6, 2023 / Mark Dice / short VIDEO
For those
not familiar with the ‘ADL’ (Political
this video explains who they are
and how they compel
censorship of free speech to fit their political agenda
to intimidate and disarm opposition to their control via
Tech Giants like Google.
Elon Musk threatens to file defamation case
against Anti-Defamation League...
Sept 12, 2023 / naturalnews.com
...for waging advertiser boycotts against X (Twitter).
Or as this veteran war correspondent has observed:
oppressions of body and mind will vanish
like evil spirits
at the dawn of
~ Thomas
Jefferson, 1816
"The propagandist's mask
depicts one thing while behind the mask is another. The smiling urgent face
of Dr. Anthony Fauci informing us that the Covid inoculations are safe and
effective and necessary to prevent death is the hypocritical mask of the
propagandist: the real Anthony Fauci knew differently, just as the real
Fauci well understood that there was no actual science behind the mandates
for masks, distancing, lockdowns and mass inoculation." ~ from
Propaganda's Mask by Dr.
Emanuel Garcia
the pharmacidal world have a vested interest
in keeping common sense uncommon
while they decimate civilization so
they can capitalize on chaos
“build back better”.
waged by guerillas on a physical battlefield,
but in the hearts and minds of the
is identifying the Power Elite disconnect
from Common Sense as ‘Best for All’.
The other half is identification with
First Principles
of Sovereignty
for ALL of ‘US’ as United
Sovereigns of Earth.
Aquarian First Principles of and for
Full Spectrum
Pure geometry thoughtforms as
Geometric Ordered
(G.O.D.~ Constitution)
with universal 'Light
for Effective Sensory Perception
via interactive TeLeCommunion:
TeLeComm for TeLeCommunity,
TeLeConscience, TeLeCare and
next TeLeCommerce economy.
(wait for it - he works up to it)
on the
Great Cosmic
and empowerment of Holy
to resolve Deep State dis-ease
with High State divine alchemy:
Sept 3, 2023 /
Beloved Saint
Germain emanates the frequency of
the Aquarian Age to
all that is in one's
heart, mind and soul... infusing
the quantum field of
being with the harmony, beauty
and grace of Divine
Presence. This supernal action of
the 'High State' is
for ending of the Deep State and
planetary conflict.
Thanks to all who support this publication
by supporting their holistic health with the
most advanced biotechnology for
rejuvination and healthy life extension.
~ Christopher
Advanced bioenergy modalities
for optimal holistic health
subscribe at:
and read the new chapters from
The Aquarian Book of Cosmic