InSight and OutLook for UnderStanding the OverView:
A Primer on Cosmic
We shape our environment, our institutions and our social contracts… and then they naturally shape us. That should be common sense. Whether you call it the law of “action-reaction” (physics), “stimulus-response” (biology) or that we “reap what we sow” (theology), what goes around comes around with accountability to “universal” (cosmic) law. This higher sense of our common sense is the mature destiny of America and the Family of Man in our instant-everywhere-interactive "global village". The new Net reality of our ALL-connected relationship encourages a higher conscience of a Higher Power aligned with natural-universal law. The world as a global village is at an adolescent stage. It's not a child anymore - the Internet peaked in its growth rate a decade ago. But it's not a mature "adult" yet either. The “global mind” of this adolescent world was first created by the “hardware phase" (IBM) of the computer/Internet revolution. As this “baby” grew up, the "software phase" (Microsoft) gave us legs to stand alone with our own “mainframes” in a desk-top computer. As the “netware” (Internet) phase of this revolution grew up, the computer became the network of computers; our individual “brain cells” began to mature in synaptic relationships. It's not coincidence that so many young adults find adolescent social networks like Facebook so attractive. Now these adolescent social networks are beginning the “Fourth Wave” in the computer/Internet revolution. The network is becoming conscious of itself with an instant analysis "e-valuation" capability that -- like biofeedback -- compels self-correction of previously unconscious patterns of believing, thinking, feeling and acting. This spiritual~mental~emotional~physical "soul matrix" -- individually and collectively -- naturally matures as we become conscious of HOW we are conscious. What does an adolescent soul do when becoming aware that supposedly mature adults are dimwits regarding 9-11 truth, the suppression of free energy technologies, the denial of holistic healing modalities and the systemic corruption of representative government due to lack of self-governing honor for self-correction when wrong?
When a soul that is is honestly mistaken hears the truth, This is the challenge facing the common sense of mature souls in our New World of instant-everywhere-interactive connection whereby all "local" issues are now global. The poor in spirit -- immature souls -- just won't "get it". Mature souls take full responsibility for our all-connected Net reality. Like so many adolescents, our new Net reality is struggling to find its own identity with a whole new world of opportunity. Growing up is indeed a struggle when we have an immature frame of reference for full-blown maturity. Being "self-conscious" has a negative connotation when one's experience with "global consciousness" is limited and one's wisdom in self-knowledge is lacking. How can this adolescent Internet grow up when so many adults prefer cherished illusions that are truth-challenged? Consider this quote by one of the leading "truth-telling" 9-11 whistleblowers:
In asserting its own mature identity, the adolescent Internet is growing up by questioning the "BS" (Belief System) at the foundation of our social networks. It is the young-in-heart who more readily embrace the Next Big Wave in the computer/Internet revolution as a "whole brain" interface with a heart -- call it "heartware" . We're moving from "the computer is the network" to "the network is conscious with a heart". Mature wisdom knows that we must have higher consciousness than the heart-challenged dimwits who created the corruption in our core institutions. Obviously, it is one thing to have access to discomforting truth and quite another thing to exercise mature wisdom. You can lead an adolescent to water – or wisdom -- but you can't make 'em drink. The light of universal LOVE shineth in the darkness, but the darkness comprehendeth it not. The best
that mature souls can do for the adolescent mind is to provide an environment
whereby mature wisdom can thrive. Indeed, the best way to nurture the nature of
soul maturity is an environment -- environmental
processes -- whereby "enlightened" (universal)
In other words,
the higher the concept of "Cosmic
Or as the
author of our Independence said, The Creation of "All That Is" speaks a universal language in frequency and form. To the extent that we understand that language of "light" according to the laws of universal LOVE -- and speak it fluently - we are Co-Creators in the image and likeness (kindness) of the Creator. To that extent, we culture the global Net reality of kind men among man kind. Throughout
cosmic history, it has been the natural order of universal
All ancient and modern "maps of consciousness" are in fact holographic with repeating multidimensional archetypes (Jung) that reflect universal meaning in myths, religions, language, culture and the governing science of upward-mobile human evolution. The laws of the universe are written holographically in our inward parts with each part reflecting the holographic whole in the face, hands feet, eyes, and energetic pathways of the body... as practiced via reflexology, iridology, Oriental face diagnosis, acupuncture, auric field analysis, etc. All of nature is indeed organized around universal~holographic genesis principles with a combination of three different energy fields on an atomic level that reflects the holographic microcosm in the macrocosmic universe:
(dynamic) energy fields as symbolized by the
(magnetic) energy fields as depicted by the
and "radiant" energy fields as "geometrized" by the
Their holographic combination and integration via the
This framing
of universal laws governing energy fields and "field within fields" can be
understood in an early version of the LOVE Model:
See the 1973 version. These integrated holographic first principles of
The only limit
to the brain's ability to process and learn new information is
Universal love
of the Constitution -- at its quintessential heart -- is what global
Netizens conceive, believe and achieve as the conscientious common sense
that empowers holistic healing of our consciousness, BEING and world via
Victor Hugo
once said that,
"More powerful than standing armies is an idea that has found its time."
LOVE has always been the best antidote for warring in the members
of oneself or civilization at large. Indeed we are all connected as never
and to the extent that connection is centered with decentralized interactive
to that extent will mankind evolve as kind men towards a golden age on Earth.
As the global
instant-everywhere-interactive Internet utilizes the power of
- the interactive interface heart of the Family of Mankind in our global
village -
we naturally harmonize and heal the divisions and dis-ease of old paradigms
that poorly serve the purpose of Earth as a platform for
of souls.
The higher the
natural law concept of global
Common Sense
in terms
the great benefit of
LOVE-centric sovereignty for global Netizens,
the more that the first principles of "holism" will naturally
define, refine, "combine" (synergize) and shine
practical results of enlightened
Net reality
in terms of Freedom and Opportunity
of, by and for ALL mankind.
With Cosmic Love as
the rule,
(We must BE the change we want to see in the world.)
Everyone is created equally in the "inner sense"
(innocence) of their
Creation by the grace of a Higher Power of Loving kindness…
or they wouldn't have the great opportunity that life gives us.
The world on the outer thus reflects this world on the inner.
We shape our relationship with Higher Power on the Inner
and that relationship with our Higher "Real Self"
is reflected in loving relationships on the outer.
The one Creator "God" (divine love) does that.
This is the gold standard of the golden rule/law
that cultures civility in local/global civilization.
And when our environment on the outer reflects
the wholEness trinity of Cosmic Love on the
there is naturally a synergy
of common meaning
and value that heals the lack of
common sense.
It isn't rocket science.
Always has.
Always will.
"When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and
love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time
they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall -- think of it, ALWAYS."
~ “Mahatma” (Great Soul) Gandhi
thy self and
heal thy self
for a healthy self…
is to experience the same PROCESS of self discovery
and self mastery whereby -centric
recreates, regenerates and "re-minds" (cultures) our
of, by & for Cosmic