Something's Coming - Big Testing For All Souls
Emerging Blueprint for a
Golden Age Series
Related articles:
Testing, Testing"
and "Urgent Alert"
Updated for
the 11-11-11 "time shift"
(end of time as we have known it)
Christopher Rudy,
BBS Radio Host of
Cosmic LOVE
Life is a precious thing. In a flash it's here and then gone... and then we have a relative eternity (plenty of time) to sort out what, in God's name, we did.☺
Sometime's we need a "quickie life review" -- what the highlights have been; the great life lessons of the spirit that matters in Earth's dense octave of incarnation.
A good life review has the attitude of gratitude for how much we have truly loved our partners, family and extended Family of Man in our global village.
Better to do it now -- while we've got the chance -- than to face our screw-ups in the heaven or hell we go to. Isn't that the first law of accountability... that we "go to" where we're "coming from"? But I digress.
A good life review will also be mindful of what needs to be said as soon as possible; what to say that was left unsaid, and what we must do when we have the heart to do it.
So I thought I'd tell all, best I can, that's on my heart.
The links in this post have many new and updated links -- a virtual "book"
in it's own right, with
far more information than you probably want. Over the years, I've put a huge
amount of time and effort into archiving background information to provide
context for what is now apparent with urgent finality. Feel free to print hard
copies or otherwise save any information while the website servers are still up.
We've come a long way since U.S. Founders declared their Declaration of Independence from the power trips of the power elite in their day. The only difference now is that this power struggle is a GLOBAL issue. There's no time or space in our instant-everywhere-interactive Internet connection. Net reality has a wholly new meaning for the Family of Man in our global village. Every Netizen in every country is awakening to the full implications of Net Freedom. Either we use it or we lose it.
What we are indeed
witnessing is the final "Judgement" (synchronicity
Conscience) on the
2011 timeline; a big shift
time as we have known it --
brain dominance that tries to maintain 3-D habits from the past into the future.
This big shift is towards n
time, a right brain~
spherical Conscience.
This is a the big shift from the Letter of the Law (3D
space frame) to the Spirit of
at heart (4D in time) on the way to
5-D Conscience.
This is the natural evolution of our Net reality FROM "the computer is the network of information"... TO "the network is conscious with a heart".
Read that link at and think about it;
how an upgrade of core Constitutional freedoms at the heart of our social
will reboot our social
Conscience for healing of our systemic social problems
"the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. so help me God"!
Those who get their news from good sources on the Internet know how serious are
the portents of economic collapse, WWIII and Martial law. If you read my
recently updated article on "2010-2011 Overview", you know that the REAL
challenge facing the Obama Administration is civil society that not only upholds
core Constitutional freedoms, but also, the best use of our spiritual and
physical resources to serve the life support systems for Earth's evolutions.
That's a high calling, like healing the sick disease care system that we call
'health care' and the pathologically offensive war-profiteering industry we call
'defense'. Until we take the profit out of disease and war, public service will
increasingly be privatized by corporate interests run by corporate law that puts
stockholders before the public whenever profits are at stake.
But that probably won't happen if there's not a "do-or-die" ultimatum
for a systemic rEVOLUTION in higher
Conscience. That
ultimatum is now before you - the 2011 handwriting is
on the wall.
I want to believe that a miracle will save America from the self-serving
corruption of those in government who have vowed to serve the public. How
can there be "national security" if there's no civil defense security for the
public? The government has hundreds of underground
cities that have been prepared the last 20 years since
Planet X was
discovered. Have they secretly prepared them for the public? Ya
The "enemy" isn't overseas. It's right here at home. And that enemy
prefers "DUH & FUD" for the public -- Dummies Unconscious & Heartless
(DUH) with Fear,
Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD). Why? Because our "self-governing" system of government has
become infiltrated by corporate interests with a population control agenda to
maintain monopolized markets for their power to profit with war, disease, and virtually hell
on Earth. Those vested interests for power and control are obviously
contrary to self-governing Constitutional virtues serving the public.
If it is the whole truth that sets us free, it better get wholE, emphasizing the "E", pretty soon. I know too much to be complacent and can't ignore what my survival instincts tell me. It's not just the red lights flashing as I daily put my finger on the pulse of Net reality. What concerns me far more than geopolitical intrigue and treachery is what I have known about "Planet X" for years.
As Planet X does a fly-by in 2011, there will be an accelerated rate of change
and time compression like a woman going into labor. Those with eyes-to-see
KNOW that Earth changes have been accelerating with a dramatic increase in the
frequency and intensity of storms, earthquakes and volcanism. But we
haven't seen anything yet - compared to what's
coming in 2011.
If you can understand why the truth of 9-11 is suppressed, I'm sure you can
appreciate why the subject of Planet X is unspeakable in the mainstream media.
Indeed, it is reasonable to assume -- since the power elite have long known the
implications of
Planet X's arrival -- that the real intent of the 9-11 orchestrated "terror war" has been a cover for stripping the economy
with massive funds going into secret underground cities to prepare for something
that has terrified our leaders "shiftless" -- as in "stuck" in a fear-based
agenda to, at least, save themselves.
No word on civil defense for the public, mind you, but the power elite are
preparing as though there were no tomorrow, literally. Under cover of
"national security" directives, secret "black operations" -- without
Congressional oversight -- have funneled trillions of dollars into hundreds of
Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs)
situated under major cities, US AFBs, US Navy Bases and US Army Bases, as
well as underneath FEMA Military Training Camps and DHS control centers;
the biggest news story that's never been told.
Official policy regarding Planet X truth -- like the cover-up of 9-11 truth in the mainstream media -- is that the coming threat warrants a news black-out for the "Continuation Of Government" (COG) by preventing panic. Few in the general public are aware why the economy and government has been hijacked for short-term reasons of government preparations that require the public's lock-step, fear-based subservience. The endless threat of terror, war, and economic collapse all serves this purpose of a "siege mentality" (fear matrix), that surrenders sovereignty for co-dependent subservience to "MAD" policies (Mutually Assured Destruction)... at least for the public at large.
Everyone wants to believe that our governments have the best interests of the public in mind. Some even believe that the suspension of our core freedoms is a necessary step to maintain law and order. But all "BS" (Belief System) aside, reality will not budge. Our lives mean little if they aren't prepared for what is coming. This requires a big paradigm shift from cherished illusions and willful ignorance.
Global Warming, of course, is the great hoax -- a "limited hangout" in
propaganda parlance -- that says nothing about the massive changes in the
atmospheres, volcanism and pole shifts going on with other planets in our solar
system. To say that the accelerated increase in the frequency and intensity of
storms, earthquakes and volcanism on Earth the last decade is caused by carbon
emissions behind
"Global Warming" is ludicrous. Something else is dramatically affecting our entire solar system.
Planet X is inbound whether you know it or believe it or not. Severe Earth changes are
coming. Pure intent in fervent prayer quickens discernment. The test for
all souls goes way beyond just physical survival.
If you know the history of Planet X, you know that it has periodically
re-aligned the Earths axis, at times in perfect alignment with the cosmic
order. Read
Time Shift to discover how calendar systems worldwide reflected a perfect
alignment of the Earth axis about 3,000 years ago.
When things are out of alignment,
they get a cosmic reboot:
"The end of time as we have known it".
Preparedness for such an event is just unthinkable for most
people. Believe me, I've heard it from the nearest and dearest family and
friends over three decades of work with preparedness supplies. No one wants to
live like those "survivalists" in "holes in the ground". Many people would
rather die than live like that. That choice is fast approaching. If you give
this subject due diligence, you know how serious this is.
In my youth, I became an Eagle Scout with "Be Prepared" etched into my formative
brain. Back in the 70's I helped supply Mormon Church members with two years of
food reserves, considered by them as a religious tenet of faith. In the 80's I
began supplying holistic medical supplies to families and survival communities.
In the 90's I helped supply survival communities with both food, water
filtration and medical supplies. During Y2K, I did this for hundreds of
families nationwide. Now we're facing a far more serious event that requires a
far more "sensitive" approach.
If or when Martial law happens, food reserves will be outlawed and confiscated.
The laws are on the books. I have no intention of going high profile
telling this unspeakable truth that needs to be told. If you want
information, contact me as a consultant. Or just pray and prepare,
spiritually above all. Pray fervently that our government leaders will
simply serve the purpose that all servant leaders vow to serve. Pray that the
Spirit that matters is the discernment to know what to do. Heaven knows that a Higher
Conscience is percolating on the 11-11-2011 timeline.
The long elliptical orbit of Planet X back into Earth proximity is a natural
event in Earth’s evolutionary sojourn. What goes around comes around. Ancient
civilizations like the Mayans had an extremely accurate calendar system in synch
with long-term cosmic cycles, and they referred specifically to
the real end date as the end of time as we know it.
In other words, a natural realignment of the
magnetic poles of Earth,
and a stabilization of the electromagnetic morphegenic grids of Earth,
may change the seasons and time as we know it...
These are interesting times. In the cosmic scheme of soul testing, it doesn't
get any better than this. The light of the soul supersedes the life of the
body, yet as long as one has a body -- and alive in spirit -- you have far more
opportunity for soul growth than in spirit realms where we take the light of
spirit for granted. Heaven knows we all chose to be in embodiment at this time.
For every soul, this is the "test that's best".
"I love the
man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress,
and grow brave by reflection."
~ Thomas Paine
Personally -- when I'm centered in philosophic calm -- I look forward to a "new heaven and and new Earth" that reboots the blueprint for Golden Age Conscience. What we feed our DNA and consciousness, which are inextricably related, should take priority. Not only the perfect cell food for genetic health, but also those thoughtforms and processes empowering conscious evolution that best serves your soul growth and the ascent of humanity.
First things first. Prepare for come-what-may now.
Each to their own soul contracts and free-will choices.
As it was in the
beginning is now and ever shall be.
Opportunity without end for the pure
in heart.
All Ways Victory When We
~ Christopher