2021 Aquarian Spring Prelude Series
Aquarian Crisis – The Resolution
A Cosmic 5-5-2021 Perspective
by the Host of Cosmic
Beyond Divisive Dissonance
On the Worldwide Stage…
All the Drama Is For Our
Resolution of the Crisis.
This is the time foreordained when
Earth goes through quantum rebirth
in the deep space field of Aquarius.
The 'graduation' of global
- in the cosmic scheme of things -
is to gradually wake up, wise up and
rise up as the Family of Mankind in
a global village of instant-connected
communications community unity
on Earth as in Aquarian 'heaven'.
The core
choice for humanity now is
self government or abject tyranny.
It’s About Ownership & Control:
Honoring Universal 'Rights'
In the Global Public 'Sphere'
Integrating 5D 'Wholness'
Or are we virtually slaves
a ‘planetary simulation’
- a "live exercise" -
to see how the light wins?
(Earth's ordained destiny)
Who will rise and shine to show us
the hero's journey that represents
the return home to a Unified
as the United Sovereigns
of Earth?
issue today is the same as it has been
throughout all history, whether man
shall be allowed to govern himself
be ruled by a small elite."
Thomas Jefferson
Health Tyranny Busted!
Big Picture 'Reset' Debriefing
As our Solar System orbits around the Galaxy, it also orbits across the Galactic Plane twice in its 'Great Year' cycle - the Precession of the Equinox over 25,920 years. The last time this happened was the rise of Atlantis with all its genetic engineering messing with the blueprint of life. And we all know how that turned out. That's the danger we face now with genetic mutating vaccines, as explained in the previous compendium HERE. Will we stop this transhumanist biotech experiment? Or will we perish for our transgression?
As David Wilcock explained Sunday
in his 3 hour
'The Great Pyramid Is An ET Monument', the 'Great Year' happens over a period of 25,920 years. And over 23 prophecies point to NOW as the moment when the cycles of history converge: "And the Earth is reborn".
Cycling into Aquarian 5D
The ‘Big Shift’ and Great Awakening have been long-prophesied and outright self-evident in the accelerated rate of change and exponential increase of conscious evolution, at least for many of us. SO WRAP YOUR HEAD AROUND THIS!Full disclosure of the Space Force – the new 5th branch of the military – will reveal the secret military Stargate Project that has brought back extremely advanced technologies from all over the galaxy… including the ‘MedBeds’ that heal virtually all disease.
The public has yet to have access to these MedBeds because it is
‘disruptive’ technology. It disrupts the profit and power of the
pharmacidal Deep State collusion of Big Pharma with Big Media, Big Banks
and captured Big Gov’t agencies.
It’s the same problem for Big Oil. Free energy
technology used to power existing not-so-secret space ships would make
Big Oil virtually obsolete.
From their infamous robber baron origins, both
Big Oil and Big Pharma were Rockefeller creations. And the Rockefellers
were not only co-founders of the Big Bank (Fed), they bought out
controlling interest in Big Media (ABC, CBS, NBC, etc) in the 1970’s.
Together, they are attempting to rule the world while
19,916 'eye disorders' -
including blindness -
following COVID vaccine reported in Europe May 1, 2021 / LifeSiteNews.com
In just a few months, the World
Health Organization received nearly
20,000 reports of new eye disorders that occurred post
covid-19 vaccination. These reports include 303 blindness
cases and 1,625 cases of visual impairment. The European
drug monitoring agency had never recorded such a severe
spike in eye injuries until after the experimental vaccines
were launched.
Skip the first hour for the shocking summation The prestigious Salk Institute, founded by vaccine pioneer Jonas Salk, has authored and published a bombshell scientific article revealing that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is what's actually causing vascular damage in covid patients and covid vaccine recipients, promoting the strokes, heart attacks, migraines, blood clots and other harmful reactions that have already killed hundreds of thousands of Americans. These experimental gene therapies deliberately inject you with the spike protein, and in the case of the mRNA jab, they turn your body into a weaponized spike protein factory that churns out these deadly particles and floods them into your bloodstream. The Salk Institute basically just admitted that covid vaccines are depopulation weapons. This is a vaccine holocaust – an atrocity againsthumanity that is committing deadly experiments harming our health. It’s even more insidious than the Nazi holocaust against Jews because the shot in the arm that kills or harms so many of us is sold to us as safe for our health and security while enriching the pharmacidal 4th Reich with drugs then prescribed under global quarantine, claiming Emergency Powers (more Martial Law) for treatment of global plague that they created. Quite a self-serving nefarious 'business plan'!
So we have Big Pharma giants and Big Media cronies running the show, pulling the strings of paid-off agents of Rocky or his bankster buddies.
with Catherine Austin Fitts: This is a
Slave System Orchestrated by Central Banks. May 3, 2021 / Bitchute - David Knight Show Catherine Austin Fitts, Solari.com, joins us to explain who's behind the global lockdown? What's the plan? How do we turn this crisis around for its resolution?
These sociopathic
eugenics proponents want ![]() Search 'Georgia Guidestones' for more on this. "The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants." ~ Albert Camus
But Mother Earth has an Aquarian Agenda. She
needs some rest and recuperation. Cosmic Aquarian
Aquarian Co-Creation is rising. With 5D frequencies surging, they are purging lockstep, left-brain, linear, letter-of-the-law command-and-control psychopathy.
And disruption of corruption can
naturally cause
Military tribunals are purging U.S. psychopaths:
Joint Chiefs of Staff Overthrown 5-5-2021 / RealRawNews.com Verified via multiple credible sources
THIS BIG DRAMA is playing out with the
2020s Aquarian Spring. It
may take this decade
for things to stabilize.
Keep in mind that
humanity’s destiny is to become a spacefaring people, and join the
Galactic Federation of Sovereign Planets.
That could happen by '2030'.
That’s a coded 'five'… like today is a coded
5-5-5 (5-5-2021). 5 is 'completion' - the 5 pointed star - the 5D tetrahedron (water molecule)... the 'middle way' on the 1-10 scale... the '5th Principle' (CAPstone) as the 'Creative Ascent Process'... and the social media 'magic of 5D mediation' (heartware) for collective consent by way of individual sovereignty.
5D models for ‘wisdom of the crowd’ – 'TLC' upgrade of our
Five Core Internet Freedoms
– will prepare Earth for rebirth of
‘US’ as United Sovereigns
of Earth.
It’s only when we become peaceful and civilized
as a planet that we can join the Galactic Federation of Sovereign
Planets. Our ET 'space brothers' (non-interfering good guys), will join the party. They've been watching us on their plasma screens in cloaked starships around the planet. They actually have a channel for remote viewing me called, The Cosmic Cowboy, featuring lots of country swing dancing and the emerging blueprint for a global golden age.
As Above, So
Below... This is one of the biggest shows in our sector of the universe right now. An entire planet is 'graduating' to great unity amidst great diversity. Big Drama!
So this is
the time ordained for humanity to
The Great Awakening is a global enlightenment
process that involves and evolves our individual and collective
Conscience with a Capital
C as in E-MC2
where C is the speed of light and
C2 is the
light of
Unity Conscience as we become conscious of HOW we are conscious with the
language of
light-as-consciousness at the interactive heart of a universal interface for real-time,
local-global, mass-to-mass
TeLeComm –
Web 3.0 Heartware
culturing the Common Sense of Universal
How we get there - 'G.O.D.~
The Vision ‘ALONE’ –
how we can be ‘ALL ONE’ with Aquarian
Heartware Project is a good primer on the principles and processes for culturing
conscientious COMMON SENSE – the global rEVOLUTION
of social
Conscience in our ubiquitous social networks.
The organizational
model for culturing the
Lightworkers (Initiates) hold fast to this Vision. Networkers
(Communicants) care to share this Vision with others. And cultural
creatives who excel at this are ADEPTs in the process that is defined
and refined via
So Seize the VISION – Aquarian Ascension;
So there you
have it folks – the drama of the hour. This is a huge challenge with all
the political bickering and unhinged divisiveness plaguing so much of
the world today. This is the extraordinary opportunity we have to upgrade health freedom - and all our core Internet freedoms - for personal and planetary evolutionary ascent HOME to a Unity State as United Sovereigns in a Federation of Sovereign Planets.
Advanced Initiates,
Communicants and
Please support publication of these compendiums