2024 Quantum Quickening Series

Our Future is NOT a Linear Extension of Our Past

5D Shift happens in nonlinear, holistic and healthy ways.

For those who remember a five gear stick shift:)

Consciousness is like your vehicle.
You can't steer it until you
get it in motion.
So get your mojo going,
 and steer in the right direction:)
June 11, 2024 / Heartcom Network

Five ‘Up Shifts’ (Moving Forward)

1- Love of Truth – Truth of ;   
Pure intention for Spirit that matters.

  2- The Gold Standard for Conscience;
       Focused attention on the golden rule.

    3- Synergy in a Co-Creation Trinity;
      Love retention empowering wisdom.

 4- Components to the ‘CAPstone’;
       Conscious ascension in 4 dimensions.

   5- ‘Creative Ascent Process’ (CAP);
      Full Spectrum 5-D Comprehension;
     (Effective Sensory Perception).

With as the rule, rules!

Five ‘Up Shifts’ (Moving Forward)

1- TeLeCommunication ~ Mediation;
Universal Interface for Global TLC;
Build ‘Community’ (Come-in-unity).

2- TeLeCare ~ Holistic Medical Care;
TLC standards for Health Assurance;
  Building Health ~ Preventing Disease.

   3- TeLeCommerce ~ Market Economy;
         Win/Win/Win Synergy in the TLC ‘Trinity’;
        TeLeComm, TeLeCare & TeLeCommerce.

      (Media-Medical-Marketing Megatrend Model)

  Quantum TLC Conneion

 4- TeLeCommunity ~ 4D TLC Management;
      Archetypal Direction ~ 4-Way Self Correction;
governing, educating, healing and
economizing ~ managing
to make the most with
what we have...
'Just in Time' (4D).

5- TeLeConscience ~ 5D TLC Mentoring;    
    Effective Sensory Perception in a meritocracy
     “Conscience is the most sacred of all property.”
 ~ Constitution’s chief architect, James Madison

Ascension Currents are Surging,
Systemic Ignorance is Purging,
TLC is now Emerging,
Prospects are Encouraging.

This 'Currency of Conscience'
for the Next Economy is
dedicated to the
 One Eye...


"To understand the nature of God, it is necessary only to know
the nature of love itself.  To truly know love is to know and 
understand God; and to know God is to understand love."

~ Dr. David R. Hawkins, "
The Eye of the I" (pg. 88)

"One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of 
pure love and reverence for all of life will counterbalance 
the negativity of 750,000 individuals who calibrate at 
the lower weakening levels." 
~ from the decade-long research with millions of tests
utilizing behavioral kinesiology, documented in
 - The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior

by Dr. David R. Hawkins , M.D., PhD in Psychology

Personal Note:

If this were my ‘last’ newsletter
(vacation, expiration, whatever),
I’d want to say with all my heart,

I want the best for you, forever.

  May heart coherent
be with you always.

 May mind congruent
teach you all ways.

And may your LIGHT and
fulfill your Aquarian divine destiny
- '
G.O.D.' Consciousness -
 (Geometric Ordered Divinity),
 on Earth as in Cosmos-at-large.

   Keep in mind the Path of Ascension and
the Kingdom’ of G.O.D.
  whereby we are all sovereign ‘
 - Keys to INternalization of G.O.D. -
and identify with ‘
G.O.D. as
 (gold standard for conscious ascent).

We are one in the Spirit that matters
with our pure intention as focuses
attention with retention of loving
kindness at the heart of TLC
for ascension in dimensions
of 4-5D+ comprehension.

All Ways … Always,

Host of Cosmic Show
(16th year).

Full Spectrum 5D 'TLC'

To   with all your strength, mindheart and soul,
and your all-connected Netizen neighbors as thyself.


Your body is the temple of the living Spirit.
Support your holistic health:

 Advanced holistic modalities
for optimal health

Please care to share with others who can subscribe at:
and read the new chapters from
The Aquarian Book of Cosmic .

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