Where I'm coming from - my history with holistic health

by Christopher Rudy, UltraMedics Director

I've developed three holistic health centers.  Trained in architectural engineering, my first "center" (early 80's) was the archetype of a natural foods storefront coop and eatery that was retail to the public and discounted for members.  The restoration of this building won the City Beatification award.  The first floor was the store and eatery, the 2nd floor was an eating area alongside health and spiritual books, highlighting the Ascended Masters' Teachings.  And the 3rd floor was where spiritual devotees (employees) lived and prayed in a separate sanctuary.  I didn't know what "holistic" really meant when I began that project, but I created an environment with all the best "ingredients" -- physical, mental and spiritual -- and learned a lot.

The second holistic center (later 80's) was in a clinic with three chiropractors -- a father and two sons.  It was here that I practiced "holistically" -- a clinical nutritionist utilizing computer questionnaire diagnostics, an iridology camera, Oriental face diagnosis, EAV point testing (energy field diagnostics), and therapy with colonic irrigation, reflexology, essential oils, and advanced homeopathic and nutritional formulas.

My third holistic center (early 90's) was my own clinic where I worked with a breakthrough energy field diagnostic system -- the first system to computerize the periodic table of quantum biology discovered by Dr. Isaacs at John Hopkins Medical Center.  Dr. Isaacs pioneered the original heart by-pass surgery techniques that he later denounced as a largely unnecessary procedure pushed as a massive cash cow via insurance fraud.  Ostracized by his contemporaries, he pioneered the new paradigm of quantum biology that makes the old paradigm of chemistry-based drug pushing "obsolete" (in principle).  Working with breakthrough homeopathic formulas that were engineered with Kirlian photography for optimal "quantum" (energy field) healing, I got the type of phenomenal results that promised the future of medicine.

What I've learned is that the economics and politics of "disease care" are far more complex than the science of holistic health care... as you know.  I learned the hard way.  The blowback from my high profile style of cutting-edge holism challenged too many "doctors" in the communities where I practiced.  Once word got around that their former patients were saying, "This is the future of medicine", my days were numbered since I hadn't paid my dues as a "real" doctor.  Even though I trained under the leaders in quantum biology in five states over many years, there is no certified recognition or authorization for bioenergetic healing under the FDA policing arm of "monopoly medicine" (Big Pharma). 

Early "retirement" was my choice.  I wanted to write about what I had learned, and the Internet came along as an extraordinary vehicle to tell my story -- a vision for healing the sick health care system.  I've continued to write about "breakthroughs" in this regard.

One of those breakthroughs is with SBO probiotics.  Prescript-Assist is the cutting edge. 

Thought this would interest you -- the full story at Holistic Health News.