The 2012 ‘ElectroMagnetic' (EM) Shift
by Christos Lightweaver, updated 10-1-2012
articles to understand the 'Big Shift':
Big ElectroMagnetic (EM) change on our little planet in Universe has a profound effect on our consciousness and world-at-large. The rate of global change is accelerating in accordance with cosmic cycles and a ‘cosmic plan’ that will not budge.
A ‘new time’ is quickening, all in the count-down from the June 20th
Solstice, NASA recently shut down the satellite showing the distortions in the magnetic field of Earth. Some speculate that anomalies in the magnetic field are giving the public too much indication of an imminent ‘EM Reversal’ of Earth’s magnetic poles.
The flux in the EM fields around Earth is being amplified by Solar Flares” (Coronal Mass Ejections). There are also the strong EM fields of the Planet X complex in the mix of this ‘quantum soup’. And perhaps the strongest ‘accelerant’ of ‘cosmic fire’ in this mix is the 2012 surge in the quantum Source Field itself.
it true that we could have an EM Pole Shift in 2012? Ever hear of the ‘3 days of darkness’ that numerous prophecies reference? If there is an EM pole shift of the Earth, the Earth could ‘reboot’ with a new 'spin on things' – a 3 day process whereby the sun wouldn’t shine on half of the Earth. Deep drilling core samples of the Earth have shown that magnetic reversals in Earth’s EM field has occurred numerous times in Earth’s history. There’s plenty of science on this subject to indicate this is about to occur again… in 2012.
so, the EM fields in the brain will The prophesied 3 days of darkness may actually be a black out of consciousness as the Earth's (and brain's) EM field reboots. A reboot of the brains EM fields may involve a dimensional shift whereby our perceptions see beyond the veil of 3-D perception as we have known it. This could be a spiritual experience of death and rebirth for global humanity, and even the Second Coming in the hearts and minds of some. Or perhaps, the second death for others. Each to their own 'judgment' for their 'co-Creation' or 'miscreations'.
you don’t have a habit of pure intention and focused attention on
This is a time to see the opportunity with every problem
With the current surge in the Source Field, approximately 90% of our
This is why 'spiritual work' is so important at this
more 'spiritual' understanding in good
‘Final Judgment’ may thus be understood as
is a 'co-Creator' in the world as they perceive it.
In the
larger scheme of soul evolution, we all go to where
we’re coming from.
we are what we perceive, having become, through habit, what we
The conscious evolutionary ascent of
So hold
on to your hats folks. The rate of change will accelerate through
the end of 2012,
Keep in
mind that the more simple yet profound is
For those who have been given much - Spirit that matters
- more will be
change but some standards are truly universal.
You Appreciate, Appreciates...
understand the nature of God, it is necessary only to know
IN SUMMARY: The Make Your Time Count, ~ Christos
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“Our minds will unite like the
fragments of a hologram.”
"This is a test to see if your
mission on Earth is over. ###
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