Understanding how it is ALL connected via
Geometrically Ordered Divinity (G.O.D.)
in the fractal-geometrized universe.


Publisher, Heartcom Network



Get the Vision! 
("Eye of God" Nebula)


Obviously, one person's dimensional orientation can be much different from another's, just as any individual can change their dimensional orientation with a variety of spiritual, mental, emotional and physical disciplines.

It is generally accepted that we live in a 3-D spatial world with 4-D adding the dimension of time... and that's as far as the speculation goes for the old paradigm of mechanistic science. But for the new paradigm of quantum science, 3-4 D space-time are mere illusions that keep everything from happening at once.


Consider a relatively simple graphical explanation (video) on how to conceptualize ten dimensions.  This is one of the best 10 dimensional presentations I've seen:

Basically, the first three dimensions define 3-D space while the 4th dimension is time. The 5th Dimension corresponds to one's processes of consciousness; individual choices. The 6th-10th Dimension represents that same process regarding our collective choices. In other words, the choices that each one of us makes resonates in higher dimensions that correspond to a 'Unity Conscience' that represents the collective Unified Field.

So 5-D in one's holographic brain field is like an Effective Sensory Perception 'portal' to collective intelligence in The Field of multidimensional universe-at-large.


Modern science has finally come to realize that at least 90% of the brain, that we supposedly never use, actually corresponds to the role of 90% of our DNA that was once called "junk DNA", but is now understood as a communications interface between our physical brain and the quantum 'Source Field'.

As the veil of separation thins with Aquarian surge in the Source Field, the sense of separation between the DNA/brain connection on the "inner" - and the nonlinear DNA/universe connection on the "outer" - is transcended via Effective Sensory Perception of a 5D nature. 

An approximate analogy is how the instant, everywhere, interactive Internet has eliminated time and space like the neural-networking of computer "brain cells" worldwide.  The next phase of the computer/Internet rEVOLUTION will likewise provide a universal interface standard for mass-to-massTeLeComm for the Aquarian purpose of connecting our hearts, minds and Conscience.

Global Net reality is thus utilizing the virtually untapped spirit fire of Cosmic  to inspire the natural order of the universe, framing global TeLeComm processes in the way that emphasized TLC as Cultural DNA for nurturing social Conscience in our social networks.

"Man can harness the winds, the waves and the tides,
 but when he can harness the
 power of love,
then for the second time in the history of the world,
 man will have discovered fire."

 ~ Teihard de Chardin

It is the destiny of Earth's evolutions to go through this
purification by fire... to rediscover fire once again
with a personal and planetary rEVOLUTION in

conscientious common sense

It is the divine destiny of Earth to heal the imbalances in all dimensions from dense to light, and from the infra-red end of the color spectrum to the ultra-violet end of the spectrum. Balance in those dimensions leads to depth of field in space (3D) and time (4-D) which naturally leads to '5-D' of a common sense 'Unity Conscience' nature.

It is the natural-universal 'language of light' (light language) that
 frames the 3-D 'cosmic cube' which qualifies "real time" (4-D)
   as is interactive (moment-to-moment) with "e-valuation criteria"
 (light language as 'cyberEthics') as will naturally involve/evolve
 or otherwise
culture "more light" (Conscience).

The higher one's perceptual grasp of the accelerating transformational dynamics with 2023 Mainstream Awakening, the greater will be one's conscious evolutionary ascent in harmony with divine order. Higher consciousness is attained naturally via conscientious CHOICES... to believe, think, feel and do what serves the purpose and the plan of self-correcting, self-governing Conscience.

We shape our Conscience... and then our Conscience shapes us.

The Constitution of Conscience is the heart and soul of
the Constitution for the United Sovereigns of Earth.

We are what we believe, having become what we believed;
We are what we think, having become what we thought;
We are what we feel, having become what we felt;
We are what we do, having become what we did.


Perhaps the best layman's book ever written on this subject of dimensional consciousness is "POWER VS. FORCE" (1995) by David. R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D..   Dr. Hawkins has utilized applied kinesiology with hundred of experts in this science to validate an objective scale of measurement for ten dimensions of consciousness that represent all humanity. 

On a scale of one-to-ten...
 Earth's human evolutions are the full color spectrum of intelligence with a "brightness" dimension ranging from dim wit to enlightened and a "depth" dimension ranging from any one picture of any reality at any one time to the big picture of our divine destiny in the image of divine order.
(See: The Language of Light as Universal Law)

A more advanced book on this subject of multi-dimensional metaphysics is the recent work "ALCHEMY OF NINE DIMENSIONS" by Barbara Hand Clow.  This book goes more into the science of synchronicity between terrestrial and celestial changes as we move into the Aquarian Field.

It is now known that the energy field in the brain is a microcosm of the holographic universe that is represented in the graphics above re: the actual structure of neurons and galaxies.

This holographic field of "as above, so below" is virtually the kingdom of heaven within us. It's how the DNA in one part of the body has the blueprint for the whole body. It's how iridology provides an iris map into the health of the whole body. It's how reflexology (foot zones) provide a map that reflexes with the whole body.

This connection with the order of the universe naturally compels a sense of responsibility. To the extent one knows better, the prime directive of free will is good will - to do better. This is how one becomes more conscious of HOW they are conscious; pure intention.

This is pure intention to focus attention for
  conscious ascension in higher dimensions.

What is really amazing, if you think about it, is how these dimensions parallel our individual and collective "processes of consciousness" (light language) that ultimately governs the quantum field of  "Effective Sensory Perception" (ESP) in the holographic field of consciousness.  Not only between our ears, but also, the collective Morphegenic fields of consciousness shaping our "Net realty".

This is the natural evolution of the computer/Internet revolution and evolution of social conscience in our social networks.  You can see this in the evolving early emphasis on hardware (IBM), to the later emphasis on software (Microsoft), to the 1990's breakthrough with Internet netware (Netscape) and now to the emerging awareness of heartware (web 3.0 cyberethics) that will finish globally what core Constitutional freedoms began in the collective conscience of all of "US" (United Sovereigns).

See how that works at:
'The Vision'.

The neural-networking of global Net reality has evolved the computer/Internet revolution to the point where a critical mass of humanity is ready and willing to utilize a practical dimensional awareness of those processes of consciousness that will harmonize and heal our social networked conscience... a process of self-governing self-correction for individual/collective self-elevation of a salvation nature.


To better understand the holographic universe in terms of conscience -- how the "kingdom of heaven" (higher conscience) is truly within us -- apply the 10 dimensional explanation above to processes within your brain:


The first dimension corresponds to the relationship between the proactive "upper brain" (crown chakra), and the lower "reptilian brain" (R-complex) of a more reactive fight-or-flight nature.

The second dimension corresponds to the relationship between the left brain's linear "logic" processes, and the more non-linear intuitive processes in the right hemisphere of the brain.

The third dimension corresponds to the relationship between the forebrain with "foresight intelligence", and the rear-brain where hindsight drives into the future with eyes glued to the rear-view mirror.

The fourth dimension puts this 3-D "space-frame" into context from moment-to-moment - REAL time. You might say it is where each moment is a frame of reference for the:

1st dimension - verticle: descent of the "white light" of the infinite and eternal CONSCIENCE (G.O.D~LOVE) into the "prism" (holographic field) of brain consciousness, refracting into the... 

2nd dimension - horizontal: the full spectrum of consciousness ranging from nonlinear intuitive feelings to the structured thought habits that filter conscious processes.

3rd dimension - depth:  the patterning of light and color that forms the perceptual picture of the moment, representing the meaning, purpose and "value" as the first two dimensions convey.

Note that the "e-valuation" criteria for the 4th wave of the computer/Internet revolution (web 3.0), is these three dimensions that correspond to the holographic brain/universe connection.

The "timeline" for REAL time mass-to-mass communication becomes possible with this process, not only in a non-linear way via "heartlink" (biofeedback), but also along more enlightened lines of 3-D heartware for psyche-feedback framed via REAL time 4D interaction moment-to-moment.

The 5th dimension (individually) is thus linked to the higher dimensions (collectively) through this process. The vision alone -- how this process works -- can be the catalyst of a eureka! (AHA!) moment which becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy to the extent that we each and all "make it so".

As Rupert Sheldrake points out in his theory of morphogenetic field resonance, there is a "100th Monkey Effect" that occurs when enough people, drawn together by a shared purpose, create a 'quantum field' of self-fulfilling potential. When that happens, the rest of the world, in varying degrees, will experience an internal shift - a quantum shiftin 5th-10th dimensional consciousness.

This is one of the great paradoxes of emerging higher conscience at this time of Quantum Shift. As we become more "spherically" conscious of our interconnection in a global village, a higher consciousness of universal law language naturally supersedes the paradigm paralysis of lock-step linear letter of the law systems of an obsolete status quo.

The more real CHANGE, the more resistance and resentment of obsolete power structures whose love of power long ago eclipsed the power of love in their behavior.

As we awaken to our divine destiny with higher Conscience as the 10-D Spirit that matters, it's important to take the high ground with comprehensive solutions to the core problem.

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that
 makes the existing model obsolete."
~ Buckminster Fuller

Tools and processes that culture this gold rule law language
for golden age social conscience in global social networks

is the purpose of the Worldwide  Foundation.

 May your enlightenment be sublime
and your radiant networking shine
to put all sinister darkness behind
via Global TeLeComm for mankind.

To  with all your strength, mind, heart and soul...
 and your Netizen neighbor in our global village as thyself.