Time Compression - 'Thinking' with the HEART
as the Rate of Changes Accelerates to

0-POINT 2012

by Christopher Rudy, Founder/CEO
HEARTcom Services

In his book, 'Memories, Dreams, and Reflections', Carl Jung discusses how he acquired an insight into Western man's denial of the Heart when he recounts a conversation he had in 1932 with the Native American Chief Ochwiay Biano (meaning "Mountain Lake") of the Tao Pueblos Indians of
New Mexico.

The chief was quite candid in his perception of the white man's Heart-Mind split: "See.... how cruel the whites look. Their lips are thin, their noses sharp, their faces furrowed and distorted by folds. Their eyes have a staring expression; they are always seeking something. What are they seeking? The whites always want something; they are always uneasy and restless. We do not know what they want. We do not understand them. We think they are mad."

When Jung asks why he thinks they are all mad, the Chief replies, "They say they think with their heads." Jung answers, "Why, of course. What do you think with?" The Chief, indicating his heart, said, "
We think here."

The 2012 PowerShift -
Enlightenment of the Heart

The Moral Imperative for 'Global Village' Civility


'Selective Judgment' for Conscious Up-Rising with
One Common-Universal-Cosmic-Divine
Love of God / 'G.O.D.' of
at the
HEART of the
Holy Spirit of -in-action via:

  1- Mass-to-Mass TeLeComm;
2- Free Universal Self Care;
 3- Global Conscious Ascent.

InSight OverView:

'2012 Holodeck Decoded'

'Ascension Codes for Initiates'

'2012 in the Four Quads of 2012'