2024 Quantum Quickening Series

Those Who Profit from War and Disease are Killing Us!
Economics based on the value of scarcity
creates a scarcity of peace and health.

In an age of unprecedented potential ABUNDANCE,
the elite who create and manage SCARCITY
- for their
profit and power to control us -
epitomize the defect of the prevailing
system of scarcity economics.
April 17, 2024

As the Aquarian Dispensation matures with rise of Divine Feminine energies, an abundance of win/win cooperation will transcend win/lose competition, making scarcity economics increasingly scarce.

Those who monopolize a scarcity of energy, peace, health and happiness have succeeded to the point where gross defects in their mainstream monopolies now obscure the former benefits. For example...


The Military-Industrial Complex is highly vested in endless wars for on-going profits. Banksters thrive on orchestrated alarm - fear of mass dying - to arm both sides of conflict.

Peace is not profitable under the 'value of scarcity' (oxymoron)
of the
self-sabotaging system of scarcity economics.

The best enemy that money can buy!

 As the war economy thrives, peace dies.

"Of all the enemies to public liberty, war is, perhaps,
the most to be dreaded because it comprises
and develops the germ of every other...
No nation could preserve its freedom
in the midst of continual warfare." 
~ James Madison, 4th US President,
   Chief Architect of the Constitution,
April 20, 1795

The bought-off and blackmailed politicians who vote for war,
and the media prestitutes who ramp up war mania,
are guilty of crimes against humanity!

"Gaza is a 21st century genocide broadcast live 24/7
to the whole planet."
~ Article HERE

This in-our-face mass murder is collective JUDGMENT of the quick and the dead... those with a Conscience and those who are insensate, soulless or otherwise 'Stuck In Negativity' (SIN).

The price of atONEment is atonement for '
SIN' by waking up to the Spirit that matters for overcoming the self-destructive insanity of a corrupt and insensate power elite who are ethical infants and acting out the 'shadow' cast by general enlightenment with the Great Awakening.

So it's time for 'shadow work' folks,
bringing light to dark places for
the '
Great Enlightenment'
(not just Awakening).

"If the shadows appear to be getting darker,
it's because the light that casts them
is getting brighter."
~ Daniel Pinchbeck 


The Medical-Industrial Complex is highly vested in endless disease for on-going profits. Banksters and their Big Media minions thrive on public alarm - mass dis-ease and death - to compel 'pharmacide' (mass drugging) for whatever ails you; modern day snake oil.

Holistic health is not profitable under the 'value of scarcity' (oxymoron) of the self-sabotaging system of scarcity economics.

Health Care has been subverted for disease profiteering.
The 'Sickness Care' economy thrives as health dies.

April 14, 2024 / RFK Jr
   Taking aim at BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager,
Robert Kennedy Jr. reveals how mega-corporations profit 
 from the public's sickness on multiple levels. Article HERE.

"The last thing Big Pharma wants is a healthy population.
 Big Pharma needs a sick population for its profitability.
Indeed, Big Pharma creates vaccines and 'medicines'
that make us sicker so we need more medication."   
~ Paul Craig Roberts, April 9th article HERE

When disease profiteering is rampant
and running the show, you will see
Big Government Corporatocracy
doing more to stop distribution
of immunity supplements like
Ivermectin rather than stop
distribution of Fentanyl.  



The Surveillance and Censorship Industrial Complex is highly vested in both war and disease for their profit and power. Faithless fear is the fodder of this 'Insecurity Complex'. Fearless consciousness in the Power of Love is their nemesis. Common sense is only uncommon because powerful special interests have a vested interest in keeping it that way.

Abundant consciousness is not profitable under the 'value of scarcity' (oxymoron) of the self-sabotaging system of scarcity economics.

NSA "Just Days Away From Taking Over The Internet"
Warns Ed Snowden
April 16, 2024 / Zero Hedge
The FISA 702 bill has been described by critics as a
"dramatic and terrifying" expansion of the US
government's surveillance powers...

Eighty-six House Republicans on Friday voted
against an amendment to require a warrant for
surveillance of Americans' communications.

April 12, 2024 / breitbart.com

Hall Of Shame:
Congress Votes For Warrantless Surveillance Of Americans
April 15, 2024 / technocracy.news

Score one for Technocracy. The House of Representatives had a chance to stop warrantless surveillance of American citizens. It failed, in spite of the Fourth Amendment and in the face of 75 percent of Americans who say the Feds should always get a warrant before conducting a search. The tie-breaking vote was cast by Speaker of the House, a 'Republican' (RINO).

URGENT - Small US Businesses to be
Forced to Serve as NSA Spies
(4 minute video)

April 16, 2024 / Reese Report
Call your Senators now - 202-899-8938 - and tell them
to block the "Everyone is a spy" surveillance bill.

Hall Of Shame II:
Thanks To Congress, The NSA Is "Just Days From
Taking Over The Internet"
April 16, 2024 / technocracy.news

Technocrats have bamboozled Congress into turning over the physical infrastructure of the Internet to the NSA. I've long argued that whoever controls the routers, switches, scanners, fiber optic and copper cables, servers, firewalls, and cell towers, etc, will be the ultimate controllers of all data passing through the network. The Senate will vote on April 19th. Call your Senator at this page HERE.

Down with Big Brother: Warrantless Surveillance
Makes a Mockery of the Constitution
April 17, 2024 / The Rutherford Institute
The government long ago sold us out to the highest bidder.
The highest bidder has always been the Deep State.

Moving from Scarcity to Abundance
Synergy in the Trinity of the Three Part
'Creative Ascent Process'

Part One: As Global TeLeComm upgrades personal and
and planetary sovereignty with a universal interface
for global interaction, we will see restoration of
core Internet freedoms and world peace.
As emphasized in the previous newsletter,
all our social problems are basically
communication problems with

Part Two: As Global TeLeCare goes mainstream with
self correcting database standards for one's holistic
analysis, prevention or management of disease,
 Universal Self Care will restore well-informed
choice as the standard for public health.
The Current Health Crisis in America
is basically a Self Care crisis
with TeLeCare solutions.

Part Three: As the Quantum Financial System (QFS),
goes mainstream to transcend the dystopian
disintegrating economics of scarcity,
abundant consciousness rules,
 replacing scarcity's 'value'.
The current economic crisis in America
is at cause and core a crisis of
scarcity consciousness.
The solution to systemic 'victim dictum'
(scarcity consciousness)
is an abundance of 'victory virtues'
Light and ).
As you and loved ones wake up, wise up and rise up
 to claim the
Victory of Truth and for all,
you hold the balance for the poor in spirit
 who are not able or willing to ascend.

Those profiting from dis-ease and death
won't stop until we 'stop them'
'firing' them with fire)...
... because they won't see the light
until they feel the heat.
So fire up your 'ruby rayguns'
intense laser love)

As the
Great Awakening matures with Great Enlightenment,

an Economics of Abundance will involve and evolve
our individual and collective consciousness
with conscientious common sense.
The Abundant Life Results.
With Aquarian Light and as the rule,  
Enlightenment rules!

Full Spectrum 5D '
 Pure geometry thoughtforms as
 Aquarian First Principles 
Geometric Ordered Divinity'
G.O.D.~ Constitution);
Five Core Net Freedoms
with universal 'Light Language'
Effective Sensory Perception
  via interactive TeLeCommunion:
 TeLeComm for TeLeCommunity,
TeLeConscienceTeLeCare and

To with all your strength, mindheart and soul,
and your all-connected Netizen neighbors as thyself.


PS: THANKS for supporting publication of this free
  newsletter while you support your own health with
nature's richest source of stem cell precursors
for cellular rejuvination and life extension.
~ Christopher, UltraMedics Director


 Advanced holistic modalities
for optimal health