Heartcom Network
Global Economic Resurrection
A new global economic order is emerging.
Rudy / April 1, 2015
The 2015 Global MegaShift
The The infrastructure for a new global economic order is being quickly established. Note these current headline developments:
Russia to join Asian
Investment Bank in two weeks Let's hope and pray that this is a positive turning point towards greater global civility in the spirit of practical West-East co-creation between respective hemispheres of win/lose competition and win/win cooperation... like the masculine and feminine agendas within each one's left and right brain. |
March 28 /
International Business Times
Avaneesh Pandey
Note in this article that the U.S. warned its allies against joining
this new world bank, but is now forced to reassess its stance. That's
why we've seen the push of Neocons for war with Power without moral principle has been using force militarily to create and manage terror and war for military-industrial profiteers and their bankster overlords. But that too shall pass, hopefully with a new world of international checks and balances on the abuse of power. THIS IS A BIG EAST-WEST GAME CHANGER More than half the world's population is now aligned with a new infrastructure for international trade and economic stability. Militarized corporate government in the The whole world has watched the Mideast genocides and So do what you can do to network the GOOD NEWS. Seize the Vision: Global TeLeComm for culturing social conscience in our new interactive global social networks. Embrace the Virtue: Global TeLeConscience for enlightened Net reality from OuterNet to InnerNet. Make the Vow: Global TeLeCare for providing free on-line 'Universal Self Care' for all global Netizens. Commit with Valor: Global TeLeCourage to wake up, wise up and rise up for our conscientious evolutionary ascension. Claim the Victory: Global TeLeCommerce based on the currency of conscience with a heart - TLC unleashed for the Next Economy. |
In the Spirit of Christ-like Resurrection
for our Evolutionary Ascent as the
Family of Mankind with Global
Capabilities to
Get Our Act Together.
To love with all your heart and all
your mind and all your strength,
and your Netizen neighbor in our global village as thy Self.
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