Past Meets Future in a New Timeline

HEARTcom Network / Easter 2009

The "DUH game" (Dummies, Unconscious & Heartless) is ending fast on the 2012 timeline. There's a huge drama shaping the emerging collective conscience of global humanity.  The public's self-awareness as an all-connected global village is upwising  -- as in waking up -- to a collective self-consciousness that is disruptive to ego's negative connotation of both "self" and "consciousness".  When we remember that true "conscience" of an enlightened NOW nature is what heals the mind, then bye-bye ego mania; see ya later victim dictum; be gone stinking thinking that revolves the self-sabotaging message of egoic "DUH" . This timeline reboot -- the powershift -- is where past meets future in a new sense of decentralized all-connected global wholeness for healing the NOW.  A new currency of conscience is in the process of rebooting a New World and Next Economy, ready or not.


More light translates to less "Belief Systems" (BS) of a dark-side nature;
More light as the collective Christ-like intelligence of Christ-mass Spirit.

More light transcends human aptitude with an attitude of divine gratitude;
More light as our collective humility in honor of a true Thanksgiving Spirit.

More light transmutes all that is less than light with the resurrection spirit;
More light as the ascension current of the upward-mobile Easter Spirit.

The rule of the true “elect” is the rule of those who elect or otherwise choose
to represent the golden rule/law language of, by & for the power of love.
This is the Higher Power that champions Earth's evolutionary ascent
 by culturing the currency of conscience that self-elevates culture
 at the heart and soul of our 5 core Constitutional freedoms.
Either government is of the people or over the people.
Government of, by and for the people only works
if the perks of privilege, party, profit & power
 are all regulated, governed or otherwise
controlled by love of a Constitution,
 a system of laws representing
the public, and ultimately
the Constitution of,
by and for one

 "As Above ~ So Below"

Planetary and DNA changes are accelerating as our Solar System enters
new territory in the Milky Way Galaxy.  The magnetic pole shift of Earth
has already begun, as you can read at

"The prudent see danger and prepare, but the simple keep going and suffer for it."

- Proverbs 27: 12


A Golden Age is Earth's divine destiny, and the new energies of Galactic Shift will help evolve our DNA strands and begin actualizing their higher potential. As a greater number of humans embrace this new  DNA strand capacity, they will help to elevate the entire human race with Effective Sensory Perception (LOVE), causing all human DNA to develop faster, and creating a critical mass of ever increasing proportions.

The Emerging Blueprint for a Golden Age of
Light and ...
Frequency - the Language of the Angels of our better nature,
Form - the Law of the Angles of G.O.D.~ archetypes,
Action - the Holy Spirit of mass TeLeCom -in-action,
   and in your DNA -- your dimensional "translation" coding
with the keys to integrity that integrates all the keys to
Resurrecting the Divine in 2009.

Be the change you want to see; reboot your DNA with:
Music waveforms that harmonize your emotional body;
   2- Mental thoughtforms that frame your higher mental body;
3- Nutritional cellforms that feed cellular RNA/DNA repair.

For your DNA Health, Conscious Resurrection and Evolutionary Ascent,

Editor, GeoNotes News
Publisher, HEARTcom Network