Lesson #1
The 1st
lesson for
the Frequency
(of, by and for , as in frequently)
To all who embrace the mind of 'G.O.D.'
(Geometrically Ordered Divinity)
with the
Insight and Outlook for Understanding the Overview
Individuals, organizations and civilizations rise and fall according to
immutable laws.
If you read the Bible or the Book of Mormon or the Bhagavad Gita or any such
compendium of spiritual literature documenting the rise and fall of people,
you will find the same spiritual message at the core of one's destiny.
When we all live according to
First Principles of Universal Love
we are blessed with up-wising and uplifting enlightenment.
Individuals, organizations and civilizations fail and fall
when cherished illusions and willful
cultures pathological BS (Belief Systems)
rather than the vision of virtue for the
victory of the pure and simple
message of the masters:
The higher the 'gold standard'
on Earth),
the greater the results.
Organizing all information IN
more enlightened lines
framing the Constitution of 'Universal Common Law'
defining, refining, combining and 'shining' our gifts and talents as we
link the light of lightbearers, lightworkers and light servers devoted to
frequency of
-in-action frequently.
Social media is rapidly evolving a new Net reality -- a new social conscience in our social networks. This evolution will define e-valuation criteria as will refine a process of mass-to-mass interaction that involves the language of consciousness at the quintessential foundation of self-governance. As this new e-media cyberethics standard is utilized to mediate the mass media's mass consciousness -- any social network -- it will naturally culture full-spectrum conscience at the heart of 'e-learning' (education of the heart), 'e-care' (holistic healing), 'e-commerce' (with a conscience) and 'e-governance' (representing the public more directly).
The business of
evolution with the spirit that matters Perhaps you understand and agree that the Next Big Thing in the computer/Internet rEVOLUTION is now emerging as Web 3.0 Heartware CyberEthics... monetizing the Next Economy with the Currency of Conscience - the authentic gold standard at the heart of Five Core InnerNet Freedoms and every golden age civilization in history. It's a global issue now, so it's time to think globally (1). Our new instant-everywhere and interactive Net reality is no longer just local -- we're all connected as never before in history... and there's a new response-ability that needs to be understood and cultured.
The quantum reality is that it's ALL connected.
We understand the First Principle of the Logos:
The Big Shift to
conscientious collective common sense
Effective Sensory Perception
is our
Great Awakening Revelations of The gateway from cyberspace to innerspace has always been the interface of consciousness, and now global humanity is finally becoming conscious of HOW we are conscious - the universal language of light-as-consciousness for involving and evolving our individual and collective Conscience... culturing social Conscience in our local and global social network communities... the Aquarian Future of Community Building based on Universal Law-Language Principles and Processes that 'divine us' (unite us) rather than divide us.
"Conscience is the most sacred of all property."
Conscientious Common Sense Reformation
"This we know.
The earth does not belong to man; man belongs to the earth ... The web of consciousness is our new instant-everywhere-interactive InterNet reality. What we do to that web, we do to ourselves. We shape our environmental communications and communities (social networks), and then those communications shape us. Or as the media visionary Marshall McLuhan famously said, “The media is the message.”
How we mediate
social conscience in our global social networks Global Internet media daily reminds on-liine Netizens of our new all-connected Net reality – the new social conscience emerging in our ubiquitous social networks. The consequent response ability of global Netizens is to utilize our new instant-everywhere and interactive Internet capabilities for global self correcting self-elevation (salvation) of a more enlightened nature:
The HEARTcom Affiliate Model is Simple:
all information IN FORMATION.
e-valuation criteria for
mass-to-mass TeLeComm is The business of evolutionary ascent
"It's as if man had been
suddenly appointed managing director of the biggest business of all,
the business of evolution.
He can't refuse the job. Whether he wants it or not, whether he is conscious of what he is doing or
not, he is in point of fact determining the
future direction of evolution on this
earth. That is his inescapable destiny,
and the
sooner he
realizes it and starts believing in it, the better
for all concerned."
The business of co-creative ascent is for those
Get the Vision
of mass-to-mass
for mass media with a heart.
Time is of the Essence -- Make it Count;
For the
Global rEVOLUTION in Higher
Conscience, |
1 - think globally... mastermind consciousness in our new social networks:
"...Let us meet in caucus and say to one another. 'Let us have one plan, and let us go with that plan, and let us go with it big time. Let us do that. Let us not have little groups here and little groups there, thinking they know what to do when you have to have MasterMind consciousness that you are going to transform not only a nation but a world.' This is a global situation and nothing less, so you must think globally and you must realize that if war truly comes it will not come alone to the United States... This is a pivotal moment. This is it beloved. There will never be a greater moment, a greater opportunity to solve the problems of Earth and to win stripes for your ascension..." ~ Saint Germain via E.C. Prophet, Jan. 1, 1997
The Prime Directive ~ Divine Direction
that's where
it's going!
Remember, the
beginning of a Golden Age is
the end of the world as we've known it!
In the
beginning, God geometrized."
~ Ancient Hermetic Wisdom
"In the
end, we become what we geometrize."
~ Modern GeoNotes Wisdom
"Given to each
soul upon the shores of time
is a geometric key (GeoNotes / codes),
that if wisely used, will open one's Divine Reality."
~ St. Germain, Easter/97
"May you fight for the right to be a
for this Community, as it has been said before,
is an archetypal pattern of Communities of the
Age of Aquarius that will be established."
~ Lady Master Nada