2017 Earth Rebirth Update Series
The Future of our Global Village
Global Mind Emerging with
The Good News is general enlightenment in
global social networks
thanks to our instant-everywhere and
all-connected global Internet.
There are now 2 billion active Facebook
and about 2 billion other social network users.
So about half the world’s population is united,
like networked brain cells of the 'Global Mind'.
It’s a golden age gold mine if only we mind it.
The greater the light of truth in the
Global Mind, the less room for
darkness, lies, secrets and the 'paradigm paralysis' of 3-D reality.
The 5D reality shift to a Global Village
with a Global Mind is now
maturing as a paradigm shift -
Global Holistic Healing -
the Next Big Shift in the global
computer/Internet rEVOLUTION.
July 30, 2017
Blueprint for the Global
- the same
for each of 'US'
Sovereigns of Earth.
“Prelude to a New Type of Order”
“The emotional and ideological attempt to return
to a state of non-differentiation and chaos
as a prelude to a new type of order.”
~ Kaypacha video July 26, 2017
The unveiling of
divine potential with 5D
Paradigm Shift is the progressive
REVELATION that comes with pure intention as focuses attention
with TLC
retention for conscious ascension in a full-spectrum dimension of
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
The higher the heart-mind concept of
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() for heart coherence and mind congruence, THE GREATER THE RESULTS! Global Representation of Core Freedoms
This is the
biggest story never told by 3D status quo megacorp 'Big Media' which
represents the Deep State of
-- NOT democracy. And yet, the decentralized Internet has
unprecedented democratizing momentum that is intrinsically 5D in
nature, upgrading
five core Constitutional freedoms
for 4 billion global Netizens.
Witness the Big Shift from 3D to
From Old Paradigm => New Paradigm: The Sense of Separation => Unity Consciousness Deep State Dysfunction => General Enlightenment Disintegration of Illusion => Integration of Net Reality Closed Systems for Control => Open Internet Neutrality Perception Deception => Perception Correction Love of Power => Power of Love Banksters Rule => Conscience Rules Economics of Scarcity => Economics of Abundance Wars over Scarcity => Peace via Abundance Domination w/Terror => Cooperation w/ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Power for Domination => Coherence for Cooperation Tyranny Tactics => Freedom's Opportunity From the Top => From the Network Highly Centralized => Highly Decentralized Big Media Programming => Internet Interaction Selfish Corp Interests => Selfless Service to Others Patriarchal Values => Matriarchal Virtues (power to control) (love to co-operate) Win/Lose Worldgame => Win/Win Worldgame Divided State of 3-D => United Sovereigns of 4-5D+ Paradigm Paralysis => Paradigm Shift This is a dynamic process that is morphing our anacronistic horse-and-buggy system of public representation to upgrade it with Internet reality. All open-minded people want more of the WHOLE truth and nothing but the truth, and now that global Netizens are able to communicate through universal translation capabilities – at least major languages – consider what will happen as our global interactive social networking matures with real-time mass-to-mass media consensus that is optimized for global consent of the governed.
Upgrading Core Constitutional Freedoms:
Freedom of Assembly is
what social networks do – the new ‘tribes’ – networks of friends, family
and other truth sources you’ve learned to trust through disciplined
discernment. This is the ‘Circle of Community’ – your sphere of
connection and influence within decentralized interactive social
networks over an open Internet.
This is the Net Neutrality principle of
Freedom of Speech is
an interactive process of originating and evaluating content in social
media, and then creating new content that highlights “consensus” (common
sense) with enlightened context and meaning in both
coherent frequency
geometrized form –
the science of success for organizing information IN FORMATION. It’s
called ‘information’s ecology’ – recycling general knowledge in the way
that empowers specific wisdom with coherent conscience.
This is the Net Neutrality principle of
Freedom of Press with
the Internet represents the new ‘printing press’ as the
computer/Internet ‘web press’ itself. This is the freedom
to be imPRESSed by any truth, and PRESS (pay) it forward by sharing it
with your social network. A universal interface for global Net reality
will exPRESS unity conscience in social networks.
This is the Net Neutrality principle of
Freedom to Petition Government is
upgraded with integration of these first three freedoms. By integrating
direct representation capabilities in our interactive social network
communities, it’s now possible to have a hundred or million people
respond to a live or prerecorded video at the same time, qualifying
consensus with a 'language
of consciousness interface' for mass-to-mass interaction – defining
the next phase of the computer/Internet revolution with Web
3.0 Heartware CyberEthics.
This is the ‘United
principle of
Freedom of Religion is
Constitutional Freedoms.
Call it 'Freedom of Conscience' that honors the 'Gold
Standard for Civility':
the golden rule/law language that represents the ‘God is Love’ 'common
sense' in all great world religions, and the Constitution
of Conscience.
"Conscience is the most sacred of all property."
More on these five core freedoms at:
Net Reality is the Message
The most dramatic advances of global civilization have naturally
followed from major advances in communications technology which defines
how we come into unity in our local and global community. Now the
interactive nature of the global Internet has
eclipsed the one-way
programming nature of Big Media – the 3-D Deep State that has relied on
the highly centralized, top-down, command-and-control paradigm that is
increasingly irrelevant in a highly decentralized and interactive world
of Net reality. The U.S. is Being Eclipsed
For the second time in U.S. history, a total solar eclipse will
cross the country from coast to coast and only be visible in
America. This rare celestial spectacle has been dubbed
'The Great All-American Eclipse'.
On August 21, 2017 the Moon will completely block the Sun, momentarily engulfing parts of about a dozen states in sudden darkness. No one outside the continental U.S. will be able to see the eclipse, which makes landfall on the West Coast near Salem, Oregon, and continues diagonally across the country until it hits Columbia, South Carolina. The first total solar eclipse with a trajectory exclusive to the U.S. goes back to the birth of the U.S. with the American Revolution in 1776. But now this eclipse speaks to revolutionary Net Reality capabilities for billions of global Netizens in our new global village.
Is this
eclipse an ordained cosmic sign?
The U.S. can now - in the Spirit of '76 -
shine for the world as a champion of universal rights in the global
sphere. Many superheroes of this rEVOLUTION
- emphasizing 90% of the word - are lighting the path by linking the
light of social conscience in our ubiquitous social networks; an
upward spiral that is going viral.
![]() Christos Lightweaver "All experience has shown that mankind is more disposed to suffer - while evils are sufferable - than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.". ~ American Declaration of Independence To right ourselves from current 3D geopolitical pathology, we must abolish those old forms of representation which no longer serve well the 5D purpose of E Pluribus Unum (unity in diversity) for which they were originally created.
U.S. policies Eclipsed
via Global Media
The truth of
Petrodollar System Collapse
is being blacked out in U.S. Big Media. At the same time, global
Internet media is eclipsing the cover-up with reporting of the
oil-for-gold policies of BRICS nations who are moving towards a gold
standard and free-open commerce among themselves. The U.S. is being
increasingly isolated and marginalized worldwide. Economic warfare
by sanctioning BRICS nations is isolating the U.S. even more. The recalcitrant U.S. paradigm of power above principle - for win/lose domination - has hit the wall of 5-D Conscience in the Global Mind. This eclipse of U.S. power parallels the eclipse of petrochemical power as clean free-energy technologies go into production worldwide for home, cars and industry.
Global Powershift from West
to East
World domination by the U.S. since
WWII is disintegrating while a wholly new model of East-West
cooperation is integrating. A new 5D Common Sense is emerging with
cyberEthics beyond the
morally repugnant profiteering of the military-industrial complex
for endless war.The 3D love of power is being neutralized by the 5D power of ordained ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Disease Profiteering is Being Eclipsed
The U.S.
‘Health Care’ system is also being eclipsed. Enlightened Netizens
worldwide are well aware that
global holistic
healing could go mainstream very quickly. This will include the
art and science of ‘Applied
Epigenetics’ (with
Political Zionism is
Being Eclipsed
This radical
tribe of deceivers has been thoroughly exposed by innumerable
Internet articles. Their time is short and fear is great, but 5D
shift neutralizes the negativity. This is the science of quantum
shift dynamics in the
Source Field… surging now… and challenging one’s 3D “stinking
thinking” (paradigm paralysis) that sometimes afflicts all of us.
Radical corruption of perception in any 3D form is naturally
neutralized by a determined perception correction with 5D
perspective: Effective Sensory Perception. |
Providing resources and
with TeLeComm tools
& processes
for up-wising~uprising in ‘frequency’
- as in frequent -in-action -
with a heartware interface for
of the cosmic connection
full spectrum enlightenment
and holy spirit as LOVE-in-action.
(violet = pink + blue frequencies
Nature's Law