Table of Contents:
Emerging Blueprint for a Golden Age
Chapter 7
Free, online,
universal self care for optimal holistic health
soon to a smart phone or desk-top near you!
Global Holistic
based on
August 18, 2016 /
Christopher Rudy
Color-code coordinates
Seven 'Hats' for Conscious
While many people see through the
3-D lense darkly
with lockstep, linear, left-brain, letter-of-the law logic
of black and white, good-bad, yes-no right or wrong,
others are grasping the
full-spectrum meaning of 4-D
intuitive knowing via nonlinear spherical conscience
fully present 5-D time
as matures with inspired rise of the
Divine Feminine.
This is conscious evolution movement
for reconcilliation-
up the four
sides of
This is the Whole Truth that liberates conscientious
common sense from obstinate
paradigm paralysis.
If common
sense in the 'global mind' is uncommon,
it's only because of very powerful special interests
that have a vested interest in keeping it uncommon.
It is the grand paradox of paradigm shift times
that the more we mature in our 'knowing',
the more we must forgive ourselves for
our previous "BS" (Belief Systems),
and forgive others as ourselves.
is for
Global Holistic
based on
The global “Internet of Things” (IoT) has transformed
our 'Net reality' with instant-everywhere-interactive abilities and vast
'get real' implications.
reality is a global village.
We're all-connected now.
A new unity conscience is emerging. That which
connects us with common sense values that
which unites us with truth more than that which divides us with
deception. And the 3-D veil is 'thinning' in this
4-5D direction.
The Family of Mankind thus has a new sense of common cause. Our new Internet commons has cultured unprecedented
unity-in-diversity with a surge of social conscience in our global social
This is a perilous global time of mass deception and dysfunction masking
as ‘normalcy’ of the status quo. But Net reality won’t be mocked. The
whole truth for reconciliation is being unveiled. That includes
awareness of the ‘Big Lie’ deception that is so BIG and so
bold and so often
told that many people
actually believe it is ‘normal reality’ -
’the way things are’ -
with no choice.
The glaring illusion that
‘all is well’ is nowhere
more self-evident than in the privatized ‘public’ health care system.
The collusion of Big Pharma with Big Government has created a ‘Big
Brother’ Orwellian nightmare that drugs the daylights out of the U.S.,
the sickest modern nation on Earth.
So what have we learned
about medical intervention that actually causes more harm than good
from cradle to grave?
Are you aware that babies in the U.S. are now prescribed 46
vaccines? It was 10 vaccines in 1983.
Do you see the correlation to autism with the vaccine schedule?
The mass deception of Wall Street prosperity
Unfettered corporatocracy has rigged the banking system, housing
markets, education loans, media reporting, health care services,
insurance industries, and wherever short-term corporate profits can
be maximized. Wall Street thrives while Main Street dies.
“To deprive a man of his natural liberty, and to
If you don’t know that the
presidential election is rigged,
either you haven’t been paying attention, or you just don’t want to
believe it.
And so it is with all our core social, political and economic
institutions. Yet no politician or mainstream media pundit will
address this issue without extreme backlash for disruption of
The Internet has blown the lid off
The opportunity now is no less than global holistic healing as
reconciliation for ‘extreme malice’ by perpetrators of the public
health hoax that serves profits for disease treatment rather than
non-profit service to optimal public health.
The backwards incentive of this profit-driven
Reconciliation begins with honesty – the whole truth – and
specifically a free online ‘Global TeLeCare’ service that will
quickly raise the standard of optimal public health worldwide. The
solution is THAT system. We have a CHOICE.
One of the most exciting applications of IoT is personalized
self-care for holistic health on a global Internet scale: Global
So what can you do to make a difference for systemic holistic
Seize the vision of Global TeLeCare; 2 videos
Embrace the virtue; the
power of unconditional love.
Make the vow with valor; network this vision of virtue.
And claim the victory – crowd-funding for a video documentary on
‘crowd healing’ with Global TeLeCare.
This documentary will raise the standard of
So far, the Global TeLeCare crowdfunding
campaign has struggled. I’ve
wanted to believe that enough people care for an open Internet,
universal self care applications, and global holistic healing
capabilities; a 'can do' if we care to.
Perhaps I’ve been asking for too much. Or not asking the best way.
Or believing naively that more people would ‘get it’ and care enough
to help.
Restoring the care in ‘health care’ with truth and reconciliation
won’t be easy, but it sure beats the alternative - no choice.
Medical tyranny is not an option.
So I’m not giving up. The
for a golden age will highlight health assurance
policies for all of ‘US’: United Sovereigns of Earth…
On a ‘platform’ of, by & for global
This is one of the most important things that IoT has shown us - the
power of conscientious common sense for general enlightenment. When
people know better, they can do better. Well-informed choice has become
free and open with the Internet. And 'open systems' that optimize
interactive capabilities tend to open closed minds.
This is the future of sanity for humanity. Search 'IoT' and you'll find
much of humanity fully engaged building the future of our 'Net reality'
for a global common sense upgrade of core
Constitutional freedoms.
Yet perceptions of division are persistent. Or as humorist Mark Twain
said so well, “It
ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know
for sure that just ain't so.”
And so it is in our bizarre world where everything
is rigged for
the illusion of choice at the highest levels in core social
Medicine, science, elections, the media, money,
education, search engines, social media...
you are living in a fabricated fairy tale.
August 2, 2016 /
How Long Can Economic Reality Be Ignored?
August 10, 2016 /
As Dr. Roberts explains in this prescient article,
the rigging of the economy has reached a point
where ethical bankruptcy
oscures illusory gains.
Are you aware that the Amish shun vaccines and have no autistic
Would you agree than the health damage for the next generation is
incalculable except for the earning projections of Big Pharma?
Any mature adult with an open mind can study the compendium of
articles and videos at ‘Vaccine
and arrive at a self-evident conclusion that shatters the oxymoron
of ‘vaccines for health’.
Common sense would say that injecting highly toxic levels of
mercury, aluminum and live pathogens directly into the blood stream
of babies is unabashedly bonkers – not sane. It sets up a
pathological condition in the body that can plague health with
numerous diseases for a lifetime. It doesn’t make any sense until
you discover how the science has been rigged along with the
medical-media-market complex that colludes with government agencies
in promoting drugs for whatever ails you.
That rigging of health care for disease treatment profits has been
outlawed in part or whole in the medical-media-market complex of
most civilized countries of the world. But the U.S. is the heart of
the global
corporate law
has superseded Constitutional law; stockholders come before the
public whenever profits are at stake. Disease prevention prevents
disease profits.
– based on disease and war profiteering –
is the profanity of morally reprobate insanity
that is causing austerity for posterity.
Either we end it or it will end us.
deny to him the
ordinary amenities of life
is worse then starving the body;
it is starvation of the soul,
the dweller in the body.”
~ “Mahatma” (Great Soul) Gandhi
all these cover-ups.
‘disease-care’ system is killing us, literally.
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth,
he will either cease being mistaken,
or cease being honest.
The article at that link is a practical vision of global holistic
healing from more than a year ago. It has come a long way. See the
Gobal TeLeCare
video HERE.
The TLC emphasis
in TeLeCare
is the power
of love,
pure and simple. Technically, it is heart
coherence -
the core currency
of conscience;
smart with a heart. Also known as 'The
Rise of the Divine Feminine'.
This conscious evolution revelation casts a bright light on the
'shadow government' of dark money from unfettered corporatocracy that
is in our face with unabashed criminality if not insanity with the rigged
But this too shall pass. Big changes are coming. What we see now is
the 'Great Purification' as the Hopi have called it. It's the
'Quickening of Conscience' that is naturally a challenge for
the 'Dimitude of DUH' (Dense, Unconscious & Heartless).
So global humanity is going through a classic 'healing crisis' with
spiritual, mental, emotional and physical toxins being purged - a
form of 'cleansing' of the global mind.
Either we seize the opportunity for blessing and ‘sealing’ with
truth and reconciliation for wholeness and healing... or
corruption's disruption will compound stinking thinking with
paradigm paralysis.
global holsitic health opportunity for all.
and healing
with well-informed
to global interactive
heart coherence
For some
TeLeCare answers to
questions frequently asked,
go HERE.
For development history regarding
TeLeCare, go HERE.
For a new way of looking at 'TLC'
at the heart of
global holistic healing self determination, see:
Global Co-Creation with 'Coherence Code'
Universal Self
Care and Global
TeLeCare healing
prefers health freedom, an Alliance
of the willing.
Energies of health trump the chemistry of disease
thanks to quantum
medicine for true healing ease.
Politics of profit are more complex than the science.
Unfortunately the Constitution has lost our reliance.
Corporatocracy has
'overruled' the 'Citizens United'.
Corporate media keeps us misinformed and divided.
This may sound like the cause for
major disruption,
but thrival begins as we end systemic corruption.
Endless war for peace is propaganda's profanity
for our devolutionary demise with abject insanity.
The issue boils down to inordinate walls in the mind
that must finally come down for benefit to mankind.
This mission is now possible when we all can agree
via terms of
The genesis of freedom for the
when in good CONSCIENCE,
we rise up for our thrival.
The economy must pivot on a moral compass with love
whereby our CONSCIENCE matures,
below as above.
the currency for the Abundant Life.
It's not a mystery when known, for reducing all strife.
have long been waiting to see
is co-Creation with Source
Code, the cyberEthics key.
The source of all ethics and true spiritual reverence
is access to the Source Field
heart coherence.
Co-Creation with Creator is an ethical consideration
inspiration is ‘sourced’ via heart applications.
The more you work with nature’s source field code,
the more
‘resource full’ is your
conscious abode.
CyberEthics qualify our conscientious co-Creation
with a
coherence standard for self-determination.
The currency
of Conscience is for giving, not
on self-serving interest that is stuck on for
Man doesn't live on bread alone, but on the leaven
of heart
coherent virtues here/now
as in 'heaven'.
Such knowledge is power
with wisdom in
ascending in consciousness as on wings of a dove.
Holy Spirit is no longer great mystery veiled in awe;
-in-action will fulfill the Great Cosmic Law.
Unity in
diversity is common
sense, pure intention
self-fulfilling prophecy as we now pay attention
to tools
and processes for true
empowers common sense for evolving ascension
prescient realms of G.O.D.~ dimension.
Here's to a new way of looking at things because
if we do what we've
always done, life is on pause.
A new age is dawning for
wise dominion
as we wake up and rise up
for continuum's reunion.
More at: Continuum News
PS: Contribute to the widespread publication of Emerging
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