Mayan Calendar Meets Planet X in
Graphically archived at:
by the
Reluctant Prophet
This article is for INITIATES… those who have read ‘Beyond
and ‘get it’ (fearless faith), realizing that everything is truly in divine
with pure intention to make it so, i.e., keep the harmony
as ‘Keepers
of the Frequency” (KoF) of
divine in form and
The higher the
concept of ‘frequency’ as in frequently
-- the holy Spirit of -in-action --
the greater the results.
The following information is rather shocking stuff for neophytes on this list,
so keep in mind...
Bear with me - you'll see. The UNIVERSE has methods. There IS
a divine plan.
The amazing 'cosmic coincidence' I'm about to reveal may
'blow your mind' -- any misconception you may have had
about the nature of cosmos and your relationship thereby.
But we need to blow off the old mind and put on a new paradigm
if we are to be conscientiously honest at this 'new time' at the
'end of time as we have known it'...
the final 9th wave of
the Mayan Calendar in 2011.
When a man
who is honestly mistaken hears the truth,
he will either cease being mistaken, or cease being honest.
~ anonymous
First we had the forbidden subject of
Galactic Alignment
fully confirmed in relationship to the Mayan Calendar's
true end date in October of 20011... the time when
our solar system crosses the Galactic Plane of
hundreds of billions of solar systems in our
Milky Way Galaxy as appears like this:
Picture of the Sombrero Galaxy
This is what our Milky Way Galaxy
looks like from Deep Space.
Notice the Galactic Plane of
photonic energy (Photon Belt)
that our solar system is now
crossing in it's 25,800 year
Precession of the Equinoxes;
~ Hopi/Mayan Prophecy
Indeed, things change in Great Cycles...
the change that will not budge.
To understanding the nature of these Great Cycles is
to understanding the 'seasonal' changes in Nature.
The Law of Nature is the 'Law of
Universal co-Creation'...
how we are in the universe and the universe is in us.
("Kingdom of heaven is within you.")
Indeed, the Laws of God are written in our inward parts;
it's coded in the heavens and resonant in our DNA.
It's also infused with a vast intelligence we can know.
Recently, astrophysicists have gone mainstream
with news that research into just one small sector
of our galaxy has discovered thousands of solar
systems which could support intelligent life.
In other words, it is plausible that our galaxy
has a vast fabric of intelligence which we can
barely conceive, myopic as we once were,
since science has lacked common sense
-- Effective Sensory Perception
which is the end of science as we knew
the end of time as we have known it; and
the end of our perception of the world
as we have known it.
Better to intuitively KNOW... and
believe nothing
than to logically THINK... and believe anything.
Better yet is to co-create with a balance of
intuitive KNOWING that is confirmed in
your heart-of-hearts after searching
the truth of the matter with your
reasoned consideration of
all the evidence which
resonates via your
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth,
he will either cease being mistaken, or cease being honest.
~ anonymous
Now we have the forbidden subject of
March and September Pole Shift
Whether this is fore-ordained or otherwise
etched in stone is for you to discern,
but something BIG is about to happen - a 'Black Swan' event -- that has been
'blacked out' as forbidden news in the mainstream mind-control media.
The amazing 'cosmic coincidence' I'm about to reveal
is shocking even to me. Since I believe that we are all
responsible for what we know, I feel responsible to
share this important information with you.
I discovered this recently and made the decision that
someone needs to say this with 'tough love' because
fearless faith is the only antidote for faithless fear,
and proactive foresight trumps reactive hindsight.
so center in your heart, gird up your loins, and then
watch this new YouTube video which I will debrief
for those who can't watch this video:
March and September 2011 Pole Shifts via
Planet X at:
This recent video by Laura Knight-Jadczyk is worth your attention.
And what is the
"amazing cosmic coincidence" you may ask?
I'm getting to that, but first, consider what that video is saying.
An astrophysicist leaked information to Laura who produced
this graphic illustrated video with an excellent explanation of
the trajectory of Planet X through our solar system and the
alignment with the Sun and our solar system's ecliptic a few
months ago (the massive earthquakes in Chile) which shifted
the Earth's axis by 3 degrees, which explains why the sun
has been rising a little earlier in northern hemispheres.
Two other such alignments of
Planet X, before it passes
out of our solar system are also illustrated and explained.
The first is mid-march and the other is mid-September
which exactly corresponds to the same date-span of the
last final 9th wave of the Mayan Calendar in 2011.
The leading expert on the Mayan Calendar -
Carl Johan Calleman
never talks about
Planet X when he explains the numerous cosmic
cycles within cycles of the sophisticated Mayan Calendar system.
Likewise, astrophysicists who report on the 'forbidden' subject of
Planet X rarely if ever connect the dots to the Mayan Calendar.
These rather 'forbidden' subjects have seemed disconnected.
Few are those connecting the dots to the Big Picture of either
the Mayan Calendar or Planet X inbound, and even fewer are
aware of their corresponding 2011 timeline conclusion.
Yet here we find that the timeline 'book-ends' of the
final 9th Wave is also
the corresponding timeline 'book-end's of Nibiru's trajectory of alignment
with the Sun, Earth and our solar systems ecliptic plane! WOW!
Will this trigger a two-stage Pole Shift with
Earth crustal displacement?
Is it true that global civilization has risen to a level of incompetence like
whereby science is grossly abused to corrupt our DNA (humanity's future)
while poisoning the environment and life support systems for the planet?
See: 'Atlantis Lessons'
Would you agree that we are already seeing global magnetic shift anomalies which are
causing superstorms
and a huge increase in volcanism and earthquakes worldwide?
Interesting Times Indeed.☺
off-planet Intel like the Zeta Talk website is reporting the sinking of land
masses in India, Australia, the Philippines and rising of other areas
The Zeta's say that Earth's axis will flip 90 degrees, perhaps in 2011, but
denying a specific time because of power elite intent for mass population
control (and reduction) under massive Earth changes 'emergency powers".
If you haven't been following the revelations on Zeta Talk, realize that this
information is actually considered by the Pentagon and NASA as very
accurate 'out-of-this-world' Intel, as evidenced by the high percentage of
registering IP address showing up on the Zeta Talk web site from offices
in the Pentagon and NASA; they know that Earth is 'on the brink', having
known what was coming
since 1983, aggressively preparing hundreds of
DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases) for more than a decade.
Do you want some corroborating information which confirms that
government insiders KNOW something BIG is about to happen?
my article "Meetings
with Miraculous People" written last year, I featured one of the
most extraordinary people I ever met. Although deceased since I
lived with him in 2001, Wayne had a 'source connection', living on an Indian Reservation and raised by the shaman and
his wife who taught him how to go to source at age three. It's quite
a story that I wouldn't believe if I didn't know Wayne well, living
with him for almost a year. As a 'practical sorcerer', Wayne
pioneered inner space by not only reviewing many of his previous
embodiments - extraordinary life review lessons -- but also learning
to read aura's and heal energetically. He researched technical
innovations for healing with energy and went to source to improve on
them. Having cured the 'incurable' diseases for many of the wives,
children and/or men in high and low position of power -- from CIA to
Mafia -- Wayne had a kind of 'diplomatic immunity' with loyal
friends who ran interference for him so he could heal thousands of
other people in a unique 'off the radar' way. And why do I introduce this man's extraordinary perspective at this time? The ability to "go to source' is an integral function of 2011 mass awakening. The veil in thinning folks. Many have already become 'messengers of source' - co-creating with the universal-natural law-language of cosmic LOVE. And guess what? We all are going 'home' sooner or later. Most of us are yet too seriously 'earthbound' to consider the otherworldly source of 'All That Is Real', 'Universal Co-Creation via G.O.D.~LOVE Conscience', etc. But the "Great Purification" as the Hopi and Mayan seers foretold for this time apparently has a 2011 agenda.
Consider what mass awaking with 'mass disclosure' of star visitors
One of Wayne's many inventions was a frequency viewer in the
infra-red range that showed the skies full of UFO's. Wayne didn't
think much of the fact - he understood the dimensional nature of the
quantum universe like few people yet do. Having gone to source on
this subject, Wayne understood that innumerable ET's were closely
watching humanity at this amazing cosmic time -- like "Reality
TV for the ET's -- because their were numerous souls on Earth
who had incarnated at this amazing time from numerous dimensions of
existence throughout our universe. |
Watch this
video to understand how the quantum field is the cause
behind the cause of health and global transformation in 2011...
and realize how the BIG SHIFT in that field will effect your DNA,
Conscience and world as you have known it.
Lipton is a cellular biologist who has spent years studying how our thoughts
affect us in all areas of life.
His scientific studies are so shocking and revealing and have such wide ranging
ramifications that the
established communities have gone to great lengths to keep them hidden,
especially the medical community.
physics proves what most of us have known all along; there is a method to the
madness in the unified field
of our beliefs, thoughts, feelings and consequent programming of our
consciousness for full-spectrum
Indeed, we are what we belief, think, feel and do, having become what we
believed, thought, felt and did.
Reprogramming with Bruce Lipton's simple technique is rebooting the biocomputer
to achieve what
conscientious "common sense" (Unity
would do to make it so.
Bruce Lipton has out-right said that the majority of medical studies done today
are inaccurate and misleading
and he has the proof to show why. If you're ready for some mind blowing
information on how your thoughts
affect all areas of your life then I highly suggest watching this video:
May we
rise to the occasion for
Best Year Ever"
All Ways ,
~ Christopher
idea that God is actively nurturing us so that we may grow up to be like Him
brings us face to face with our laziness.
Each of us represents the whole human race; within each of us is the
instinct for godhood and the hope of mankind,
and within each of us is the original sin of laziness."
~ Dr Scott Peck from his bestseller, THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED
you are engaged in absolute Reality and absolute Unreality, then your vision
by Love
can span all
But when you are not, beloved, then your vision is limited, the senses of
the soul are not awakened, and the third eye
has no clear vision.
For, beloved, God does not
open the kingdom of heaven to you unless he also opens the
depths of hell.
Understand, then, beloved, that those who
truly love will
not fear the embrace of Christ or the
challenge of Death and Hell."
John the Beloved, June 24, 1990 via E.
C. Prophet
© 2011
Worldwide Foundation
All “Rights” ()
Well “Rounded” (
& “Synergized” (
with the healthy, holistic and otherwise holy “whole”
in all
five archetypal dimensions of universal-cosmic
To love with all your mind ~
of a
and all your
heart ~ , right-brain
intuition of a nonlinear nature,
and all your strength ~ , balanced
brain of a synergy nature,
and your Netizen neighbor ~
in our Global Village
as thyself ~ , culturing