Christopher Rudy / Heartcom Network
Updated Oct 11, 2016
Are you open to a
somewhat unconventional
perspective on this election? If so, read on.
The "Deep State" Behind U.S. Democracy
In his book The Road to 9/11, now
available in French, Professor Scott traces back the history of
the ‘Deep State’ in the U.S., that is to say the secret
structure steering defense and foreign policy behind the façade
of democracy. His analysis lifts the veil on the group that
organized the September 11 attacks and finances itself through
international trafficking networks. Regarded as a reference
book, The Road to 9/11 is already featured as
recommended reading at military and diplomatic academies.
Why The Deep State Is Dumping Hillary
Sep 25, 2016 / "The governed are ready for a period of consolidation and diplomatic solutions to unwinnable conflicts, as imperfect as the peace might be to hawks." ![]()
"A decade
after the collapse of the U.S.S.R. and 25 years after Vietnam,
the Deep State was once again enamored of expansion, hot wars,
conquest and nation-building. Fifteen years on, despite
endless neocon PR and saber-rattling, the smarter and more adept
elements of the Deep State [the "White Hats" ~CR], have
given up on expansion, hot wars, conquest and
nation-building." ~ Charles Hugh Smith
ARE YOU AWARE that the 'Deep State' is the unelected power centers of the central government that continue on regardless of which person or party is in elected office? IS IT TRUTH that this election has been rigged from the beginning to 'elect' the candidate selected by 'Black Hats' of the 'Deep State'? WOULD YOU AGREE that both candidates are warfare state advocates but one is a proven war hawk who represents the dark side of the Deep State? That's clearly demonstrated in this short video clip:
Who is the better bull in the
global china shop? Debate Underscores Fact Both Candidates Are Warfare State Advocates Sept 27, 2016 / Kurt Nimmo / The American people have had it with endless war ambitions of the 'Deep State' that never learned the lesson of Vietnam - the Imperial over-reach that led to the costly, drawn-out failure of 'nation-building' in the name of exporting democracy. The same pattern has been repeated with the Mideast wars that have exceeded Vietnam in murderous carnage, refugee populations, and length of duration. Most Americans and billions of global Netizens are tired of Imperial expansion, quagmires, proxy wars and 'nation-building' that ends up destroying sovereign nations abroad. Enlightened global Netizens are well aware of the 'Deep State' agenda to restrict sovereignty at home in the name of securing freedoms until we have neither freedom nor security - just a high surveillance police state. But that's about to change. The oligarchy is loosing its grip, resorting to blatant propaganda with 'atrocity porn':
How the American Media Monopoly Serves
Global geopolitical and economic
'reset' is imminent. |
"Let the world community judge them
for their actions and their words."
~ Mike Harris in the video
[VIDEO at the bottom of EPILOGUE]
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