Christ Mass 103
Charting the Course for Global "Power Shift"
Continued from:
Once one is enlightened, there is no going back to "DUH"
The language of light as the language of consciousness has always been a universal language. More light as a 'brighter' full spectrum Conscience has always been the pure intent of mystics, saints and masters East and West. We shape our consciousness of the power shift dynamics, and our higher Conscience shapes us.
The fire of desire
to “make it so” – linking the light of the
gold standard
for a golden age – begins with
Good Will (pure intention) – the
blue of
Higher Power
behind the
Power of Love.
Abundant Love is
actually the fulfillment of wisdom in action.
The dynamic whereby
It was actually the “3-fold flame” of
"Public opinion sets
bounds to every government, Enlightened understanding of this necessity of the hour – the gifting of Christ Mass 2008 -- brings the wisdom of discernment to the Judicial Branch of our social networks. This first gift of the holy spirit – Christ-like discernment – naturally understands how the love of power must be balanced by the power of love… how Executive function of decision making must reflect and perfect Legislative Love “of, by and for the people.”
"Where love rules,
there is no will to power. It is the wise dominion of discernment that balances that masculine energy dynamics which thrust for power on one hand and the feminine energy magnetics that cohere with love on the other hand. Obviously, the right hand and left hand must ideally work together just as the Executive and Legislative branches must agree with Judicial wisdom.
is at all times necessary, When Good Will cultures the justice that just is (enlightened), the Spirit of Love naturally ascends as an upward spiral of civility with humility – authentic power. Or as Dr. Scott Peck, M.D. says in his definitive guidebook for community building: "There is no question in my mind that we are called on to build Utopia, but if we think we can do it solely by our design, we are sadly mistaken. We can do it only in cooperation with the grace of God. Any attempt at radical 'social engineering' that does not incorporate God, that does not welcome grace and leave vast room for divine intervention, will utterly fail. ~ God is truth; God is light; God is love. To these great synonyms, I add another: When it is civil, God is power. The power belongs to God, and the proper role of the civil leader is merely to be a conduit and to steward that power as God's agent. Merely! What a paradox! To exercise temporal power with civility is to undertake a role of great glory, and it can only be undertaken with genuine humility." ~ from Dr. Peck’s “A WORLD WAITING TO BE BORN – Civility Rediscovered Green Power is the power of healing that comes from a balance of powers when the 3-fold flame of blue, gold and pink are in balance. The Big Shift in the consciousness of global humanity is in the process of coming into unity – community – through the natural evolution of communication processes that culture BALANCE. For the last 33 years, the computer/Internet revolution has progressively incorporated the elements of hardware (IBM), software (Microsoft) and netware (Netscape) to provide the global communications infrastructure for greening our social networks -- a working model of “heartware” (cyberethics) as a universal interactive interface for “web 3.0” The 'technology' of community building succeeds, in part, precisely because it takes God into mind, depends upon her, and deliberately produces space for the Holy Spirit to do her thing. Community is an adventure. We can never predict what will happen exactly when a group becomes authentic and open to the Spirit. It's full of surprises. Thank God, because while the outcomes are usually quite different from what we imagined, they are often far better than we could have dreamed. ~ from Dr. Peck’s “A WORLD WAITING TO BE BORN – Civility Rediscovered
As an interactive
interface between cyberspace and Inner Space – the cyberethics heart of
Net reality that transcends hardwired paradigm paralysis – a new understanding
of comm~unity as “come-into-unity” – a communications process -- naturally
embraces the
Holy Spirit
these first principles of
When we understand
this Spirit as free will choice -- from the perspective of Good Will -- the
humanity of each and all looks forward to the business of evolution with the
evolution of business along more enlightened “lines” that frame virtue between
the lines. The
of the New Economy for our global village can thrive no other way. And the
higher the concept of virtue at the heart of it – cyberethics geometrized
“Commerce without morality is a sin”.
The natural
evolution of computer/Internet technology is “ephemeralization” whereby less is
more. We saw that in the change from mainframe computer hardware to desktop
computers with equivalent power on one’s desktop. We then saw the change from
desktop computers to the power of networked computers on the Internet. The Next
Big Thing will be the change from the computer as the network of computers to
the network as a fully conscious presence with the Holy Spirit of
Neither the
pride of great intelligence - the intellectual elite,
HEARTware™ is thus
not only the 5-D
language of consciousness that serves as a real-time interface for
mass-to-mass interaction on web 2.0 platforms, it also serves as the cultural
DNA mediator for social
Conscience -- framing
By involving our consciousness with the language of consciousness – the interactive dynamic of heartware cyberethics – this process calibrates and cultures social Conscience at the heart of the cognitive shift from cyberspace to Inner Space. Call it the inner sense of innocence that conceives and believes how the 'Great Spirit of Christ Mass Conscience' heals all with Enlightened or otherwise Effective Sensory Perception (ESP)… beyond “computing” in the conventional sense.
Good Will is the
Currency of Conscience that This natural evolution of human technologies and our cognitive abilities has both a celestial and terrestrial dimension – as above, so below. The kingdom of heaven on Earth has always been understood by wise men as the “cosmic connection” that we now understand as quantum reality of “What the Bleep Do We Know!?” fame. Heaven knows, there is a natural order in the cosmic scheme of converging cycles on the 2012 timeline. What some call the Big Shift into the Aquarian Dispensation, others call “the end of the world” as they have known it. Early adaptors are thrilled with the possibilities. But those who don’t get it -- whose cup is half empty -- see the problem with the opportunity rather than opportunity to overcome their problem.
It is the quantum
connection with enlightened discernment
that can see a future we all want. The three wise men who foresaw the arrival of a Great Soul were no dummies, and it was that Great Soul who later explained what we now know as quantum reality, that “the kingdom of heaven is within you”. It is the quantum connection with enlightened discernment that can see a future we all want. And this cosmic connection has reached critical mass – Christ Mass 2012 – that is going mainstream as the rate of change accelerates on the the 2012 timeline.
Change is not
coming. It's already here, Big Time! And the rate of change is
accelerating. It is worth your conscientious intention, enlightened attention and upward-mobile ascension – the gifting of Christ Mass 2012. The full implication for world peace, freedom and civility are profound. It’s going global in our collective conscience. And although this new currency of conscience is disruptive to the paradigm paralysis that divides to conquer the Spirit of Christ Mass 2008, global enlightenment is the divine destiny of the Family of Man in our global village. Obviously, the current crisis in global CHANGE is in need of some comprehensive, all pervasive, all-connected soulutions… for all souls. At the beginning of such change, only the most enlightened can see the definitive resolution of conflict that resists any change from the corrupt operating systems in government, health care, education and the economy. This would have been like talking about the Internet – how it would change the world – before the Internet. People would think you were crazy. And so it is now talking about heartware cyberethics.,, or Christ Mass 2008. It confounds the hardwired mindsets that resist the momentous change from faithless fear to the Power of Love.
“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and
oppressions of body and mind
Is there hope for
change to a New Order of the Ages – E Pluribus Unum – whereby we can all hang
together rather than be divided and conquered? Do you believe in the
Power of Love to heal our social networks with a social conscience that is
centered and connected through the Holy Spirit of universal
Calling all lightworkers, lovemakers, netizen journalists and “social network” (community) organizers. Or as Obama said during the primaries,
"One of my
fundamental beliefs from my days as a community organizer is that Consider the "Office of the President" as the highest representation of the "grass-roots" (Net roots) in the collective conscience of "US" (United Sovereigns). What Obama said is true, that "there's no more powerful tool for grass-roots organizing than the Internet". This is the new "Net reality" in our new ALL-connected global village. This new self-evident TRUTH represents all of “U.S.” -- United Sovereigns -- when the highest principles of sovereignty in core Constitutional freedoms are upgraded to match the virtually untapped potential of Internet capabilities for grass-roots organizing... to make the Office of President accountable to the "of, by and for the people" PURPOSE it was created to serve. Let’s hold Obama to his words. Consider the full implications of Christ mass awakening in our collective-social Conscience.
"The massed power of
goodwill, the dynamic effect |
-- Continued at
Christ Mass 104
– Graduating with Full-Spectrum Conscience