Global Transformation and Ascension
"Be Thou Made Whole!"
Previous article:
of Global Enlightenment
The best way of predicting the
has always been to 'co-Create' it...
on Earth as in Cosmos-at-large.
That universal perspective for global
co-Creation requires alignment with
universal principles of common law;
a global 'Currency of Conscience'
representing the Language of Light.
Since we can only be responsible
for local & global TeLeCommunity
with response ability, the
ability to
respond via interactive TeLeComm
will naturally involve and evolve our
individual and social Conscience in
our all-connected social networks.
This Ascension Process is Self Evident when
Known. But like learning to use a computer, it can be hard until you know how, and then it's easy. Kids and the young-at-heart pick it up quickly. They adapt faster. Give them the tools to excel with enthusiasm for learning, and self-correcting, self-mastery with self-elevation capabilities become self-evident as a self-fulfilling prophecy. The higher 'Self' is engaged. The higher one's concept of 'Self' as a mediator for soulful attunement to G.O.D.~ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Just as clothes are an extension of the skin, and cars are an extension of the feet, so is TV an extension of the eyes and ears, and computers an extension of the global mind. Likewise, ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() From ancient times, it has been known that: "In the beginning, God geometrized." ~ Hermetic Wisdom In modern times, quantum science has revealed that the fractal geometric order of the holographic universe naturally governs the first principles of co-Creation with G.O.D.:
The global mass movement we now see
matriculating the matrix of our Net reality is towards integration of consciousness with the divine mother language of 'TLC' at the heart of the divine father archetype of 'law giver' in the image and likeness of "G.O.D." (Geometric Ordered Divinity). 2016 Ascension is thus a natural function of universal-cosmic law as the "language of light" (consciousness) that is becoming conscious... for culturing Conscience of a more enlightened "unified field" (common sense) nature. Such common sense may be uncommon in certain 'tribes' of lock-step, left-brain, letter-of-the-law dominance, but the spherical spirit of universal law is now going global with our new instant-everywhere and interactive 'TLC capabilities': The Global Healing Option For 2016
Previous articles on Global
– here and
here –
Who could have known that the Family of Mankind would be uniting as a global village of instant interactive TeLeComm? Who could have foreseen the
whole systems approach to wholEness
1) Healing Self-Governing Systems
Healing our Self-Care Systems
5) Healing
our InterMedia Systems These 5-D keys for global TLC begin with 1, 2 & 3 above. Healing the density of 3-D requires charity (TLC) above all. This collective 'reboot' of social conscience in our new global social networks will care to network the Net worth of Net reality with systemic TLC of, by & for global Netizens. Global economic 'reset' will likewise proceed rapidly with a new currency of TeLeConscience qualifying the 'Next Economy' with soon-to-be-disclosed 'prosperity funds' in the West, known as 'humanity funds' in Asia. More on this 'jubilee' event in an upcoming article. This process will greatly accelerate with Heartware, an interactive interface for mass-to-mass TeLeComm. In the meantime, there's nothing more valuable than a practical vision of TLC virtue and valor for the victory of global holistic healing: |