Reality Report Series / Heartcom Network
Clearing the Air for Global Reboot
Muting Down the Inordinate
Rebooting with Ordained
Global Love.
Previous article:
Report: From 9-11 to the Present
forward with conscientious common sense
may be uncommon for overspecialized civilization,
but the whole systems
Big Shift in the
Global Mind
has its own agenda for a holistic healing reboot of
our core social, political and economic Net reality.
As global
interactive social networks mature with
a new Net reality of a more
conscientious nature,
social conscience will naturally
check and balance
the inordinate love of power
destabilizing peace in
our hearts, minds and global
telecomm community.
but the Family of Mankind is now
clearly wanting
a more enlightened form of
that will
involve and evolve our individual and
Effective Sensory Perception at the
heart of
a universal interface for our
global village.
heals all,
can be the catalyst for a self-fulfilling
prophecy whereby we make it so!
this vision wings whereby
In the meantime, a well-defined
problem is
the prelude to a
whole systems
Clearing the Air for Global Reboot.
Clearing the Air
The flow of
conscience through any system acts to organize that system holistically as a whole system that is far greater than the sum of the parts, be that a mechanical part or a digital computer part, or the collective consciousness part of the Global InnerNet.
This is
especially true for all who are conscious
This is the
first dimensional
holodeck coordinate The rate
of global change has been accelerating |
In this time-lapse video, you can see how 1000
years of European history plays havoc on the stability of national
borders we take for granted today. The dispute centers around which country with power resources (oil, gas, pipelines, etc.) the territory should belong to. This issue is tied to national security of both western superpowers and BRICS superpowers. This is more obvious in the Middle east where Israel/U.S. collusion has virtually destroyed the boundaries once defining Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, etc. into a quagmire of chaos and disunity whereby Western militarized control of oil, poppy fields, and strategic minerals can be easier Balkanized.
In the current global ‘Information Age’ Most people don’t realize that it was actually telephones and fax machines that brought down the Berlin Wall with awareness of conflicting state lies and propaganda that could no longer divide-to-conquer hearts and minds, and thus demanded openness that finally tore down the wall.
is what’s now happening as the global Internet web
of social conscience
tears down the ‘walls in the mind’,
transcending national boundaries with a common sense
of the Family of Man in our all-connected global village.
The Mother
of all Big Lies regarding ‘walls in the mind’
goes back 100 years ago to creation of the
false flag
“Federal Reserve” which is neither ‘Federal’ nor has
any reserves, creating debt slavery for the profit and
power of the privately owned ‘Fed’. Many Americans For those who want a fearless conscience re: the world crisis that is threatening WWIII now, watch the following short video about a guy who speaks what one’s own conscience may be saying: |
Ken O'Keefe Dares To Say What Others Do Not
Published on Sep 4, 2014
“It’s easier to
fool people than to convince them
they have been fooled.”
~ Mark Twain
some history behind this inside job that
was removed from the final 9-11 report.
On Morning
Joe, Carl Bernstein says that because he's Jewish, he could be permitted
to reveal on national television
that "Jewish neo-cons” were responsible for persuading
President George W. Bush into starting an "insane" war against
really do have controlling interests in Big Banks, Big Media, and Big
collusion that,
in the name of ‘National Security’, secures NATO and domestic
interests by seizing resources for
power (oil & gas) in Northern Iraq and Easter
Ukraine, while creating a domestic U.S. Police State.
co-opted the U.S. Treasury
with a system of fiat debt financing that has created
trillions of dollars of profit for
banksters who have used it to concentrate power
with controlling interests in Big
Oil, Big Pharma, Big Media and Big Government
that has become the policing
arm of a Big Monopoly over America’s human and
physical resources… and
the fruit of that is self-evident to all with a conscience.
And that was in 1922!
SPAN aired this before the anniversary on 9-11:
Poor Jim. He focuses on the dark side of politics
at the expense of loving relationships at home…
becoming smart without heart…
feeding into the
quantum fear matrix
that sabotages fearless faith
in the
power of love
as neuters power without love.
"Where love
rules, there is no will to power.
And where power predominates, there love is lacking.
The one is the shadow of the other."
~ Father
of Modern Psychology, Carl Gustav Jung
Media Mind Control Matrix 101
Scripted oddities portray
10 Signs that ISIS is a Scripted Psyop
The Best Enemy That Money Can Buy
McCain Meeting with Head of
trillionaires who own the privatized Federal Reserve Banking System,
which is no more ‘Federal’ than
Fred Smith’s ‘Federal Express’, also owns
controlling interest in Big Media and the
just as the video
above says at almost 8 minutes.
He who pays the piper calls the tune.
Is it possible that Zionist Jews are
‘calling the tune’?
Previous Head of the Security & Exchange Commission, Mary Schapiro,
JPMorgan Chase & Co. (Largest Bank in the
Goldman Sachs (Largest Investment Bank on Earth) CEO, Lloyd Blankfein,
Is it
true that six giant media conglomerates own and control 96%
of mainstream media TV, radio and print publications, and have about the
representation of Zionist Jews at the top? Could that be just another
you agree that the ‘shock and awe’ of 9-11 and the Iraq war would
plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men
Only a
sick civilization would manifest
bipolar dis-ease symptoms
that result from extreme polarization of rich and poor, white and black,
males/females, Christians and Muslims, etc.
The root cause of this divide-to-conquer mass insanity is lack of
love -- the "living dead" (psychopaths)
– who have infiltrated the highest positions of power in Church, State
and the Corporatocracy WITHOUT Constitutional principle – the
Constitution of Conscience.
“Conscience is the most sacred of all property.”
living dead want everyone to
be as
Please network
this Reality Report freely |
Quote from National Public Radio on propaganda:
"The first rule
of being a
propaganda system
[oxymoron ~CR], and why
our system is vastly superior to
anything in the old Soviet Union is not that
people think they are being
subject to propaganda... people don't
think that
- they aren't looking for that -
they are much
easier to propagandize...
that's the genius of our media system. It’s a system of ideology, of
compared to an authoritarian system."
~ Media ‘critic’ Robert McChesney
one way or the other, perhaps sooner than you think.
With the
currency of conscience
now surging in our
interactive global social networks,
change cometh.
The heartless insanity in our world will
be healed,
sooner rather than later, when
heart coherence
becomes the standard for the global
Keep the Faith – The ‘Power
of Love’,
Hold the Vision – Global
Network with Valor – Make ‘The
and Claim the Victory;
All Ways
always won. There
have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time,
seem invincible but in the end, they always fall; think of it, ALWAYS."
“Mahatma” (Great Soul) Gandhi, Father of India’s
Note to United
Sovereigns of
Victory over willful ignorance and cherished illusions
is the
divine destiny of the Aquarian Dispensation of
on Earth as in Cosmos, and this
liberation of Earth’s evolutions with united conscience
naturally follows when enough good people do enough
to make it so!
You can help
by sponsoring
The Alliance
of alliances
with the
Heartcom Network of networks… for mass
waking up, wising up and rising up
to make it so!
Love dearly…
the Vision of a
Network freely…
the Virtue of
paying it forward;
it clearly… Victory of, by and for
strengthen your immune
system; winter cometh:)
All Rights 'Well Rounded'