The Kolbrin Bible is a 2-part, 11-book secular anthology. The first six books are called the "Egyptian texts" and were penned by Egyptian academicians following the Hebrew Exodus. The last five books are called the "Celtic texts" and were penned by Celtic priests following the death of Jesus. Historical accounts in The Kolbrin Bible offer numerous prescient descriptions of a large reddish object called "The Destroyer," which orbits our Sun. It also correlates to Nostradamus's "Bearded Star," Mother Shipton's "Fiery Dragon" and the "Red Comet" warning of the Mayan Calendar Prophecies. The Egyptians tell us it caused Noah’s Flood and the Ten Plagues of Exodus. They warn us it will return with catastrophic results in the near future, and many of the harbinger signs offered in the text are now coming to pass.
Details at the website: www.yowbooks.com
Planet-X Forecast - This 5-part video series offers a straightforward view of this coming human event. Produced and hosted by Marshall Masters, a former CNN science feature field producer, it is an ideal Planet X / 2012 primer for those new to this vital topic. As the co-author and publisher of Planet X Forecast and 2012 Survival Guide, Marshall believes that 2012 will be a survivable, evolutionary event.
Part 1 of 5: The Threat
Part 2 of 5: Scientific Proof
Part 3 of 5: Historical Proof
Part 4 of 5: Surviving The Flyby
Part 5 of 5: Beyond 2012