The Ultimate Benevolent “Idea Virus”
(intelligence "contagion")

For Networking A Critical Mass Of Awareness
-- A Paradigm Shift To Higher Consciousness --

Of, By and For


In The Computer/Internet Revolution

I challenge you to conceive and believe how a special
will empower priceless wisdom at the heart of practical spirituality
for the transformation of self and civilization…
and to consider how you can profit as a "prophet" (messenger) of
re: e-Virtues based on e-Valuation criteria for e-Commerce
with the New “stock” Rules at the heart of the New Economy as well as
New Media, New Government, New Health Care and New Education.


Empower idea capital as you get in the “loop” (Law of the Angles).
Envision stock value as you pay attention (Language of the Angels).
Embrace “
relationship capital as you lead by Serving with .
Net worth as your mindshare Net expands via -in-action.  

 Click here  to get in the loop FREE and 
   take stock (your share) of Net worth

  See:  Moving Towards WHOLENESS for a metaphoric overview  


  CopyRound™ © 2003 via the Worldwide  Foundation
 Framing Higher Standards for E-Valuation at the Heart of Net Worth