Like acupuncture, Oriental face diagnosis has been around for thousands of years. The modern science of biomimicry has confirmed that the face is a map of bio-energetic conditions in the whole body just as one's DNA has a blueprint for the whole body.Indeed the whole body is 'holographic' with each part providing a window into the whole from a different holistic angle. For example, foot reflexology connects to every part of the body through the feet even as iridology windows into the whole body through the eyes.Back before allopathic (drugs-per-symptom) medicine monopolized the health care system, iridology was taught at Harvard Medical School. The iris of the eye is actually an extension of brain tissue to the surface of the body, providing a readout of the biological terrain.![]() Explained at: Global Holistic Healing
Iris Scans - Then and Now
I personally
studied under Dr. Jensen about 30 years ago, and still have the
iridology camera he developed for photographing the iris of the
eye. Back then I had to have the color slides developed before
projecting those slides onto the wall of a darkened room for
clients, pointing out the anomalies associated with a myriad of
health conditions that have been studied and compiled for a century.
Today you could make an instant
looking yourself in the eye, while an UltraMedics consultant points
out corresponding eye conditions on a big i-pad, explaining not only
the organ systems of the body involved, but also the corresponding
nutrient supplementation to support optimal healing for poorly
functioning organs.photograph, enlarging it on a big screen almost immediately. After supporting this healing process for several months, it's amazing to witness the signs of this in the iris. Regeneration of organs can be seen with white 'knitting lines' repairing dark areas in the eye where there is a separation of iris lines in the area corresponding to an afflicted organ system. The more that an UltraMedics consultant works with this process - guiding clients through this 'self-discovery process' - the more adept they become at providing well-informed choice for the self-healing process.
The Future of Holistic Self Care
biomimicry science of what is biologically correct for the whole
body has arrived at this point of reckoning... to either build
health with highly personalized non-toxic bio-energetic
modalities... or treat disease with lowest common denominator drugs
that compound toxicity and dis-ease (side effects) in the biological
The energies of health versus
medicine has been suppressed in the West while the old paradigm of
the body as a chemical machine is deeply entrenched. This has less
to do with science and more to do with politics and economics
whereby vast sums of money are extracted from a sick populace to
serve owners of the privatized health care system - the
medical-industrial complex.the chemistry of disease
The prime example is chemo for
It's been
well-documented that chemo wipes out the immune system and actually
spreads cancer. Nine out of ten oncologists know this and won't
allow chemo for their family members. But this is a $200 billion per
year industry and the average oncologist makes about $1.3 million
per year pushing chemo.Most people are not aware that chemo is an extremely toxic poison similar in composition to the mustard-gas used in chemical warfare in World War I. The rationale is that you have an enemy within you and the chemo will hopefully kill it before it kills you. Studies have shown that most cancers have a better survival rate after 5 years if chemo is never used. The exceptions are those with a very high 'placebo effect' via a strong will to live, belief that the chemo will help them live, and a virtually religious belief that God or their oncologist or 'modern medicine' is their best hope.
The same placebo effect but with
sense would tell us that a non-toxic health building process is
superior to toxic drugs with deleterious side holistic health-building modalities has a far greater healing outcome.
'Wisdom of the Crowd' is emerging
An open
system of augmented intelligence - not AI Artificial Intelligence -
is maturing with new analytics capabilities of databases that share
the empirical results of users.for healing the health care system.
A good database of health user results
Anyone can
access good information on health care - like and - to get extraordinary perspective on
natural remedies for a myriad of health conditions.- what works best for optimal health - will create 'wisdom of the crowd'. Read about 'Global TeLeCare' and watch the videos to see the future of holistic health. With Natural Law as the rule, natural healing rules! TO YOUR HEALTH ~ 'Dr. Christopher' |
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