2021 Aquarian Spring Prelude Series

Link the Light

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Article One - Published Oct 18, 2021
May our fragile future find you

on the life side of history

Those who follow both independent media and mainstream media are probably aware by now that there’s a war going on for our hearts and minds. The first casualty in this war is the whole truth.

Mainstream media fear-mongering and fake news has left many of us confused and depressed. If that’s your only source of news, you only have half the story which incessantly condemns and censors the other half.

Independent media worldwide is reporting more deaths from vaccination than from Covid. But Big Pharma embedded corporate media are blaming the vax side-effects on those pesky make-believe virus 'variants'.

Hospital capacity has been an issue for years leading up to COVID. Baby boomers have hit the wall of their mortality. Yet now, the unvaccinated are being blamed for death of the elderly.

Lamestream media is not reporting that 1- Hospitals worldwide are filling with double-jabbed patients, 2- Millions are dying after getting the shots, 3- Hundreds of millions are being driven into poverty while suffering from vax side-effects.

And now they want to vaccinate all the children who have the strongest vital force and natural immunity against disease!

Forget that these new ‘vaccines’ are experimental with the major side-effect for children being autoimmune disease – destroying natural immunity.

Masking has already weakened the immune system of children, forcing them to breathe their own waste CO2 while depriving them of health-critical oxygen. Not to mention the mental disease that comes from anxiety-ridden fear that they may be killing loved ones.

H.L. Mencken said it well: "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."

Forget that Congress critters gave lawsuit immunity to vaccine manufacturers. Forget that they’re all in on it - ‘making a killing’.

If you follow the money – the business of the ‘Covid Death Cult’ (CDC) – you'll find a cabal of corporate billionaires serving trillionaires with a vaccine and passport agenda that leads to global population reduction and digital remote control of everyone.

The 'hobgoblins' are evil spirits pushing artificial intelligence, transhumanism, and a blood sacrifice of our own children. Just my studied opinion.

He who pays the piper calls the tune, and angry citizens nationwide have been finding out that their school boards have received government funding tied to masking and pro-vax policies.

Belief in modern science is a good thing until it is weaponized by captured medical institutions which serve Big Pharma, Big Tech,  Big Media, Big Government and Big $ interests in eugenics – reducing elderly ‘entitlements’ and pension fund payouts, blamed on COVID of course.

The ‘Great Reset’ is the agenda of these globalists who planned the pandemic as the catalyst for vaccine passports and social control policies whereby “You will own nothing and be happy.” ~Great Reset’s Klaus Schwab

This ‘Klaus’ would give you a Christmas you'll never forget, as global vaccine-caused plague becomes too obvious to deny.

These plutocrat psychopaths and their medical minions have no power – locally or globally – other than that which we give them.

Just say no to fake science, fake news, fake ‘authorities’ and the pathological propaganda of “safe and effective” vaccines.

Believe those destroying our core freedoms of speech, assembly and right to life at your own risk!

May our fragile future find you and your children on the life side of history.

[your name] ###

2nd Article - Published Oct 4, 2021

More food for thought for the truly thoughtful:)

I've included hyperlinks in the article - just for your
 reference, knowing the underlining will be removed
for newspaper articles but not some social media.

See also my recent blogs with videos
here and here -
to confirm that the crisis  is indeed urgent.

The health care system has transformed
quickly since COVID

My apologies to any health care workers who may take offense at some rather critical comments here. My life has been saved by skilled surgeons on multiple occasions.

These doctors will always be my heroes. But bad medicine called 'good' will always be the villain in my opinion.

As a naturopath who developed four holistic health centers over 40 years, I've developed my own bias in believing that a public health system which profits from disease - today's corporate privatized 'health care system' - will always put stockholders before the public when profits are at stake. That's corporate law.

While there's no profit in preventing disease for the medical-industrial complex, there's huge profit in creating and treating disease with drugs and vaccines that have side-effects treated with more drugs with more side-effects... until many seniors are 'walking pharmacies' with a toxic biological terrain as a 'prior condition'.

These are usually the first ones to die from flu vaccines. Same with Covid 'vaccines' which are experimental - no long term studies. They both have toxic ingredients that weaken the immune system. And if it's already weak, another toxic whack can make you sick enough to die.

The Big Lie that the unvaccinated are causing the pandemic has been thoroughly debunked by reports from Israel, UK and America that hospitals are filling with the double-vaccinated - a one-two punch to the immune system.

Big Media is suppressing the true story of what's in these new shots that are killing millions, as I reported previously. This is well documented by independent media. But Big Media won't bite the Big Pharma hand that feeds it. They're making too much money to stop!

The health care system has transformed very quickly since Covid arrived. We've come from voluntary vaccines - because it was always a choice - to coercion policies of 'No jab  - no job'... or 'No jab - no service' at an eatery or supermarket, as in France.

Whether you believe the new experimental mRNA injection is "safe and effective" or not, what we are seeing now is coercive tyranny - not consent of the governed.

As for new doctors, they've eliminated the time-honored standard of 'Do No Harm' in the Hippocratic Oath. It is too hypocritical.

Likewise, Google has eliminated their founding motto of 'Do No Evil'. This last week, Youtube/Google openly joined Facebook and other Big Tech media giants in censoring any science or free speech viewpoint that challenges the pro-vax narrative.

As medical heretic Jon Rappoport recently said, "It turns out that big-time liars always want to censor their opponents. It’s the only leg they have to stand on. In an atmosphere of free discourse, they would fall."

A year ago we were cheering our front-line health care workers. Now we see hospitals firing workers and corporations firing employees if they don't take the jab.

This unabashed medical martial law tyranny is out of control. The propaganda in lamestream media is incessant. It's like a form of mass psychosis or dark night of the soul of America.

Fortunately it's ending soon, believe it or not. The global Internet has been too effective at exposing the Big Lie and the Whole Truth.

Covid is not the danger we are incessantly told. From the beginning, the 'data science' has been rigged to amplify 'FEAR' (False Evidence Appearing Real). The number of Covid 'cases' have been ramped up with bogus PCR tests whose inventor - Kary Mullis - said should NEVER be used for diagnosis. That standard for Covid testing does NOT isolate the Delta variant.

The variant scare is a scam. The CDC and Big Pharma cohorts simply make up numbers to foment FEAR and compel compliance to their real agenda of population control. This is NOT about a virus - Not about public health. “This is about a changeover in the monetary system governing the planet.” ~ James Corbett of the Corbett Report.

This agenda is directed towards imposing unimaginable control over global population though mandatory vaccination, connected to a digital passport, which will be linked to digital currency and a social credit score that Big Tech has pioneered in Communist China.

For the last 18 months I've been reporting on my radio show how the pandemic was planned and executed by billionaires who have increased their wealth and power dramatically while billions of people worldwide were in lockdown.

As the light of Aquarius surges in the spirit of freedom and opportunity, the Big Lie of 'safe and effective' medical tyranny purges.

A 'Great Awakening' is uplifting the Family of Mankind in our all-connected global village. Victory virtues are overcoming victim dictum. And fearless faith in the power of love is overcoming faithless fears in the process.

So claim the victory. Truth and love wins in the end.

Your name - use what you can. ###

3rd Article - Current work in process

SPECIAL REPORT: Front Line Health Workers

Heads Up On Vaccine Hesitancy in Health Care

The tide is turning on this vaccine issue. Front line health care workers who were heroes last year are unemployed this year because they refuse the jab – believing independent media sources that vaccines are killing more people than Covid.

When you can, watch this 15 minute summary of global awakening to greater ‘vaccine hesitancy’… at:

This video is on bitchute because YouTube, Facebook and Big Pharma sponsored mainstream media is censoring any narrative contrary to pro-vax.

This is a personal health issue for many people. For others it is a core sovereignty issue – to own one’s own body. Others see abject medical tyranny undermining our civil rights – basic freedoms.

Office workers in ALL health clinics will be getting scared and angry parents who want ‘guilt free’ vaccines for their kids. They want the truly safe, non-toxic placebo effect – NOT the “nocebo effect” (believing that these new experimental mRNA vaccines harm the immune system of their children).

This is a problem, let’s face it. There is now plenty of empirical evidence – video above - that vaccines are not just failing to prevent Covid, but are actually causing symptoms attributed to Covid ‘variants’.

This is especially challenging for a women’s health clinic. Credibility and trust – for nurturing and real care – is greater with women healers. So what can be done?

This is a very difficult situation, but it could be an opportunity to build credibility and trust with well-informed choices for patients who are losing their patience.

That choice for the vaccine resistant could include a homeopathic MD – in house or referral - who can provide nosode vaccines that have no toxic substances, just their homeopathic energy signature.

Well-informed choice means that patients must be told what's in the vaccines and what the side-effects are. Without that consent, international law (Nuremberg codes) are broken with liability for harm.

Honesty in this regard leads to non-toxic energy medicine. The medical paradigm is shifting to quantum science – the energetic terrain behind the biological terrain.

We’re at the chaotic turning point now.

The vaccine-industrial complex is now larger than the military-industrial complex. The big money has gone to creating and managing disease rather than war.

The anti-war protestors of the Vietnam era are the anti-vax protestors today – called “domestic terrorists’ in the media.

Those who catch the wave of paradigm shift will prosper. They will be remembered as leaders of healthy change.

Those who don’t will reap the whirlwind of resentment if not retaliation for betrayal of public trust.

And there’s too much of that going around already. ###

Your name – use what you can.

PLUS, video reading of an earlier Open Letter   
of Support to the Unvaccinated

August 28, 2021 / HeartsCenter.org
Print version HERE.
Feel free to copy and use what you can.


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