Table of Contents:
Emerging Blueprint for a Golden Age
Chapter Five
The TLC Conneion
The Future of ‘US’ as
Sovereigns of Earth
2016 /
Heartcom Network
There is a revolution brewing in global affairs
- a global version of the American Revolution -
but emphasizing our evolutionary
"Governments arise either out of the people
or over the people."
~ Thomas Paine, author of COMMON SENSE
that sparked the American Revolution
There are major global changes coming to our
core social, political and economic institutions.
More powerful than highly
organized greed and
political corruption is the global
surge of social
in our ubiquitous social networks.
is the most sacred of all property."
~ Chief Architect of the Constitution, James Madison
Common sense
may be uncommon
but the
currents of conscience
now surging in
global social networks is
the ‘currency’ that will
underwrite global reset – the Next
Economy –
as is corrected and directed
with a
Call it
general enlightenment or
paradigm shift,
the future of America and the
world-at-large is
emerging with conscientious common
Culturing Unity in Our Diversity
The best way to
predict the future is to create it,
harnessing the power of
to connect hearts & minds in
for all of “US”
of Earth.
"Man can harness the winds, the waves and the tides,
but when he can harness the power of love,
then for the second time in the history of the world,
man will have discovered fire."
~ Teihard de Chardin
It’s a Global Village Now. Live With It.
Recently on
Cosmic LOVE I
discussed the future of America and
interviewed a call-in guest, Dennis Korn, a
college professor who
teaches critical thinking skills. We covered a
wide range of topics.
Listen to our discussion
Essential thinking skills are how we arrive at
quintessential truth.
“I say we had better look our nation searchingly in the face,
like a physician diagnosing some deep disease."
Walt Whitman, Democratic Vistas
feeling" (emotional intelligence).
Smart without heart is half-witted "DUH"
(Dense, Unconscious and Heartless).
"The issue today is the same as it has been throughout
all history,
whether man shall be allowed to govern
or be ruled by a small elite."
~ Thomas Jefferson
man shall be allowed to think for himself
or be programmed by a small elite.
The Next Phase of the Computer/Internet Revolution
"Information is the currency of Democracy."
~ Thomas Jefferson
A new
is emerging in the
of global humanity.
The epic sovereignty issue of universal
rights in the public sphere
has come into focus with the current
Presidential debate ‘choice’
between an establishment candidate
and a ‘wild card’ with appeal
as an anti-establishment candidate who
seems to challenge the
complex while making deals with
powerful big money investors for their mutual power and profit.
The biggest divide in American politics is no longer between
the right and the left, but is
between top-down establishment
and the bottom-up,
grassroots (Net roots) anti-establishment.
Understanding political ‘dis-ease’
in America and the world is
way to solutions of the
Prime Directive
whereby Left and
Right are checked and balanced
from the Top to the Bottom.
"The cause of America is in a great measure
the cause of all mankind.
We have it in our power to begin the world over again."
~ Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776
Indeed, the Spirit of ’76 is driving a new Common Sense in
the new global ‘commons’ with the all-connected Internet.
"We are bound, you, I, and every one, to make common cause…
to maintain the common right of
freedom of Conscience."
~ Thomas
Decentralized truth in global social networks is eroding the
blatant propaganda in
centralized corporate media networks.
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth,
he will either cease being mistaken,
or cease being honest.
Wall Street metrics that incentivize
war, disease and
public austerity for
corporatocracy prosperity
is NOT sustainable. It’s simply killing us.
"Of all enemies to public liberty, war is, perhaps, the most dreaded
because it comprises and develops the germ of every other...
No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of
continual warfare."
James Madison, Chief Architect of the Constitution, April 20, 1795
The endless War of (on) Terror since 9-11 ends when
the incentive for personal/public peace
and prosperity
neutralizes the incentives for war and debt austerity.
"No provision in our Constitution ought to be dearer to man
than that
which protects the
rights of Conscience
enterprises of the civil authority."
~ Thomas
The future unfolding in America and worldwide is being driven by the 'Internet of Things' more than any other factor.
The computer/Internet revolution is rapidly transforming the entire
world with information tools and processes empowering GLOBAL
ENLIGHTENMENT like ten industrial revolutions and Protestant
Reformations all rolled into one!
Explosion of knowledge power behind the global disruption of corruption
is destabilizing the
cabal, but billions of Netizens worldwide are networking for the Net
worth of a more enlightened Net reality.
The unprecedented 'global
village' implications for the Family of Mankind is becoming
self-evident. Net reality has gone mainstream. Most people in America
and worldwide get their news from the Internet. And the Internet genie
is not going back in the bottle.
The Internet is highly
decentralized and horizontally integrated with mass interaction
worldwide. By contrast, the no-longer mainstream media is diminishing in
influence as a highly centralized, top-down, one-way programming of
the masses.
The old media 'command and
control' business model is failing and a wholly new business-of-evolution model
to 'cooperate and co-create' is emerging.
The old paradigm of
'scarcity economics' - the oxymoronic 'value of scarcity' - has
succeeded with a scarcity of public prosperity, health, safety and trust
in government. The global win/lose contest between the superrich and the 99.99%
losers is unsustainable.
A new economics of
abundance is emerging with abundant conscience surging in global social
networks. Interactive blogs and Internet social networks have been
waking up, wising up and rising up with a more enlightened understanding
of the systemic corruption behind the disruption of the abundant life for all.
Global transformation is
moving fast. Some would say too fast. Others can't wait to see things
change for the better.
Here are some of the
inspiring and promising developments:
Almost 5 billion global
netizens are now connecting via the Internet. One and a half billion are
on Facebook alone, and remote villages worldwide now have satellite
downlinks directly to inexpensive tablet computers. World class
education / information is providing access to the Khan's academy for
learning art, engineering, design, languages, science, music,
mathematics, etc.
The cheapest smart phones
are already at $10 in Africa and Asia. In a few years, most humans will
own a Smartphone or tablet computer with unprecedented knowledge
Freedoms of speech and
assembly have matured with the Internet's more interactive platform for
connecting people worldwide. Did you know that a small ear plug-like
insert has been invented to automatically translate foreign languages?
Think about that! It's coming to the Internet. Social networks worldwide
will have universal translation into all languages. Many web sites have
multilingual translation capabilities already.
There is an app called
'HeartsRing' that you can download for your smartphone that lets you
know - while you're talking - whether you're in
heart coherence or not.
On Oct 17, 2015, Dan came on
Cosmic LOVE to
explain his decades-long development of the algorithms for this
'universal standard' for heart coherent
Blueprint – The TLC Conne Take global health care as another example. Global TeLeCare is now providing a model of free-online universal self care resources that are highly personalized to your health symptoms and body type. Artificial intelligence software was already getting better results than doctors in 9 of 10 cases a decade ago, and data infomatics are far more advanced now. See the video on Global TeLeCare HERE. |
The Great Shift from Devolution to Evolution
Many among us
are depressed, overwhelmed by negatives,
and mostly seeing the problem with every great opportunity.
(the 'cup' half empty)
Others are optimistic with a compelling
vision of the positive,
and mostly seeing the opportunity with
every great problem.
(the 'cup' half full).
Whatever we conceive and believe we can
achieve, so it’s
better to focus on a solution that ends the problem rather
than revolve the problem with no concept of the solution.
It's not aptitude but attitude that determines one's altitude;
whether we soar with the eagles on thermals of grace,
scratch with the turkeys on bugs of begrudge.
Comprehensive exposure of ‘The Problem’
– 2016 Election
Corruption –
compels a more enlightened definition of
‘The Solution’:
Emerging Blueprint for a Golden Age
TLC Conneion
optimizes divine intercession through the
'co-Creation process' of heart coherence
with mind congruence as defines/refines
social conscience in our social networks.
~~~~~~~~~ ASCENT BONUS ~~~~~~~~~
Behold Perfection of Divine Light In Your World
For those Initiates, Lightworkers and makers
who have read this far, here's a recent 23 min. audio
transmission via Elohim Cyclopea who comes with
the vision of coherent divine light for our co-Creation.
Center in the heart of your heart
and listen with that coherence
Here's to the inspired order now emerging as the
blueprint for a golden age. This via pure intention
that focuses attention with love's retention for our
conscientious ascension in the 5th dimension of
'Global Comprehension'.
Ways ,
'Rights'~ Well
for wholEness~
with the
5D Conscience archetypes of
corresponds to the 'Archetypal
Future of Time'.