The 2018 Global Upgrade Series
Saint Germain on the Ascension Process Now
I was not expecting a message from Saint Germain
for my March 3, 2018 Cosmic
Show podcast
But two hours before the show Saturday
I was told that Saint
Germain would answer some
questions about the 'Ascension Process' that is
accelerating for the Family of
Mankind on Earth.
Backstory: Two hours before the show,
David responded to an earlier invitation
that he was able to do the interview,
I was working on a show on the Secret
Space Program (SSP), as reported at
the Conscious Life Expo a week earlier
where David was a featured speaker.
So I told David about this when he called,
explaining how SSP insiders have been
warning of galactic photon belt energies
that are rapidly morphing energy grids of
the Earth... and human consciousness.
David's response was a message from
St. Germain regarding ascent dynamics
which I'm thrilled to share with you now.
Following are the 6 points Saint Germain shared
via his Messenger, David Christopher Lewis.
For Conscious Evolution Revelations
with Cosmic
Saint Germain
We are going through a series of spiritual planetary and personal
shifts. Each is like a graduation from one grade level to the next. Some
people feel that we will just miraculously alight into or proceed to the
5th dimension
one day. No. Everything happens in a gradual and divinely
ordained and systematic way based on cosmic parameters and our own
free-will chosen rate of spiritual evolution. We are all initiates
walking a path of light. We choose each day how quickly or slowly we
desire to tread this path of Self-discovery and Self-realization. The
more focused we are on divine light and love, the faster we proceed to
our desired goal. The greater attention we give to God, the more light
we receive to use on our path.
Yes, our solar system is
traveling around the galactic core and is influenced by the great light
emitted from the center of our galaxy. This light affects all life
throughout this sector of the universe more than mundane science would
ever imagine, because it is not in tune with spiritual evolution. There
are divine quintessences within this light that impact us individually
and as a whole. What we do in private in our own lives DOES impact the
whole, every lifestream, all beings.
The time of individualism is
over, in the sense that we can’t just “do our thing” without also being
aware of the consequences of our deeds, words, feelings and thoughts.
What many do not realize is that our thought processes are being speeded
up because of the changes in technology and the availability of instant
communication. What in the past potentially took years to research and
discover and learn can now be studied and mastered in much less time.
However, within the spiritual path are divine markers or milestones
known as initiations that we must all pass through in order to be
transfigured, resurrected and finally to ascend into immortal beingness
in the Divine.
The violet light helps us to accelerate all divine processes, steps on
the path, transmutation of karma, alchemical victories and
Self-realization. If those who are great at yoga and meditation will
just add 15-30 minutes a day of working with the violet light,
the violet laser light,
they will be amazed at the progress they will make in overcoming past
negative paradigms and habits like destructive self-talk, CCJ and
everything that arises out of the illusions of dualistic thinking,
feeling, speech and
Utilizing the gifts of Spirit
vouchsafed to us is now a necessity rather than just a desire or want.
We must be more illumined and we just have to learn to sustain a new
level of divine illumination in our auras and worlds. We must master our
emotions and our thoughts and not allow negativity toward any soul to
occur. We can’t give in to mood swings, media angst or to those who
bring us down. We must learn to commune with ascended masters, angels,
guardian spirits and divine beings.
We are part of the solution. We live within a solution of
diamond-crystal, liquid light! So, yes, we are now part of the solution…
and when that solution is supersaturated with our crystalline light
thoughts, feelings and words, our devotional chants and songs, our
wonderful ideations and illumined and virtuous concepts of our planet,
the divine world responds in kind and radiates us with such grace and
blessings that each day becomes mysterious and miraculous, each hour is
magnified and maximized in the higher light frequencies of Aquarius.
So learn the language of full-spectrum
love your global Netizen neighbor as thyself,
and serve the purpose of our enlightenment.
Graduation from this
Great School of Life is
a maturing of 'innocense' as inner sense
vision of virtue & valor for victorious
to 'wise up' with
Spiritual Revolution
Conscious Evolution
giving Resolution
Ascent as Self Elevation
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