April 11, 2022
Spiritual and Psych Warfare:
What We Can Do About it.
"In a time of universal deceit,
telling the truth becomes a
revolutionary act."
~ George Orwell
As during the American Revolution, only about 1-3% of global Netizens are actively involved in the online rEVOLUTION in higher consciousness. But that 1-3% has a sphere of influence with the 20% who do 80% of networking on the Internet.
This is the enlightened self interest
that networks for the Net worth of Net reality with a more enlightened
social conscience in our all-connected global social networks...
THE GREAT AWAKENING... The 'initiates' who often read my weekly 'Reality Reports' are AWARE - and AWAKE - already. They know we're in the 'End Times'. That’s end game for horrendous evil on planet Earth. And a time of greater tribulations ahead if more people don’t wake up, wise up and rise up.
Most good people know something is very
wrong with global events, but can't wrap their head around the abject
evil behind the Armageddon scenarios of Plague (Covid), War (Ukraine),
Famine (food scarcity), and Death (depopulation agenda).
Good people keep
the faith - see the good, It's true - the kind man of God-Love SEES God-Love in all mankind. For sure, it's important that we hold the immaculate concept of victory over dark forces of death and hell on Earth. But let's not be naive. Forewarned is fore-armed. Watch the following VIDEO OF THE YEAR. It's that important. Just published yesterday. Mind-blowing revelations. Know the REAL enemy. Pray fervently for divine intercession. Network far and wide. Time to turn-around the downward spiral.
As you
can see, this is serious.
Now's the
time to 'out the enemy',
Calling all
lightbearers, lightweavers, Lightbearers raise the vibration of Earth's evolutions with resurrection frequencies of peace, joy and the Holy Spirit of Love-in-action. Lightweavers focus pure intention on universal law language as weaves the fabric of reality with 1st principles of 'Cosmic Law'. Lightservers empower wisdom with -in-action as balances one's 3-fold flame in the name of the same Spirit that matters on Earth as in heaven-cosmos at large.
Lightworkers fulfill the 'Great Law' (Prime
Directive) with pure intention focusing attention on
love retention for conscious ascension in the 5th
dimension of full-spectrum comprehension.
1- Spiritual discernment
2- Mental 'adjudication'
-in-action BOTTOM LINE:
Charge up your
'ruby rayguns'.
The sincere
prayer of pure
better to do better, or dimwit 'default'
So Keep the
Faith - See the Good |
April 9, 2022 /
spiritual teacher. David is the co-founder of the
Hearts Center community which has a very active
Internet platform, broadcasting free for all daily.
David receives up-to-date, cutting-edge messages
from the ascended masters for today's conditions
and spiritual requirements. David and Christopher
discuss the newest Hearts Center publication of
Mother Mary's Messages: Holiness, Healing and
Hope for the New Age, plus many current issues.
Full Spectrum '5D' TLC:
'Geometric Ordered Divinity'
(G.O.D.~ Constitution),
Effective Sensory Perception
interactive TeLeCommunion:
TeLeComm for TeLeCommunity,
TeLeConscience, TeLeCare and
next TeLeCommerce
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