2024 Quantum Quickening Series

Brace Yourself for Shock and Awe in September
Will Deep State desperados resort to a false flag?

Trump's injection of RFK Jr. into the election
 has hit a big nerve of power elite potentates.
This is an existential crisis... for them.

Will they create some kind of emergency,
declaring emergency powers for control?

Is Wall Street about to implode?

Will the Gaza genocide then end?

What does it take to bring peace?

Christic light as Aquarian is surging.
Deep State antichrist insanity is purging.
A golden 'Quantum Age' is emerging.

Either world events push us to embrace the
Christic ethos with abundant
 or our worst fears come upon us.

We need to redirect our activism towards
 the REAL Source of Power-in-
to create REAL meaningful change.

Fearless Faith Neutralizes Faithless Fear.

Sept 3, 2024 / Heartcom Network

MUST WATCH: 12 minute Reality Report of the Month
The Election Ritual: the illusion of American democracy

"You live in an oligarchy, and your so called  'democracy'
is only performed as a distraction to keep you from
noticing that fact.
"Your government is captured, and your country has been
captured. And power and decision making has been     
   transferred from the public sector to the private sector."

August 16, 2024 / Middle Nation

 In this thought-provoking video, Shahid Bolsen exposes the truth
   about the US political system, revealing how corporate power and
economic imperialism have hijacked democracy.  From the        
manipulation of elections to the control of policy-making, Shahid
   argues that the real power lies not with the people or their elected
   representatives, but with the private sector. Don't be fooled by the
       charade of democracy - watch to learn how to redirect your activism
    towards the REAL sources of power to create meaningful change.

RFK Jr. Campaign Ad - Finish the Story Bobby!
Aug 31, 2024 / X.com / 3.5 million views
Watch this and you'll see why there is a HUGE shift in
public support of this story worldwide!

Seize the Vision - The Trending
   There's a pattern to where all of this is going; a trend.
 That's why it's important to trendfit emerging events
with those principles and processes that  
naturally empower creation of a future we all want.

"In the concept of constant inexorable change,
   the most valuable assets of man are his utterly
abstract weightless 'ideas' which permit his  
swift recognition and adjustment to the ever 
   changing pattern. The most valuable ideas are
  those which not only comprehend the change
but also the
trending of change in order to   
anticipate the next important change events
- as does the good driver of a car, pilot of a
 plane, or captain of a ship - thereby enabling
the safe and satisfactory dynamic, forward,
transformative processing of man in
evolutionary universe."
~ R. Buckminster Fuller 

Sept 2, 2024 / Martin Armstrong
"Washington (Deep State), does not like RFK or Trump."

Eric Weinstein VIDEO:
"I Don't Know Whether Trump Will Be Allowed
To Become President."

Sept 2, 2024 / Zero Hedge

In this highly intelligent interview, Eric Weinstein told Chris Williamson on the "Modern Wisdom" podcast that Donald Trump's presidency has disrupted the old "rules-based international order," which many view as an attempt to control global stability and wondered if the Republican nominee will "be allowed" to reenter the White House if elected in 2024. Weinstein argued that Trump's unorthodox approach challenged the status quo, exposing flaws in the system and revealing that the impact of populist leaders on democracy and international agreements is more complex and significant than previously understood.

Keep in mind that the 'Quantum Voting System' (QVS)
will be coming online after the 'system reboot'.
Corrupted code for the global holodeck
  gets cleaned up with Source Code.

Sept 2, 2024 / Fresh and Fitz
- Skip to 10-20 minutes for a great intro;
- Deep dive into the Big Picture globally.

What Happens After the Election to Millions
of Illegal Migrants When the Checks Stop?
Aug 30, 2024 / Martin Armstrong / 5 minute read
A classic set up for chaos or civil war by plan and intent?

RFK Jr: There Has To Be "A Reckoning" For
"Immoral, Homicidal" COVID Criminality
Sept 3, 2024 / zerohedge.com / Steve Watson 
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has said that individuals who
 engaged in "criminal" behavior during the pandemic
still need to be held accountable.  4 minute video.

In the meme time... why I Am an optimist:

"The last of the human freedoms
is to choose one's attitude."

~ Viktor Frankl

So Keep the Faith ~ See the Good
Make it So!


A higher concept of
for global rEVOLUTION
and a higher concept of

'TLC' and Heartware
for Global Healing.

To  with all your strength, mindheart and soul,
and your all-connected Netizen neighbors as thyself.