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The Cosmic Clock Strikes High Noon
Catch the change wave and ride it ‘home’.
"The truth is a tsunami. We surf it or we
~ David R. Hawkins, MD, PhD
or Oblivion
and Selective Judgment
Individual and Collective
‘Judgment’ is an Ascension
Prophetic moments in cosmic history - as in 2012 -
are a choice opportunity (entirely new territory)
for navigating the “InnerNet” (inner space) at
the heart of the quantum ‘Unified
not only for your conscious evolution,
but also for global metamorphosis.
is a
Be Free to Ride the Change Wave.
“Our minds will
unite like the fragments of a hologram.”
Terrance McKenna, from
The accelerated rate of global transformation has come to this |
This choice awakens a greater sense of ‘community’… our ‘unity of
purpose’ as ‘Co-Creation’ with a Higher Power within us, around
us, and permeating all of Creation… FOR FULL DISCLOSURE…
unveiling the quantum mysteries of the universal ‘Source Field’.
Earth humans are not the ONLY rational
thinking beings alive in the universe…
and all life in the universe springs from
one common unified field of Creation…
the ‘Source’
of ‘The
“the divine God intelligence force”
from the following 35
Excerpts from the video:
“This [energy] is your SOUL, your spirit,
what you are, what I am, what we all are.
Our human bodies are made of atoms;
our spirit is made of [energy]…
physicists in your world get to
know and understand this field of science;
when they’re thoroughly convinced that
the soul of the human body is a part of God,
made solely and exclusively of [energy]…
then they’ll have to define God as a great
positive energy; an intelligent FORCE
pervading the entire universe.”
Pleiadian message
So what is the MESSAGE the Pleiadians want to convey?
“It is time for the people of Earth to become
ultimate tyranny in a society is not control by
martial law. It is the control by the psychological
manipulation of consciousness, through which
reality is defined so that those who exist with it
do not even realize that they are in prison…
You have been controlled like sheep in a pen
by those who think they own you – from the
government, to the world management team…
“Understand that
you create your own reality
and that every other person creates their reality.
Everyone has the opportunity to wake up at any time.
When enough people create their own reality
-- consciously create it --
you will create a NEW planet…!
“This goes
back to the idea that the world is not solid.
It is constructed of energy, and that energy takes
form through the thoughts of those who
participate within the world.”
Or as said by David Icke in ‘Children of the Matrix’:
Most of the human race is so utterly indoctrinated by
the externally implanted ‘norms’ that bombard their
minds from the cradle to the grave that they have no
comprehension that their ‘normal’ thinking is their
own individual and collective prison…”
So what is the ASCENSION CHOICE of souls in 2012
according to the Pleiadians representing Source?
Awakening to our unlimited spiritual
potential is the primary MESSAGE!
The flame of ascension is like a burning candle; one’s solid core of pure intention is liquefied by the flame and rises up the wick with attention to retention of the power of love's fire, and thus, ascension via the flame’s transmutative effect… just as spiritual fire of Source morphs DNA and conscious evolution via Co- Creation in “form" (genesis of DNA via Source connection) and “frequency” (Cosmic ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 'transceivers' for navigating dimensions of G.O.D.~ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
opposite of evil is actually in-formed love consciousness,
and doing what's necessary to culture greater
with all one’s heart, mind and resolve.
By organizing
information IN FORMATION… with ,
the boundaries of cosmic law language are internalized and
‘geometrized’ for pattern recognition and affirmation of the
quintessential meaning, value and purpose at the heart of
a vision that has found its time with
2012 LOVE Unveiled.
“This is a Cosmic Moment in the evolution of
this planet, and all of us
who are on Earth at this time have been preparing for lifetimes to
assist in this vitally important facet of the unfolding Divine Plan.”
Patricia Cota-Robles, Aug. 8. 2012,,
Matching the
frequency of ascension requires a
frequent frame of reference for activation of the
Ascent Process” (CAP).
This ‘Co-Creation
Source’ process synergizes
G.O.D.~ components
to the
...For Lifting of the Veil
sacred path of the Ascension
is not a mystery when known.
When pure intention to Co-Create with
focuses attention with retention of ,
conscious ascension into higher dimensions
naturally follows in both form and frequency.
it will come to pass
that, with the accomplishment of the
capstone crowning man’s achievement, the civilization of
the golden age, the permanent golden age, will
~ Serapis Bey via the Messenger Mark Prophet in the
‘Dossier on the Ascension’, The Story of
the Soul’s
Acceleration into Higher Consciousness on the
Path of Initiation
May the force of the Source be with you,
may the currents of Ascension raise you,
and may your allegiance to the Alliance
bless the
United Sovereigns of Earth
the golden rule whereby rules.
~ Christos
note from my sponsor, UltraMedics
Keep in mind
that DNA repair and regeneration
is augmented and activated by nature's richest
source of DNA genetic material at the source
of the food chain. More
information HERE.