2024 Quantum Quickening Series

A Smart Recovery Plan for the Collapsing Economy

The Currency of Conscience to the Rescue!


July 26, 2024 / Reese Report
Rockefeller CIA Connections to Deagel Depopulation Forecast

 The economy is poised for collapse and reset.
Having reported on the disintegration spiral
 for years, readers should not be surprised.

It’s not contemporary wisdom, but the key
   to revaluation of a sound economic system
  is upgrade of the Currency of Conscience,
the ‘gold standard’ for Aquarian attributes
of inspiration, innovation, and co-creation
Culturing Global Freedom and Opportunity.

   This Heartcom Newsletter offsets the serious
Reese Report with some great humor plus
hopeful outcomes for our world in distress.

   What is REAL transmutes and
transcends unreality.
and Joy,

July 27, 2024

Skip to the bottom for Humor Finale

A clear vision of virtue and valor for the victory of
will spark the High State Vision
that naturally neutralizes
Deep State ‘e-veil’
(energy veil).

When a critical mass of enlightened Netizens
finally realize – real eyes – that Net reality
with the universal heartware interface
- Web 3.0 Heartware CyberEthics -
will culture social conscience via
Holy Spirit -in-action,
then ‘quantum quickening’
(Great Enlightenment),
will wholly upgrade
 Common Sense.

When enough good people finally ‘get it’,
how heartware will involve and evolve
 social conscience in social networks,
the global rEVOLUTION in higher
 consciousness will gain traction,
and fulfill the divine destiny of
the Aquarian dispensation.

  Once you understand how heartware organizes
  all information 'IN FORMATION' (with ),
  it ALL begins to make sense... how co-creation
 - with TeLeCommTeLeCare and TeLeCommerce
    will culture conscientious common sense for all
'US' as United Sovereigns of Earth.

The Vision alone, properly positioned,
packaged and promoted, will be the
catalyst for a self-fulfilling prophecy.

So Keep the Faith – See the Good
And All Ways ... Always!



One Minute - Hilarious!

July 22, 2024 / Nick Peterson
Get Abrain. Neurotransmitters for microdosing?

"Thou shalt not surely die."

said the snake in the Garden of Eden

July 26, 2024 / AwakenWithJP
Shake it off!  The straight skinny on the deep doo-doo.

2 minute AMAZING video:
Elon Musk Retweets EPIC Kamala Harris Achievement Ad
And Quickly Racks Up 55 Million Views

July 26, 2024 / thegatewaypundit.com
Elon Musk retweeted a masterpiece on Kamala Harris
created by Mr. Reagan.


Non-attached and Unaffected by a Crazy World?
Don't Hook With All the Drama!

In the larger scheme of God incarnate in mankind
- that will raise kind men and women unto God -
pleasure, pain, loss, gain, fame & shame
are all the same - polarities of the one
Spirit that matters in the kingdom
 conscience of heaven within.

All suffering comes from the sense of
that polarizes rather than harmonizes,
divides us rather than unites us,
harms rather than pardons,
hates rather than loves.
For getting rather than for giving.

The Holy Spirit of -in-action
is for giving.

To  with all your strength, mindheart and soul,
and your all-connected Netizen neighbors as thyself.

"Try to be a rainbow in someone else's cloud."
Maya Angelou