2020s Global Co-Creation Series
REALITY REPORT - DEBRIEFING: Coronavirus is just the 'cover story' for global reset of core public institutions.
As Vice President Mike Pompeo said at the beginning of the
lockdown on live TV, "This
is a live exercise."
President Trump responded by saying under his breath as if no one could hear, "You should have let us know." It makes you wonder if the Deep State department is directing this global reality TV show. The lamestream media never mentioned this curiosity, but the independent global social media ran video clips of this exchange all over the Internet. This LIVE EXERCISE was planned from the beginning, and thanks to the Internet, there is already a brilliant documentary by James Corbett on the full extent of the planning that went into this global 'Plandemic'. Watch it now - for free - online at this documentary on Bill Gates by James Corbett.
Here’s a summary of the salient points June 10, 2020 / Bitchute.com A LIVE EXERCISE - in this case - is a process of testing public reaction to centralized command and control agendas. The test now is to gauge public reaction to mass deception and abject tyranny with loss of core freedoms of speech and assembly. |
The SOLUTION to the Deep State
THE PROBLEM at a surface level is a
virus that by now has proven to be about as statistically deadly
as the common flu Coronavirus.
![]() At a deeper level we've seen incessant fear-mongering in mainstream media to lock-down the public in their homes worldwide, contrary to long-established public health wisdom that you never quarantine healthy people. Likewise unprecedented is the wearing of masks by healthy people in public. That should be reserved to health care providers working with sick people, as explained brilliantly in the following video: June 8, 2020 / Rashid Buttar This 'Live Exercise' is an experiment. ![]() THEY LIVE! See for yourself via 5D frequency shift lenses. ![]()
Fearless faith in
the High State clears vision
of the inordinate Deep State fear deception that surrenders sovereignty for fake safety until we have neither freedom nor security. THE PROBLEM at an even deeper level can be seen as the privatization of health care by a Big Pharma monopoly on medicine that profits from disease - NOT its prevention. Corporate Law dictates that stockholders come before the public when profits are at stake. At this Deep State level of the 'Corporatocracy', economics and politics of profit and control take priority to the science of public health. Big government has given Big Pharma indemnity from harm caused by vaccines that have never been proven safe, harming if not killing millions of people.![]() And at the deepest level, astute observers will find THE PROBLEM is the age-old issue of sovereignty - whether the public will have the right to own their own health with well-informed choice, or be mandated to accept toxic vaccines with live retroviruses and the quantum nanotechnology 'tatoo' (tracking device); the new improved 'mark of the beast'. ![]() As well-documented in the New York Times best-seller, Emerging Viruses, by Dr. Len Horowitz, half of Hitler's flight capital (gold) went into Merck Pharmaceutical (U.S. vaccine company) for rise of the 4th Reich through a Big Pharma stealth take-over of health care... to assume power by 'making a killing' on creation and treatment of disease. Medical Martial Law is part of that LIVE EXERCISE now.
Merck vaccine scientist Dr. Maurice Hilleman admitted
presence of SV40, AIDS and cancer
viruses in vaccines
(NaturalNews) THE REACTION to this LIVE EXERCISE is also multi-dimensional on several levels. On the surface, we've seen an amazing amount of conformity as people quarantine themselves in their homes worldwide at the expense of the local and global economy.
At a deeper level of REACTION, we see mass anxiety and mental illness with all the isolation, depravation and suicides that have afflicted more lives than any virus.
We’ve Seen A Year’s Worth Of Suicide Attempts In The Last Four Weeks, California Doc Says May 24, 2020 / Eric A. Blair It is well known that sustained fear of the unknown causes a pathological REACTION that floods the body with stress hormones, weakens the immune system, and narrows perception with a 'siege mentality' and emotional instability that is quick to anger and short on tolerance for any viewpoint other than one's own.
"No passion so effectually robs the mind
of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear." ~ Edmund Burke The pathology of extreme fearmongering - as seen in lamestream media - destabilizes the social fabric and family coherence. It erupts in domestic violence and public riots with wanton violence to public property. And at the deepest level of REACTION we see the same core issue of sovereignty - whether mankind will have free will to govern ourselves or be ruled by power elite potentates who are ethical infants with a eugenics agenda that profits from population reduction through disease treament, NOT a healthy immune system for disease prevention.
Since this
plandemic is a LIVE EXERCISE,
The SOLUTION that global humanity wants
is not the same as powerful special interests that have a
vested interest in media monopoly, health care monopoly and
corporate ownership and control of the human and physical
resources of humanity.
![]() The SOLUTION to U.S public health - which is the REAL CRISIS - must confront the core issue of disease profiteering whereby Americans pay ten times more for health care than the next ten countries combined... and yet, according to the CIA fact book, our lifespan ranks 51st in the world among third world countries. And our infant mortality rate is higher than Nicaragua. We do have the best emergency care in the world, and we need a lot of it because public health is collapsing under the strain of mainstream media drug pushing of vaccines that have well-documented disease-causing side effects, often for a life-time of drug prescriptions with more side effects until many elderly are walking pharmacies with one foot in the grave. The way they've been scared litterly to death by this LIVE EXERCISE is a cruel indictment of those responsible.
Disease care is
NOT health care.
obviously a challenge for deeply entrenched corporate interests
in Big Pharma, Big Media and Big Tech which are more aligned
with profits for billionaires and stockholders rather than
health for the public.
This is the optimal SOLUTION that the global health crisis compels.
Sooner or later, well-informed CHOICE will transcend the
drug-pushing medical monopoly.
Global TeLeCare is a model of telemedicine that will naturally gain traction and manifest as more people seek a real SOLUTION to the pathological disease care system. As this vision of, by and for global holistic health goes mainstream, the virtue of true CARE will claim the victory through rapid deployment of the TeLeCare infrastructure for a self-fulfilling prophecy. This is the SOVEREIGNTY SOLUTION to own our own health - our own lives. Sovereignty is healthy. Pharmacidal Plandemonium is not. |
June 3, 2020 / AwakenWithJP
that on the famous Hawkins Scale of one’s
prevailing awareness of intention and attention
- as documented in his classic, Power Vs Force -
JOY claims the VICTORY of higher frequencies
of Peace and Enlightenment.
So Claim the Victory of a Higher Power:
See also: The
Aquarian Mandate
Committee of Correspondence
for Global rEVOLUTION