The Source Field and Quantum Quickening
- Comprehending the
Cosmic Law of the Angles
framed around
Heart Language of
the Angels;
- The concept of inner 'deep query and listening'
for culturing ‘Effective
Sensory Perception’;
- Tuning in to a process of Quantum Quickening
for navigating the InnerNet via Revelations.
“The Field… the sole
governing agent of
each particle of matter.”
~ Albert Einstein
Sombrero Galaxy, similar to our own
As I’ve documented
profusely over the last decade,
the technology for the InnerNet has evolved with a
universal interactive interface from cyberspace to
'inner space' –
Web 3.0 Heartware
revolution from
hardware (IBM),
software (Microsoft)
netware (Netscape) to
heartware (Web
– from Internet to InnerNet –
would seriously challenge the deeply entrenched
‘normalcy bias’ that resists change to new ways
of thinking and acting outside the ‘normal’ box.
calls ego – the
little mind – as filters or otherwise
constrains the
big mind (collective conscience,
records, source field, G.O.D. zone, etc.).
Beyond ego is 4-5D paradigm shift.
"It is the ego that maintains the separation,
the soul that knows better, and the
divinity that calls us home."
~ Christine Page, M.D.
Practical visionaries, cultural creatives and servant leaders focus on
solutions. Pure intention focuses attention to make you part
of the solution -
love retention for ascension - rather than filled with reprehension of
the ego as
part of the problem
that wants to maintain its brand of ‘normalcy’.
Historical Advance to a New Normal
Back in 2014, for the first time, there were more people
getting their news online from open & interactive social
media - like Twitter,
Facebook, newsgroups, blogs, etc. -
than from the "closed" (one-way) and
highly "controlled"
(scripted) corporate media interests of corporatocracy.
A new normal for our ‘Net reality’ is maturing.
A majority is now dealing with not only our new capability
for enlightened conscience to prevail, but also the reality
of massive manipulation of the mass
media ‘mass mind’
to create and manage terror, war and disease for profit;
porn to
manipulate human and global resources with
self-evident population-reduction intent in the process.
reality makes scripted fake news obsolete.
True history is being revealed for the Family of Mankind
thanks to our new instant-everywhere-interactive I-net
search-and-find capabilities,
(also on the InnerNet).
The voice of conscientious common sense is emerging
in support of the process of global conscious evolution
that will most likely culture our individual and collective
consciousness with intent for enlightened conscience.
“Conscience is the most sacred of all property.”
~ Chief Architect of the Constitution, James Madison
all people have in common, for unity-in-diversity
is more important than the divide-to-control perversity
of power elite potentates plundering public prosperity
while socializing public losses with systemic austerity.
The central bank cartel profits from debt creation
with financial control of the ‘corporatocracy’
profits from their “golden rule” for the plutocracy;
that he who has the gold ($’s) makes the rules
which make a mockery of what was democracy.
With the Source Field light surging
the dark-side Deep State is purging,
and a High State is now
emerging as
the judgment on 3D ego
Deep Fakes of the Deep State: Ex-CIA Director William Casey infamously observed that the agency will know its disinformation campaign is complete when everything the public believes is false. Well, rest easy, Bill! Now with deep fake technology, your perverse dream of everything being fake could become a nightmare... if we don't wake up from the grand illusion the Deep State has created. |
Deep Fakes - Real Consequences
April 28, 2018 /
We now have a clear choice folks!
Deep Fakes of the Deep State
New Normal as a High State.
That's why Web 3.0
Heartware CyberEthics
is an idea that is very timely for upgrade of
Five Core Internet
Culturing Net reality as social conscience
in global interactive social networks with:
Framing the
3D ego-matrix of thought
with universal Light
Language as evaluation
criteria for a global interactive interface:
We are what we think, having become
what we thought; so it behooves us to
be conscious of HOW we are conscious.
- Orienting the nonlinear spherical 5-D spirit of
coherence as a real-time standard for
intuitive discernment that matters:
We are what we believe, having become
what we
believed; so pay attention with
pure intention for retention of coherence.
- Co-Creating with synergy in the
3-fold trinity
of Power ()
and Wisdom (
with Love (
‘in time’ (4D) via
interactive balance criteria:
We are what we think, feel & believe, having
become what we thought, felt
and believed;
so balance the equation
- Integrating the multi-dimensional
components to the four-sided CAPstone ()
to activate the ‘Creative
We are what we DO, having become what
we DID; so have a check up from the
neck up for CAPstone ascension.
This Conscience Currency
is dedicated to the
One Eye...
"To understand the nature of God, it
is necessary only to know
the nature of love itself. To truly know love is to know and
understand God; and to know God is to understand love."
~ Dr.
David R. Hawkins, "The
Eye of the I"
(pg. 88)
Global TeLeCare,
The Global Heartware Project
instant-everywhere and interactive 'Net reality'.
Think Galactic - Dance Local
with full spectrum holistic health:
Advanced holistic modalities
for personal/planetary health