“Open Systems” (Freedom):
Interactive with input & feedback
“Closed Systems” (Tyranny):
Non-interactive programming
with no feedback ‘choice’
Resolution of this conflict is now the
'New American Revolution', globally.
Processes for Global Interdependence
Show podcast HERE
Feb 3, 2018 / Heartcom Network
The crisis was explained previously in
‘Global Ascent from Chaos to
Before that –
- I explained how
Internet technology has
knowledge power which is neutralizing
fake news deceptions of the Deep State.
In response
to this global power shift,
witness government power struggles
and the
corporatocracy cabal
of Big Oil,
Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Media, and
the Big War intent of “Big Bank”
to close down
freedom as we know it
so the cabal can still
milk the masses.
a closed co-dependent system,
or you're against the cabal, and for
an open interdependent system.
Related Gandhi quote:
Where it’s going, in brief:
Tyranny is on the way out, but it’s not over yet folks. The birth of New
Earth will sooner or later look back at the tribulations of this time as
the darkness before the dawn of the Quantum Aquarian Age.
This is the success formula for global reset. Open is good. Closed is
bad. Whether applied to technology standards, business strategies or
philosophies of life, it’s the winning concept for individuals, for
nations, for social networks and for global community in the years
Open systems make closed systems obsolete.
Big Oil
will be eclipsed by clean free-energy tech, ending the poisoning of our
air, water and food with toxic petrochemical pollutants.
Big Pharma
will see a similar fate as quantum energy medicine matures with the
energies-of-health paradigm that supersedes the old chemistry-of-disease
paradigm that pushes toxic drugs for disease treatment.
Big Tech
(AI / Surveillance Industry) has lost the moral high ground with
heartless technocracy which has blatantly hi-jacked social networks with
data mining that identifies social activists and AI algorithms that
‘disappear’ them with ‘digital
assassination’. That nefarious policy is a classic
‘closed system’
– no accountability
– and leads to a
vicious circle
that spirals downward. Nations turn in on themselves. The world
fragments into isolated blocs. This strengthens traditionalists and
leads to a rigidity of thought. This stagnates the economy and leads to
poverty. This leads to conflicts and increasing intolerance which brings
about an even more closed society and fragmented world.
Big Media
(MSM) has become the marketing arm of Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Tech and
Big War closed systems. This Deep State
media matrix has lost the
trust of global Netizens, a majority of which get their news from
independent sources on the Internet. The emerging next phase of the
computer/Internet revolution –
– provides an open-system model for core institutions of
TeLeCare (health
care) and
(economy)… all open with
of a cyberEthics nature – a
heart coherent source
nature – like a
moral compass.
As the world adopts the open model, the virtuous circle opens up with an interactive interface that empowers response ability with upgrade of Five Core Net Freedoms.
of Earth
That’s where it’s going – New Earth – in the larger scheme of global
economic reset. That requires a ‘TLC’
(spiritual) reset above all. And a psychological reset – the mind and
heart of
“Spiritual Reset Above All”
Spiritual adepts understand that there are indeed spiritual beings who
operate in this dense octave of incarnation by inspiring us with
‘mindfulness’ of an enlightened ascending nature. Call
them angels of love or angles
consciousness or ascended masters, they have always inspired conscious
evolution on Earth with their messages through ‘Messengers’ who are
clairaudient or clairvoyant, hearing or seeing beyond the 3D veil.
There’s nothing ‘extra’ about ‘Effective Sensory Perception’ (ESP) when
you have it, and those who have a mercurial mind will appreciate the
‘Spiritual Reset’ in this
new video released yesterday:
Divine Thought – Mercurial
And more from the 'light side'...
Spoofy News... Have a Good Laugh!
Mini-Me - my 'base':
Big Me - as
'middle class':
Super Me - as
'elite class':
Western societies are now drowning in debt, have socially
destabilizing wealth disparities, and have shrinking, aging populations.
This is why the West needs to fundamentally reform its governmental,
social, and economic architecture. The alternative to a reboot,
including a
jubilee and one-off asset redistribution, will be a steady
decay that will end in widespread collapse of current structures. ~ Benjamin Fulford, article
THE DEEP STATE (Military Industrial
The Trump administration is moving towards war with Russian and China. In December, President Donald Trump released a new national security strategy, which reveals that the top priority for U.S. national security is not countering "terrorism," but rather countering the influence of competing foreign states, namely China and Russia. Defense Secretary James Mattis said openly, "Great power competition, not terrorism, is now the primary focus of U.S. national security." After blowing up the Middle East, there has long been skepticism of the notion that the "war on terror" was about stopping terror in the first place. But the Trump administration's new national security strategy stands out as one of the most frank admissions yet that U.S. foreign policy is principally about undermining foreign states that challenge U.S. economic and political interests, not about stopping extremist groups that threaten civilians. This is abandonment of Trump's former pretense of non-interventionism. It's also classic Sun Tzu 'Art of War' tactics; when you are strong you act week, but when you are week, you act strong. As President Kennedy famously said in the face of the Deep State military-intelligence industrial complex, "Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind". It’s now well known that the Deep State assassinated JFK. He wanted peace, not war.
Trump is challenging the Deep State media cabal, and like
the FISA Memo drama, the cherished Deep State mantra that ‘Russia stole the
election’ is disintegrating.
FBI Warns Republican FISA Memo Could
Please contribute to the
TLC Alliance
while contributing to your optimal health.
Free bits
cryptocurrency for a
limited time HERE. Thanks, ~C.R.