Olympic Signs of Olympic Times
Compilation by Christopher Rudy
Crop Circle reported August 9th 2012 at Cheesefoot Head,
near Winchester, Hampshire UK... near the Olympics.
Endless Tibetan Knot also known as the Infinity
Symbol: “Everything is Interrelated”
The 'Auspicious Tibetan Knot' or
'Endless Knot' is a geometric diagram
symbolizing the nature of reality where
everything is interrelated and only exists as part of a web of “cause
and effect” (karma) whereby
we reap what we sow, action/reaction (physics), stimulus/response (biology);
universal law.
Having no beginning or end, this is also an exquisite scientific metaphor for
'SOURCE FIELD'… the unified field of all-connected quantum reality.
It also represents the
infinite wisdom of the Buddha... or the 'all-connected' kindness of the Christ.
In both cases, union of compassion and wisdom is with geometric 1st principles
of .
It also represents the illusory character of inear time
in the finite here and now ~
as is inseparable from nonlinear~
connection with the infinite and eternal ~
The synthesis of the
and the
in the
defines 4D 'real time' in the
as is synergized with the wholEness
of 5-D 'Universal Co-Creation'.
Orbs in a crop circle… a common phenomena with crop circle formations.
Watch this short YouTube video to see a profound demonstration of
orb manifestation through receptive group ‘mediation’ (meditation).
Digital cameras have been very effective at photographing orbs,
even when people can't otherwise see them.
Many orbs have been photographed with
unique geometric patterns, East and West,
as in
sophisticated mandalas, seen HERE.
Are these 'cosmogenesis codes', like crop circles?
interviewed an expert on the subject of orbs,
Toni Elizabeth Sar'h Petrinovich, on my
June 17th, 2010 'Cosmic Love' talk show:
The Sign of
the Cross during the 2008 Olympics
This one appeared near Devizes UK, reported on
the 'message' of the 8-8-08 as the reframing of a
linear awareness of 'The
Great Crossing' from the
perspective of 'local left-brain letter of spiritual law'
to the nonlinear 'right-brain spirit of the One Law'
with spiraling all-connected cycles reactivating
our seven glandular/energy centers (chakras)
aligned in the vertical 'spiritual bar', crossing
with the horizontal-worldly bar that cross-
references (Co-Creation) with five-core
Constitutional freedoms of, by and for
5 'MegaShift Megatrends' for our
(United Sovereigns).
Rather Amazing is it not?
Olympic Signs of Olympic Times
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