2015 Enlightenment Series

Take Heart! Net reality is Maturing
Part Two

Continued from: Part One


Sustaining Love in the Next Economy

( + = trinity of synergy)
TeLeCare for Love Representation

The care model for culturing compassionate Net reality in our ubiquitous social networks will naturally upgrade self governance and self learning with self-care capabilities that provide free online universal self care for personal and societal healing:

  ~ Love's Retention Holistically
     Physically: Biological Health
Mentally: Psychological Health
Spiritually: Bio-Psyche wholEness

See: Heartware for co-creation with love.


Integrating TeLeComm in the Next Economy

- HEARTWARE BRANCH "Integration"
( + + in all 4 quads of )
TeLeCommerce for the Next Economy

The integrated model for culturing four-way synergy of the trinity, providing a process for balancing the 3-fold frequency of Power-Wisdom-Love in all the 4 archetypal dimensions of Self & Civilization... integrating this inner sense congruence with coherence at the heart of the InnerNet - the inner space at the heart of cyberspace - with a process for "mediating" (culturing) social Conscience with -valuation criteria for Co-creating ia universal Rights () in the public Sphere ().

See: Integrating optimal wholEness in .

  - Heartware for governing of public power
- Heartware for culturing public wisdom
Heartware for co-creation with love
- Integrating optimal wholEness

These 4 quad components of the circle of wholEness are likewise the four sides of the archetypal "pyra~mid" (fire in the middle) as metaphorically infires and inspires the rise of consciousness, the Creative Ascent Process into CAPstone Conscience - one's Higher Real Self - as
mediator with
5-D Conscience for centering & connecting in the interactive interface heart of the holographic field and the heartware holodeck 'cloud' of Unity Conscience; providing a TLC process for involving and evolving our individual and collective Conscience on Earth as in 'heaven' realms of quantum Cosmos-at-large.

Affirmation and Confirmation with Determination for
 Integration of Abundant 5-D CAPstone Conscience:

There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept responsibility for changing them.

In the current age of Net reality capabilities,
the ability to respond to world crisis with
TeLeComm responsibility
will naturally optimize well-informed
choice that compels
with freedom and opportunity.

CAPstone Conscience
is dedicated to the
one eye


Look to SEE... Know to BE
Geometric Ordered Divinity

"To understand the nature of God, it is necessary only to know
the nature of love itself.  To truly know love is to know and 
understand God; and to know God is to understand love."

~ Dr. David R. Hawkins, "
The Eye of the I" (pg. 88)

"One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of pure
love and reverence for all of life will counterbalance the
negativity of 750,000 individuals who calibrate at the
lower weakening levels." 
~ from the decade-long research with millions of tests utilizing behavioral kinesiology, 
documented in "
POWER VS. FORCE - The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior" 
by Dr. David R. Hawkins , M.D., PhD in Psychology


Framing the processes of consciousness with
the Constitution of Conscience at the
foundation of self-governing
 conscious evolution.

The Power Within

To help establish 'The Foundation',
 please support the Heartcom Network
while serving your optimal health with
  nature's most potent health