It's June in Montana. Prairie dogs are scrambling as eagles and
hawks feast after a long winter of slim pickings. Ranchers are
scrambling to irrigate fields and make hay while the snowmelt
fills the irrigation ditches. Here in Paradise Valley, tourists are
also busy cruising down to the North gate of Yellowstone Park.
After weeks of overcast sky and much-needed rains, blue sky
has returned with lush green hills that usually turn brown in July.
This gives a small window of heaven-on-Earth here in
For some of us free spirits, it's a good time for
Soul Soaring In Paradise
computer metaphor for conscious evolution is appropriate to our
times. Different metaphors provide different parallels (parables)
that have more profound meanings in their respective times. The
enlightened Christ used agricultural parables in an agricultural
age, teaching the Eastern concept of 'karma' in terms of how we reap
what we sow... the thrashing floor of life... separating the wheat
from the chaff, etc.
now we live in the Internet Age that separates the
connected from the disconnected, the natural world from the virtual
world of instant-everywhere and interactive Internet capabilities.
This is the nature of humanity's evolution seen in the rapid
development of information technologies in our time.
Witness how the computer/Internet revolution
has changed our perceptions like an extension of the brain...
just as clothes are an extension of the skin.
The industrial age saw automobiles become the extensions of our
feet. Radio became extension of our ears. Motion pictures and then
talking movies and then TV became extensions of our eyes and ears.
Now personal computers are like extensions of our individual brains,
whether palm top 'smart phones' or lap top tablets or deck-top
In just 33 years, global civilization has evolved from the dominant mainframe
computer corporate culture, IBM's hardware...
and then morphed into the home business revolution and economic boom
with a
desk-top computer revolution, dominated by Microsoft's
and then morphed into the global network of
computers we call the Internet, dominated first by Netscape's
The parallel here is to individual brain cells that grow
communication networks with other brain cells in an instant-everywhere and
interactive global brain. But a brain without a heart is
half-witted. Knowledge power is only as
good as the social Conscience it represents in social networks.
The next phase in the computer/Internet revolution after
hardware, software and netware is naturally heartware, as I explained that in the recent article on 'Quantum
Computing'. For most people, that's like trying to explain the
full implications of the Internet BEFORE the Internet.
bias is like paradigm paralysis that struggles with new conceptual
frameworks of an in-depth nature. New paradigms typically don’t
‘compute’ until we can see it and use it and experience how it
But the veil is thinning now, as I like to explain via 'galactic
alignment' surge in the unified source field. The VISION ALONE --
how heartware works -- can be the catalyst for a self-fulfilling
prophecy... to culture 'heart coherence' as the universal language
of our better nature... the language of the angels... holy
compassion... education of the heart... Effective Sensory
Perception... the
'gold standard' as the currency of Conscience for the Next Economy.
Perhaps the most creative practical genius of the 20th
Century was Nicola Tesla who not only created the alternating
current that powers our homes,
and radio that extends our ears, but
also, wireless 'free
technology that has been suppressed
since the early 1900’s. Tesla had the ability to see things working
in great detail in his mind before he created them. Perhaps you can
do that as you read, ‘Quantum
I know, I'm raising the flag with heartware as the standard of, by
and for
the People'
who stand up for the golden rule/law language at the heart of every
golden age civilization in cosmic history. Of course, I'm referring
to the 'Creative Ascent Process' of, by and for 'We
the People'
in a universal sense, 'The Alliance', as represents all of "US"
(United Sovereigns
of Earth).
Some will wise up, rise up, stand up and salute this process of accelerated conscious evolution
for our humanity at
this time. For others... not so much:(
This final stage of global evolution revolution is to naturally
fulfill the divine destiny of 'AMERICA' as the "anagram code"
(scrambled letters) for the
'I AM RACE' worldwide. That's the
gathering of the tribes of 'IS REAL'
in the spirit of
"I Am" ('I Can',
'I Will', and by ordained grace, 'Done Deal')... winning
from the beginning of this evolution revolution.
There's a process to make it so. It's not rocket science.
Anyone can network for Net worth (see the 1 min.
video below: Your Network Is Your Net worth.)
This process cultures enlightened perception of what
and this is the purpose of the Heartcom
Networking for the Net worth of a
more enlightened Net reality
for global Netizens.
process is the 'product', and shift happens with a vision of virtue and valor that claims the
victory for United Sovereigns
of Earth. Heartware
naturally cultures
conscious evolution with social Conscience in global social
In the larger scheme of the soul's
evolutionary ascent, the ordained power of love checks and
balances the inordinate love of power... and fearless faith
neutralizes faithless fear. This is the divine destiny for humanity
at this amazing time of mass awakening to the unprecedented
opportunity for universal co-Creation with the power of love in form and frequency.
Earth's divine destiny at this time was
The free will choice of souls, incarnated here now,
was to wake up, wise up and stand up for liberation
of the purpose and plan that soul evolution serves.
Soul Soaring: A Healing Process
'Processing' is how you get it or otherwise 'connect
the dots':
pure intention
focusing attention
love's retention for
in the same
that sparked the American Revolution with ‘Common Sense’.
as Tom Paine sparked the American Revolution with ‘COMMON SENSE’, so
is global conscious rEVOLUTION, emphasizing 90% of the word,
a natural healing process that involves multiple ‘dimensions’ of
common sense.
are what we believe, spiritual processing, having become what we believed. We are what we think, mental processing, having become what we thought. We are what we feel, emotional processing, having become what we felt. We are what we do, physical processing,
having become what we did.
is conscious evolution 'processing' which involves and evolves our
individual and collective common sense as the Family of Man in our
ALL-connected global village of instant-everywhere and interactive
Internet capabilities.
In the soul’s journey of eternal progression,
Spiritual laws govern, without exception.
One's soul knows, with humble confession,
The invisible hands of divine intercession.
'processing' with our beliefs, thoughts, feelings and actions is an
endless loop of opportunity that 'recycles' one's consciousness in
the larger scheme of the eternal progression of the soul. What goes
around comes around for both this life and all incarnations of the
soul into flesh... ideally with the spirit that matters on Earth as
in Cosmos.
get what we ask for in the larger scheme
of cause and effect that only love can redeem.
As goes around comes around, sooner or later,
and this cosmic law applies for lover or hater.
Whether we frame the conscious healing process with science or
there is a cycle of cause and effect, action and reaction,
stimulus and response whereby we reap what we sow. This is the
process of
Earth is a platform for the evolution of soul lessons
to be learned here. There is nothing ‘extra’ about ‘Effective
when we
perspiration we strive to optimize aptitude,
By inspiration we rise up with better attitude,
By grace we soar to a much higher altitude.
As each soul ascends, it uplifts the multitude.
Healing the global crisis in consciousness today is to heal our core
social, political and economic conundrums. Effective
all souls soaring on
thermals of grace.
As each soul soars, it lifts the veil for
all other souls. This evolutionary ascent process is now surging
with the
25,920 year galactic alignment, optimizing the ultimate win/win with
as Soul Soaring’.
Global evolution is the revolution beginning.
The vision alone is a cause for much grinning.
Cherish this time as the veil is now thinning.
Hell may be disturbed but heaven is winning.
scientist that looks deeply within the universe, and every mystic
that looks deeply within the self, eventually comes face-to-face
with the same fundamental order of the universe that spirals the
intelligence of the
into our hearts and minds. This is ‘processing’ at the highest
Ready or not, there are options now revealing
Choices to be made that are quite appealing.
Mysteries are unveiled, no longer concealing,
Soul soaring with new opportunity congealing.
holistic healing with free, online 'Universal
Self Care' is now possible
with the integration of available hardware, software, netware and
Education of the heart with this process will naturally restore the
pure intent
of loving care for resolving the 'healing
crisis' in the sick health care system.
There are rules whereby Creator's intention
Is self-evident to those who focus attention
Above as below with Great Love's retention,
Wising up to rise up; conscious ascension
In a unified field of co-Creation dimension.
'co-Creators' on Earth as in Cosmos, we spiral upward in a
conscientious way to the extent we process the 'stuff' of our
spiritual, mental, emotional and physical creation. This is the
'natural law' that inspired U.S. Founders with the same freedom in
fearless faith as inspires global rEVOLUTION for all of ‘US’,
of Earth.
"Congratulations, you are among a select group of souls who won the
lottery to be here, on this planet, at this time! The prize not only
ensures you a front row seat but also the unique opportunity to
co-Create the future of the human race. This is a time to remember."
~ Christine Page, M.D., Author of
'2012 and the Galactic Center'.
Related Videos:
Network is Your Net worth (1 minute]
Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds - Part 2 [33 minutes]
This is a very inspiring video for
those who appreciate the divine
golden ration geometries at the heart of universal law and order.
The Problem and the Solution [9 minutes]
This is a rather humorous way to say that 'blame'
is 'off the mark',
and it's a rather raw form of humor that a lot of men really like,
but everyone can profit from his core message. ~C.R.