March Supermoon
"Trouble"? Or "Awakening"?
Or Both?
is like foresight.
Forewarned is forearmed.
Better than blindsighted is foresighted.
Half of every test is to know
what testing is afoot.
March SuperMoon could bring trouble to Earth by Albany Weather Examiner, Brent McGrady, March 1st, 2011
Everyone knows that the Moon affects the tides of the Earth. It's also is well known that the Moon affects the 'tides' of the predominant water body of humans - the emotional body -- with a well-documented uptick in emotional sensitivity during the fool moon. That 'sensitivity' can feed into the dark side or the light side, depending on where one focuses their attention. Where one focuses attention -- with pure intention -- is where their 'God' is. And without that purity, the light of Conscience, there is no security. Without vision -- the light of Conscience -- the people perish. With vision -- the light of Conscience -- the people thrive. The dark side of emotional disturbance is well documented with the full Moon, specifically with a statistically higher surge of emergency room visits, police reports of domestic violence, odd behavior in mental institutes, and difficulty for those working with the public. The full Moon is a time when everyone must choose between the dark side and the light side. For indigenous cultures throughout Earth's history, emotional perturbations of the full Moon were countered by spiritual practices which centered with the 'Great Spirit'. Oneness with the Spirit that matters -- Unity Conscience -- naturally neutralizes the negativity of fears and other imbalances that come from the sense of separation from Source, God, Love or however you know the Great Spirit. In astrology, the sun represents the pure soul (pure intention) and the moon represents the personality (ego's attention). On a full moon, the moon and the sun are at maximum separation, and the reflection of 'solar soul' -- the light of Helios -- activates our emotional body for testing of the personality or ego with more light.
With a
Supermoon, there is more light for dark places... and like the
currency of Conscience, this
can be disruptive to the ego's habit of cherished illusion which
willfully ignores that quiet but persistent inner voice of
Conscience. Always LOVE... All Ways! ~ Christos
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