2023 Mainstream Awakening Series

Don't Miss! Jupiter and Venus will 'Kiss' Each Other in a Rare Planetary  Conjunction in 2023 - YouTube

March 1st – Jupiter ‘Kisses’ Venus

For skywatchers, this is a big treat as
 two big planetary luminaries meet up.

For astrologers, this is ‘Big Love’ with
 this cosmic alignment ‘stepping down’
expansive Jupiter &
coherent Venus
with fiery Aries deep space energies 
empowering their quantum synergy.  

For MetaPhysicians, this opportunity
  - for enlightened -in-action -

 will bring up all that’s less than LOVE
 for alchemical transmutation, trans-
formation and transitioning from
 worm and cocoon to butterfly;
the Spirit that matters for
ascent of all of 'US' as
 United Sovereigns.

There are several videos, cartoons
and articles in this newsletter.

Enjoy the Show!

March 1, 2023

Skip to the bottom for

Claiming the Victory of REAL Intelligence

After Losing $150 BILLION on Chat AI Botched Launch,
Google Search Head Explains...
Feb 12, 2023 / healthimpactnews.com
Their AI Suffers "Hallucination", Giving
 "Convincing but Completely Made-up Answers"
(worse than just stupid "intelligence" ~CR)


The REAL Dangers of the AI Chatbot Takeover
Feb 20,2023 / corbettreport.com
It's official: the chatpocalypse is upon us!

Brookings Institution:
AI Is Tool Of Choice To Censor Podcasts
Feb 27, 2023 / UssaNews.com
Brookings is a globalist nest of Technocratic thinkers whose board
  of advisors includes 4 members of the elitist Trilateral Commission.
Brookings has provided academic license to censor all opposing  
  views, and is now targeting podcasts for censorship. Fact checkers
  - like NewsGuard - have already lined up to censor podcasts.

Future Shock:
AI Advances Are Trending Toward Vertical Acceleration
Feb 28, 2023 / technocracy.news

TN Editor: Regardless of obvious flaws and errors, ChatGPT is projected to have one billion users before the end of 2023, making it the most transformative and rapidly utilized technology in history. What this will do to global civilization is still unknown, but it is certain that 'artificial thoughts' are not truly human until humans blindly accept them as such. ['BS' Belief System ~CR]

How Artificial Intelligence Will Radically
Transform the World
March 1, 2023 / Doug Casey Newsletter

Amazing new technologies - once the realm of science fiction - are now an imminent reality. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most critical areas where this is happening.
     AI is going to be huge. No, strike that gross understatement - it's already huge. It will change everything. There's no question the abilities of technology are increasing exponentially, at the rate of Moore's Law. In other words, computing power is still doubling roughly every 18 to 24 months while the cost halves. This is also true in the areas of biotech, nanotech, robotics, 3D printing, and genetic engineering. These technologies are going to fundamentally transform the very nature of life itself. AI will accelerate their progress by an order of magnitude.
     In a decade or two, it's arguable that robots will be more intelligent, more innovative, and perhaps even more thoughtful than humans. They'll no longer just be today's odd-looking mechanical beasts that can perform a few parlor tricks. Soon, there will be not just mechanical robots, but biological robots, especially after quantum computing is commercialized. Who knows what will come after that.
     The advances in all these technologies are very positive not just from an economic point of view, but from a humane and even spiritual point of view as well. Despite the dangers from the State having first access to them, they'll turn out to be very liberating on all levels.
     AI and robotics, like all technologies over the long run, will be friends of the average man. They'll catapult the average standard of living much higher. With a little luck
(by God's grace ~CR), in a generation, we'll think of today's world as being oppressive and backward.
     We're really on the cusp of the biggest revolution in world history. I look forward to it. It will cure disease and old age. The avalanche of new wealth that will be created will effectively eliminate poverty. Mankind's wildest dreams and ambitions can be realized. ~ Doug Casey

Musk To Start His Own Non-Woke AI Company
To Compete With OpenAI?
March 1, 2023 / technocracy.news
  Elon Musk co-founded OpenAI that created ChatGPT.
 That turned out much darker than he had anticipated,
spewing woke diatribes and false information. Now, 
  Musk is jockeying to create a non-woke competitor to
 OpenAI, and challenge Microsoft's domination of the
    resulting growing marketplace for artificial intelligence.

   In the larger scheme of things, consider that
  we are witnessing an epic struggle between
   the godless AI mind and the Mind of G.O.D.;
   artificial intelligence versus the 'Real Thing'.

  Aquarius is thus being inaugurated with the
   light language intelligence that cultures ESP
  as Effective Sensory Perception to naturally
   mediate TeLeCommunity in social networks.

Transcending 'victim dictum'
(Stuck In Negativity)
with ascent of 'victory virtues'

New Emails Show the Biden Administration Actively
 Censored "True Content" About COVID Vaccines
With An Army of Federal Censors

Feb 28, 2023 / The Pulse

 It may seem like a 'duh' moment for many, but the perception that
any 'negative' information pertaining to COVID vaccines was the
product of 'misinformation', 'fake news', or a 'conspiracy theory'
still reigns true for what may be a majority of people out there.

The Greater Battle for Planetary Freedom
with REAL Intelligence - Fearless
versus 'Artificial' (heartless) Intelligence.

LIVINGRY... as 'Victors':
We can own the vision of personal and planetary
Light Language and modeling...
Or by 'default' (cowardice), we get along by
going along with
KILLINGRY... as 'Victims'

"To sin by silence when they should protest
   makes cowards of men."
~ Abraham Lincoln

Beware of AI and the SLAUGHTERBOTS.
This video from five years ago was shown on the BBC,
and is a
WARNING to avoid the insane use of AI for
killingry rather than livingry.

3,818,5318 views / Nov 12, 2017
Skip to the end for summary of this serious issue.
Stop Autonomous Weapons.

Real Intelligence on Mass Pharmacide

Feb 22, 2023 / Tucker Carlson Today
Brilliant interview with a
uthor Ed Dowd who shares
shocking truth he discovered, exposing
worldwide sudden death epidemic.


Feb 24, 2023 / Reese Report

CDC Confirms That Majority of Fatal Covid Vaccines
Were Knowingly Sent to Red States

Quantum Med Beds for Healing Vax Damage
Feb 26, 2023 / SimonParks.org
‘Proof’ of production for the
Aquarian Quantum Age
(Coming soon as the White Hats clean house)

The unvaccinated are not a threat to society.
They are a threat to authority,
challenging the Big Lie of
“safe and effective”.

We are the authority we've been waiting for.
and "We the People" is now all of 'us'
as all-connected Netizens of Earth.

Most vs. Least Vaccinated States
Feb 18, 2023 / lewrockwell.com
The most vaccinated states had the higher COVID
case rates and the higher relative death peaks.

Five minutes – Must Watch!
"Who The Hell Do You Think You Are!"

Feb 8, 2023 / 3 million views
Boebert Explodes At Ex-Twitter Exec
For Shadow-Banning Her

Marines Catch FBI Trying to Sabotage Idaho Powergrid,
and Kill Them.

Feb 15, 2023 / realrawnew.com
 United States Marines on Sunday gunned down criminal
FBI agents trying to sabotage an electrical substation in
    Idaho, sources in Gen. Smiths office told Real Raw News.

Hilarious 27 second video clip:
Leftists Furious As Woody Harrelson Sneaks
Covid Vaccine Mandate Joke Onto SNL

Feb 26, 2023 / Saturday Night Live
   As guest host on the now far-leftist Saturday Night Live,
Harrelson entered into a monologue which seemed to
catch the New York audience off guard when the joke
    ended with a scathing indictment of Big Pharma and the
lockdowns with vaccine mandates and abject tyranny.


A one minute reality report!

Feb 15, 2023 / bitchute.com
And remember, the vaccines will set you free,
and masks will protect you from viruses.


World Health Organization:
A Public-Health Technocracy
Feb 28, 2023 / technocracy.news

TN Editor: Wesley J. Smith has correctly pegged the WHO as an emerging public-health Technocracy, aka Scientific Dictatorship. As a principal agency of the UN, the WHO seeks to control all public health policies and products on planet earth: a universal nanny? But no "spoonful of sugar to make the medicine go down". This is a war against humanity and people will die.

Deep Fakes In The News

Feb 18, 2023 / AwakenWithJP
Fake Interview with Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson.
How can you tell when anything is real anymore?

Finally, some profound truth-telling
for those who think for themselves:

Feb 25, 2023 / The Duran
You won't hear anything about this reality
in the lamestream media...that world
opinion is openly turning against
 collective western hegemony.

Media Ignore Seymour Hersh Bombshell Report
of US Destroying Nordtream II

Feb 15, 2023 / MintPress News
It ranks as one of the worst terrorist attacks in history,
and the world now knows the US was the perpetrator.

Showdown in Ukraine:
Hobbled US Turns to War to Preserve Its Waning Primacy
March 1, 2023 / GlobalResearch.ca
 The future of humanity will be decided on a battlefield in Ukraine.  
That's no exaggeration. The conflict between the United States    
  and Russia will determine whether global economic integration will
   expand and evolve in a multi-polar system, or if "rules-based order"
   will succeed in crushing any opponent to its Western-centric model

This is all prelude to global economic reset with the
 decentralized Quantum Financial System which will
  replace the corrupt centralized bank CBDC agenda.

Feb 7, 2023 / Zack Bush, MD
Building The NEW EARTH, Humanity's Great Opportunity.
   As humanity pushes to the brink of the 6th largest extinction,
 we are faced with a choice to listen and transform, or resist
the inevitability of change. It’s time to get in touch with our
  inner knowing; the generation allowing birth of a New Earth.

Be Ready for the Worldwide
of our Conscientious
Common Sense.

Look to SEE… Know to BE
Geometric Ordered Divinity:

'Pure Geometry Thoughtforms
G.O.D.~ Constitution)
   for Effective Sensory Perception
   via interactive TeLeCommunion:
TeLeComm for TeLeCommunity,
TeLeConscienceTeLeCare and

Universal Law Language
at the Heart of
The Aquarian Quantum Age

What the Bleep is Going On?
The Cosmic Quantum Field Overview

March 1, 2023 / New Paradigm Astrology
What’s going on from the perspective of astrology and
mass psychology. Live from Cape Town last month.



Thanks for your support.

      I'm grateful for reader support of this newsletter,
   supporting their own optimal holistic health via
 SPX 'Royal Jelly'... having supplied nutritionists,
    health stores, and natural healers for 39 years.
   I've kept the prices low as a non-profit service.

Here's to Your Optimal Health!

 Advanced bioenergy modalities
for optimal holistic health