2024 Quantum Quickening Series

August 4, 2024 / New Moon in Leo

Wait for it! The Aquarian Model of
Universal  is emerging.

In the meme time - the zeitgeist now -
the 'Olympian' veil is thinning and
enlightened is winning.

Highly Recommended:
See this August 2nd update on the

I interviewed Foster Gamble 13 years ago
on Cosmic , and they're still more
focused on systemic problems rather than
   systemic-holistic TeLeComm solutions now.

It should be obvious to the Thrive network
that the economics and politics of social   
  control are more complex than the science
    of wireless free energy tech and antigravity.

  By focusing on possibilities for TeLeComm
  resolution of our systemic social problems,
  we have more opportunity to solve them.   

Aquarian Opportunity & Freedom Beckons!

Lionsgate: August 8, 2024

The ‘Global Heart’ is awakening with
   the heart of a lion - the Leo Sun sign.

The 8-8 Lion's Gate Portal
 The energetic high point of the Lion's Gate
This portal opens each year at the end of July.
     It's peaking now but waning through mid August.
  It's called the Lions Gate because it aligns with
    the deep space quantum field in the sign of Leo.
 During this time, the Pleiades 'God Star' Sirius
  rises in alignment with the 3 pyramids at Giza,
anchoring a blending of deep space energies
of Leo and Sirius in resonance with Aquarian
& Great Crossing of our solar system
across the Galactic Plane
, alignment with the
Great Central Sun, Alpha and Omega, etc.,   

enhancing portal resonance between
physical and spiritual worlds:
"as above ~ so below".

 It’s as though a cosmic fire ignited
  global social Conscience to ROAR
 at the inanity and insanity of elitist
social engineers programming us
to further their dystopian agenda.

  G.O.D.--Source 'I Am'.

Source Code Lesson for 'Initiates'

Initiation IS what -in-action DOES.

  Note the 'circles of co-creation' in these 4 'archetypes'
 (pure geometry memes), framing the first principles of
cosmic law at the heart of an interactive process for  
involving and evolving our individual and collective   
consciousness; a 'Common Sense' rEVOLUTION... 
  based on the ethical gold standard; GOD is .

Geometric Ordered Divinity

  The large is the Law of ne - atONEment;
 The is the Law of 'Two-in-One'
     (polarity not duality);
   The is the Law of 'Three-in-One'
         (synergy in the Trinity);
  The is the Law of 'Four-in-One'
              (Creative Ascent Process)


The more you work with the archetypes of wholness,
the more you see archetypally in a holistic-holy way.

The kind man (or woman) of GOD
  sees GOD~ in all mankind.

It's the of GOD - a GOD of
that empowers wisdom with 'heart'
(coherence frequency).

It's upgrade of core Constitutional freedoms
with real-time mass-to-mass TeLeComm
- The Heartware Project -
that will dramatically increase the
frequency of coherent
- social consciousness -
in social networks.

(click on link for 3rd eye coordinates)
The Heartware Interface Portal of, by and for
Social Conscience in Global
Social Networks.

"Conscience is the most sacred of all property."
~ Chief architect of the Constitution,
   James Madison, 4th US President

For those who can clearly visualize how global
netizens can interact with a universal interface
- utilizing light language and codes -
imagine how that will involve and evolve our
individual and collective consciousness with
Effective Sensory Perception.

Once you understand how heartware organizes
  all information 'IN FORMATION' (with ),
  it ALL begins to make sense... how co-creation
 - with TeLeComm, TeLeCare & TeLeCommerce
    will culture conscientious common sense for all
'US' as United Sovereigns of Earth.

It's this Holy Spirit of TLC-in-action that
naturally neutralizes the genocidal
insanity we see in the world.

So Keep the Faith - See the Good
And Make it So!

- Universal ‘Rights'
- Public 'Sphere'
- 'Co~Creating'
- TeLeComm