2024 Quantum Quickening Series

Know Your  Language
The Master Key to a Better Relationship
with One’s Self and Others.

Let’s get REAL folks. Witness the conscious evolution revolution known as ‘Revelations’. I’ll go into this with some background as context for a unique self realization process of conscious ascent with Language.

The process of global transformation is as profound today as it was at the time of the American Revolution. Humanity has evolved from the horse and buggy speed of transportation and communication to the instant-everywhere and interactive Internet revolution – The Great Awakening – that is leading to the Aquarian Quantum Age of Great Enlightenment.

We are in a deep shift from historical patriarchal ownership and control values to Aquarian virtues of cooperative community in diversity.

"It is strangely absurd to suppose that
a million people, collected together,
are not under the same moral laws
 that bind them separately."
~ Thomas Jefferson, 1816

The difference today is that there are billions of global Netizens, and it’s more like rEVOLUTION, emphasizing 90% of the word. The instant interaction capabilities of the Internet are transforming everything at an accelerated rate in spite of overt attempts to censor politically incorrect truth-telling.

This is the signature dynamic of the quantum shift from prevailing 3D reality to the very REAL unified field of emerging Aquarian frequencies of 4D=>5D+... our quantum connection.

A new “unity in diversity” (E. Pluribus Unum on the U.S. Great Seal), is rapidly morphing the matrix of REALITY with general enlightenment of ‘US’ as United Sovereigns of Earth.

"Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and
oppressions of body and mind will vanish
like evil spirits at the dawn of day."
~ Thomas Jefferson, 1816

This process begins with each one – atONEment.  As goes the individual in this process, so goes the family, community and civilization at large. It’s ALL connected in our new quantum reality.

This is the hero’s journey – the archetypal path of conscious evolution revelations as one leaves ‘home’ (5D+ Source), to experience the 3D world with great challenges and opportunity ‘just in time’ (4D), before returning to ‘Source’ (home), with great fanfare.

It was Thomas Paine's COMMON SENSE that quickened the Spirit of Freedom which sparked the American Revolution… and our collective hero’s journey since then.

“We the People” (worldwide), are now facing the final challenge to our collective freedom and opportunity. Witness THE CRISIS as the Great Awakening rumbles and the Deep State crumbles.

Change is often called the only permanent condition.
But if you haven’t noticed, since it has been gradual,
the rate of change has been accelerating to O-point:
Spherical Consciousness that is truly spiritual.

Common Sense is becoming more common.

What we’re seeing today with the global quickening of conscientious common sense is the end of a divided world as we've known it. Nationalistic walls in the mind have been disintegrating since the Internet began defining our all-connected interactive Net reality as the Family of Mankind in a global village.

Global TeLeCommunity is Waking Up.
Netizens of the World are Wising Up.
Social Conscience in Social Networks
– REAL Comm
UNITY – is Rising Up.

Social networks have become the new tribe of friends and family. It’s beyond nationalism. A new sense of global community - the Global Mind - is emerging for all of US as United Sovereigns.

This is the decentralization phenomena that characterizes Net reality and ascension along more enlightened ‘lines’ ( ), of, by and for collective Conscience of a more holistic, healthy and otherwise holy whole - the Aquarian Mandate.

What that means - sooner or later - is that we'll see the end of highly centralized rule by the
corporatocracy of Big Banks, Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Media, and Big Government as we've known it.

I’m optimistic about ‘sooner’ because I KNOW how fast things will change for the better with
Global TeLeComm and Global TeLeCare – the Alpha and Omega of TLC Spirit that Matters in the left and right hemispheres of the personal and planetary holodeck.

Connect the dots for the Big Picture of
Source Code for your holodeck:

It is the pure intention of Cosmic  in form and frequency that focuses attention with heart coherent retention – and mind congruent comprehension – of and for the 5th dimension:

 The 5D 'CAPstone' (Creative Ascent Process)
cultures social conscience at the heart of our
global social media 'communities' (networks).

  And with voice and text translation capabilities
now very advanced, the vision alone of this 
Creative Ascent Process can be the catalyst 
for a self-fulfilling prophecy of 
 as a practical path of selfless service that will
represent ‘the best and brightest’ within us
– one’s Innernet connection with 5D+ Source –
plus our Internet ‘
Wisdom of the Crowd.   

This is the communications process that I first introduced 50 years ago to ten agencies of Fed-Gov on Capitol Hill. See: 50 Years - Pioneering An Aquarian Future.

Today this interactive communications process - defined as Web 3.0 Heartware CyberEthics - is a come-into-unity process for community building by culturing social conscience in our local and global social media 'networks' (communities).

Heartware - as developed by the Heartware Project - is the next phase of the computer-Internet revolution after dominance by hardware (IBM), software (Microsoft), and netware (Netscape). It is a mass-to-mass interaction interface that involves and evolves our individual and collective CONSCIENCE with a high standard of  as Cosmic Law and Light Language in action (an interactive interface).

It is this pure intention that focuses attention with retention for conscious ascension in the 5th dimension of full spectrum comprehension.

This is always true in time-sensitive realms
of Cosmic
; all ways 'TIMELY'!


There are four archetypal energy dynamics
  governing the 
holographic order of universe
  - and ‘
holodeck’ (brain field) as your receiver -
 according to Aquarian Quantum principles:

 – ‘Right’ (dynamic) energy fields;
 – ‘Round’ (magnetic) energy fields;
 – ‘Radiant’ (synergistic) e-fields.  
 – ‘Integrative’ (wholness) e-field.
See graphic  fields HERE
           (as introduced on Capitol Hill - 1974)

These geometrized ‘1st principles’ are universal and govern four archetypal ways that self-aware individuals perceive ‘time’.

In my recent newsletter - Soul Evolution and Ascension - there's a link to this article on THE FUTURE OF TIME from a Psychology Today article.

Many peoples’ brains anticipate the future based on the past, and aren’t fully ‘present’ (here and now), but rather are dominated by ‘feelings’ (past memories), as one’s prevailing reality now.

See the ‘Emotion Dominant Archetype’
to see if that best fits your ‘style’
(how you process time).

 Following is a brain biology frame of reference
  for understanding processes of consciousness
  at the very foundation of our 'self governance':

   - Spatial intelligence is eft-brain dominant:
codes for inear ogical perception.

        - Temporal intelligence is right-brain dominant:
TIMEcodes for nnlinear-intuitive perception.

       =  +  synergized (hemispheric co-creation)
           in the upper brain or lower Reptilian brain.

 - Whole brain integration in the 'CAPstone'
(Creative Ascent Process).


So what dominant and secondary
Time Perception Style is YOUR

"Tell me what you think of time, and
 I shall know what to think of you."
~ J. T. Frazer

Keep the Faith and See the Good
whereby Language
Goes Mainstream.

For Co-Creation with

(Geometric Ordered Divinity).

To with all your strength, mindheart and soul,
and your all-connected Netizen neighbors as thyself.