In the
larger scheme of soul evolution, the power of love is the heart of
co-Creation with the Creator, love without end. I'd like to think
love of freedom and
will go mainstream with working applications for mass-to-mass
emphasizing the
The vision alone, how that works, can be the catalyst for a
conscious evolution revolution as the Family of Man fulfills the
potential of our new
global village with the common sense of universal
at the heart of our new Net reality. Global healing is the
If Thomas Paine were alive today, I wonder how
he would once again spark a global revolution in higher
consciousness... empowering
for global systemic healing.
Divine love
is the divine destiny of, by and for all souls on Earth as in
"Heaven" (Cosmos-at-large). Consider how the 'Power
of Love' heals all... uniting humanity with a 'New
Common Sense' of:
Universal Rights Public
Sphere Co-Creating Global TeLeComm
The Power
of Wisdom
with Love
All Ways
sovereign rights
well-rounded wisdom
are balanced in the trinity
as represents the
Law of the Angles
and our
spherical Conscience
of the Language of the Angels
(heart coherence).
This is the "three-fold frequency" (Power
Wisdom ~
Love) at
the heart of instant, everywhere and interactive "TeLeComm
capability" (Net
reality) for a 'New
Common Sense'.
The Pyramid Plan
by and for
Self and Civilization
‘the plan’
This is the overview, looking down on the pyra-mid
with the CAPstone
at the center of the four-sides of the pyramid.
Consider the Creative Ascent Process
from the pyramid base
that symbolically rises from the most density at the
base to the
least materialism and most spirituality at the “CAPstone”
as represents the co-Creation of higher 'Self' and 'Civilization'.
These four archetypal ‘dimensions’ are wholly integrated
in the
5th Dimension of ‘CAPstone TLC’ as
is defined and refined via
heart coherence...
the 'gold standard' for our heart frequencies,
culturing our individual and collective
CAPstone Conscience
Ascent Process via conscientious
common sense)
in our new all-connected global social network
~ continued at 'The Pyramid
Plan' |
We all know that U.S. Founding Fathers and the American people were
inspired by Thomas Paine's COMMON
SENSE to become revolutionaries,
overcoming empire tyranny in their day. Today we face the
same empire mindset that challenges
love of, by and for the Family
of Man in our all-connected global village.
Sometimes I wonder what Thomas Paine would say to the people of
the world today
regarding four big issues whereby an
uprising of
love "heals"
(conquers) all:
1- Will a 'New
Common Sense' speak truth to
power, challenging the banksters of Wall Street with
public 'shaming'? Or are these sociopaths and psychopaths beyond
shame, giving themselves bonuses after stripping equity out of U.S.
markets and home values for their inordinate gain?
- "Assume
that you ran a business that was found guilty of bribery,
forgery, perjury, defrauding homeowners, fleecing investors,
swindling consumers, cheating credit card holders, violating
U.S. trade laws and bilking American soldiers. Can you even
imagine the kind of punishment you'd get?"
Hightower, Creators Syndicate, Feb. 12, 2014
See also:
"Banks are no longer just financing heavy industry. They are
actually buying it up and inventing bigger, bolder and scarier
scams than ever."
The Most Devious
Bank Scam Yet,
by Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone, Feb. 13, 2014
2- Will a 'New
Common Sense' expose the entire health care system as
a giant Wall Street corporatocracy that makes a killing on the
creation and management of disease with no corporate incentive to
prevent disease since that would prevent their profits?
- Consider that
medicine could now replace drug-based disease
treatment, and that free on-line 'Universal
Self Care' could now serve global Netizens with
health assurance
policies that make the current 'disease-care' system
3- Will a 'New
Common Sense' explain how core social, political and
economic problems are largely because we still have a
horse-and-buggy system of representative government that could be
upgraded with
instant-everywhere and interactive TeLeComm in our global
- Realize that the
computer/Internet revolution has created a 'New World' not
unlike the 'New World' in Tom Paine's early America. But now
it's a global issue, whether we will have totalitarian
surveillance and tyranny or 'The
Blessing' of systemic freedom and opportunity.
4- Will a 'New
Common Sense' expose the whole truth of climate
change... that our planet is going through a rapid decrease in the
magnetic fields and increase in the "Schumann
Resonance" (Earth's
'heartbeat') that resonates with human brainwaves? Does this explain
both a global consciousness shift as well as the increased wobble of
the Earth's axis as causes the jet stream to veer far South and
North in cycles of alternating cold and warmth that creates weather
- Is it true that
reality is operating here? Are you aware that
science explains the relationship of collective
consciousness to the morphic grids of the Earth? Can you see how
the unstable 'wobble' in the collective consciousness of
humanity is related to the wobble in the Earth's axis? And would you
agree that HOW we
with the unified source field is HOW we stabilize Earth as a
platform for the conscious evolution of souls?
I know that's a stretch
for some readers. That's like talking about what the Internet would
do BEFORE the Internet... or like talking about 'enlightenment' of
a global systemic nature BEFORE "web 3.0"
(heartware) defines and refines 'quantum computing'.
But quantum shift happens:)
As love of the truth for
global healing goes mainstream with interactive
mass-to-mass TeLeComm,
politically correct paradigm paralysis will dissipate, virtually
neutralized by the solidarity of social
in global social networks. It's not rocket science.
LOVE heals all.
Fortunately, a clear vision of the opportunity for overcoming
systemic problems is half way to systemic solutions. This is how
those who love freedom and opportunity in our New World today
embrace the 'New
Common Sense' of, by and for all of "US" (United
Sovereigns of Earth).
This is how 'Global LOVE Co-Creation'
-- the ordained power of love -- will check, balance and otherwise
MEDIATE the inordinate love of power. Without such vision, the
people perish. But with this vision of virtue and valor for the
victory of Earth's evolutions, life on Earth thrives.
The greatest power you have is to make a choice. You can forward
this message for the victory of life on Earth. If enough good people
do that, it could go mainstream with the whole, holistic and
otherwise holy Spirit of
![](LoveHealing_files/image004.gif) ![](LoveHealing_files/image006.jpg) ![](LoveHealing_files/image008.jpg) -in-action
that will
make it so!
take heart. With
![](LoveHealing_files/image004.gif) ![](LoveHealing_files/image006.jpg) ![](LoveHealing_files/image008.jpg)
as the rule, love
Thou Made Whole!"
All Ways
![](LoveHealing_files/image011.gif) ![](LoveHealing_files/image006.jpg) ![](LoveHealing_files/image008.jpg) ...
~ Christopher
for 'The Blessing'