2024 Quantum Quickening Series


If you search 'murraybar' on Instagram or Facebook, you'll find this recent posting:
The King of Swing, our very own Cosmic Cowboy, Christopher Rudy. Christopher has been a radio host on his show Cosmic Love for 16 years and can be seen burning up the dance floor pretty much every Friday night at The Murray Bar. When asked for a comment he simply replied "Think galactic. Dance local", before rushing off to hit the dance floor again.

Emacs! Emacs!
The 'ball room' for country swing dancing is typically
the bar room. I like their cranberry juice for my
'energy battery' (kidneys and adrenals).

This is how I keep my sanity folks!  As a Metaphysician with his finger on the pulse of global rEVOLUTION revelations, I try to balance a lot of publishing work on the computer with the joy of dancing.

I'm not paying for a spa membership when I can get a great cardio workout swing dancing for free:)

As an unofficial ambassador for the Galactic Federation of Sovereign Planets, I represent Cosmic through love of the dance - the dance of . It's a many splendiferous thing:)

This is my meditation-in-motion for anchoring the e-motion of -in-action in the physical 3D octave. So much fun:)

So dance like no one is watching... like you've never been hurt... and by the grace of twirling -in-action - IT'S ALL GOOD!

Keep the Faith - See the GOOD.
All Ways ... Always,
~ Christopher

To  with all your strength, mindheart and soul,
and your all-connected Netizen neighbors as thyself.