Part Three of
Global Challenge - The Crisis
Big Drama Has A Positive Affect!
Judgment time for the Pharmacidal 4th Reich An out of this world perspective. ![]() Maybe 'Operation Warp Speed' was Needed! BELIEVE IT OR NOT! As you know, for the last year I've been blogging and speaking extensively on the scamdemic, plandemic or whatever false-flag 'live exercise' name you prefer. I identify as a naturopath and I never let my kids get vaccinated for school except by homeopathics from an MD homeopath. No toxic substance whatsoever. For 35 years since then, my confirmation bias - that vaccines are a pharmacidal plot out of hell - has found plenty of evidence that there is danger and damage from vaccines.
And I was more than appalled when Trump
did his 'Operation Warp Speed' to get everyone vaccinated fast.
But there may be a major twist in Is there a 'greater good' coming out of
This may end up a 'blessing' I know that sounds crazy to my holistic health friends, but hear me out. Consider the world-changing role this 'vaccine drama' has played on the global stage. It's not all bad. Good can come out of it. These new vaccines are different. They are experimental - no long-term studies. Technically they're not even vaccines - they're called 'gene therapy' on their corporate websites. And they were never approved by the FDA - only 'allowed' under emergency medical martial law. But there's NO emergency now, except from the unreported death and disease CAUSED by these experimental therapies. First they over-reported deaths from 'Covid'.
Terrorizing the public to 'take the jab' Now they're under-reporting death by 'vaccine'.
The 'lamestream media' (propaganda
press), has pushed the Big Lie of vaccine safety so hard for so long
that 1/3 of Americans got the jab. Yet the media is not reporting that
more than 300
thousand Americans have already DIED from these new stealth 'vaccines';
that's about 100 times the grossly under-reported 'official' CDC figures
as explained
HERE. I've reported on this flagrant deception - see HERE and HERE - but Big Media is censoring all but the Big Pharma narrative of 'coincidence' for the CDC's under-reported vaccine harm.
CDC Says 'No Evidence' COVID-19 Vaccines
NO ONE in Big Media will tell you the
glaring truth, that
more than a million Americans have
suffered severe side-effects from the jab. 'Vaccidents' are now wrecking roadways with stroked-out
vax-takers who lose brain function
behind the wheel. And that's
just the tip of the iceberg. There's a plague of all kinds of
dis-ease brewing in these genetically altered humans.
Vaccinated people are walking biological
Big Media is in lockstep with Big
Pharma, Big Tech and Big Government - a classic example of
corporate-government collusion known under the Nazi's as fascism. This is a
massive public 'experiment' or
What we are NOT told is that
these new mRNA vaccines effect our cellular DNA in its communication
with the quantum field of energy in one's own body AND Earth's
morphogenic grid.
Guess why Elon Musk's Skynet is putting up thousands of satellites around the Earth? It's to morph the grid - the matrix of collective consciousness.
A Great 5D Awakening is occurring In the
global quantum field, but many are more motivated by 'FEAR' (False
Evidence Appearing Real),
than by the 5D frequencies of cosmic Aquarian
Fear-based consciousness is 'Stuck in Negativity' (SIN)'. So how do you find victims of 3D false evidence and wake them up? It's really quite simple, and brilliant from a quantum-scientist perspective.You inject them with DNA-altering mRNA and field-sensitive nanoparticles - as in these new shots - and you beam 5D (not 5G) frequencies from the satellites that upgrade one's prevailing awareness into the cosmic love range of Aquarian frequencies. The 'poor in spirit' (in lockstep 3D) will thus wake up, wise up and rise up in 'time' (4D). And Earth's rebirth gets an immense 5D boost.
That's the personal and planetary (5D frequency shift) Is this science fiction? Is it taking heaven by storm? Or is it science so advanced it's like magic... and too good to be true? If it is true - that White Hats are in charge of 'space weather' - would they tell us? Or just morph the matrix to upgrade it in a 'live exercise'? Aquarian Spring is the ten year plan of the Emerging Blueprint for a Golden Age Sovereignty Alliance on Earth... before joining the Galactic Federation of Sovereign Planets. The secret space program is no longer secret. It's the Space Force - the 5th branch of the military.
Space is the new frontier. The old frontier had white hats and black
hats in the wild west. But now it's good ET's and bad ET's in the vast
unexplored universe. Earth is destined to become a space-faring planet. Watch the four season Netflx series - StarTrek Enterprise - to see where it's going. Or watch the 13 season Stargate series on Hulu; it's a Sci-Fi cover story - stealth disclosure - for a very real off-books Stargate Program going back 40 years. Actually, a secret military branch has been bringing back extremely advanced technologies from all over the galaxy via this Stargate Program, but full disclosure is being held back by power elite potentates who can't fathom losing power to profit from war, disease and their divisive dialectic - no common sense. But that too shall pass. As I reported at 'In Other News' on Wesak, 'solar flash' is The Event that will change everything, virtually overnight. Will we be ready? Are you ready for a lot of 5D phenomena such as Effective Sensory Perception? And clairvoyance. And other gifts of the whole-holistic-holy spirit of![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Perhaps the Great Awakening of the Family of Mankind in our global village is about to be jump-started into the Aquarian Quantum Age.So forgive me if I scared the be-Jesus out of some of you regarding these new gene therapies. My bad. I'm sorry if some of you made yourself sick worrying about all the crap in shots you may have got. These writings are a work of love meant to inform you - sometimes warn you - not harm you. Have I been wrong? Should I apologize? Watch this just published 'video of the year' candidate... and you tell me!April 30, 2021 / Dr. Carrie Madej
In this presentation, the
New American
magazine's Alex
April 30, 2021 / Dr. Carrie MadejNewman introduces Dr. Carrie Madej who explains that the elites - peddling the COVID shots - are also pushing a covert agenda of transhumanism. And both agendas are 'joined at the hip' for greater mobility... mobilizing a blitzkrieg attempt to genetically modify the masses with new bio-energy technologies that change what it means to be human. A technocrat elite are pushing for a total control system like the social credit system that they've test-marketed in Communist China. This is serious folks. Exposing the Anti-Human Endgame Behind Latest Vaccine Technology "This is the endgame of all games... This is do or die right now." (3:30 min) VACCINE DISASTER AHEAD? May Day! May Day! May Day! March 31, 2021 / Here we have one of the leading vaccine promoters in the world, telling us why these new experimental 'vaccines' destroy the innate immune system, and THIS HAS ALREADY HAPPENED TO MILLIONS. If a sugar-pill placebo can make people well due to their belief in its healing power, it's better to keep the faith that greater good will come from the jab than harm... at least if you've had the shot. (I don't recommend it) The real victim of this crisis - with respect to everyone's sovereign health freedoms - is well-informed choice. Without that core freedom, true vision is inverted and liberty is subverted. The people perish.
Sept 28, 2020 / Weston Price Foundation
our global divine destiny.
~ Thomas Paine, Author of ‘COMMON SENSE
![]() Advanced bioenergy modalities for optimal holistic health |