Inaugurating the Highest Vision We Can Grasp
Call it Reboot or Jubilee or Reset.
Shift Happens!
Jan 18, 2025 / Heartcom Network
"We the People" are now the global Netizens of Earth. The Internet has created a global village of instant, everywhere and interactive communication capability, and it is time that we finally get our act together to initiate or otherwise INAUGURATE A WHOLLY DIFFERENT YET MORE TRANSPARENT AND DECENTRALIZED SYSTEM OF GLOBAL SELF GOVERNANCE.
By God's grace, our pure intention will
focus our attention
retention as empowers ascension in
dimensions of united "We the People"
So let's be wise to rise and thrive in 2025.
To the exact extent that we embrace the highest vision and mission of virtue and valor for the victory of REAL intelligence - with open 'Source Code' - we will naturally unite with a new common sense of 'US' as United Sovereigns of Earth.
We've all heard that there's nothing more valuable than an idea that has found it's time. How about a complete reboot of global civilization - a refresh of civility, liberty and justice for all. That's the victory. Just sayin:)
If you've ever had to reboot a computer, you know that sometimes it is just required to keep things running smoothly.
Rebooting the economy with debt forgiveness has historical precedence called "jubilee" as was widely practiced by rulers who wanted to prevent rebellion due to excessive debt slavery. Most Americans are in massive debt with maxed out credit cards. The government is in extreme debt from deficit spending. 2025 is the 'Year of Debt Jubilee' for the Vatican, and the Pope has called for debt forgiveness.
Clearing the slate and transitioning to an economics of abundance could be a relatively smooth process, given mass awakening with the will to do so. At this point, the prevailing economics of scarcity has succeeded to the point where it has created ultimate scarcity with a perverse form of 'crisis capitalism' - making a killing, literally, with creation and management of genocide, pharmacide and 'democide' (look it up).
If you know what REALLY caused the fiery hell in Paradise California, Maui and now LA, you won't have to do a search on 'Directed Energy Weapons' (DEW), from low orbit satellites.
The higher our vision of
NEW ORDER - given
jubilee reboot -
greater the RESULTS
to go mainstream
in our
as 'US'
United Sovereigns
of Earth.
Keep in mind that all social, political and economic problems are - AT CORE - communication problems; how we come into unity - REAL commUNITY... with atONEment as atonement for the sense of separation and divisive devolution that is the cause of all suffering.
The Family of Man now has the interactive communication capabilities for the benefit of all Sovereign Netizens of Earth. Will our new leaders champion this unified vision? It's a global affair now folks!
Over the last 50 Years Pioneering an Aquarian Vision, I've been trend-fitting the computer/Internet revolution. After emphasis on 'hardware' (IBM), and then 'software' (Microsoft) - was 'netware' (Netscape), for navigating the world wide web. That's when 'the computer' became 'the network' of computers.
This Netscape initiation of global 'Net Reality' has led to the Great Awakening with heightened social conscience in our ubiquitous social networks.
The genius of Mark Andreessen - who developed Netscape and is now a billionaire - once said that it is better to create a wholly new 'open system' (decentralized & transparent), than try to retrofit old paradigm 'closed systems' (centralized & opaque), that resent and even resist optimal systemic improvements.
This is where we're at with the 4th phase
of the
computer/Internet revolution; a shift from the
Internet to 'InnerNet' (Unity Field of
Andreessen was recently interviewed by Joe Rogan on one of his most watched podcasts of the last year (YouTube). Mark brilliantly explained the outrageous economic tyranny - at 1hr 34 minutes - whereby the Biden administration has debanked dozens of tech start ups that challenged the 'closed system' (monopoly), of Big Tech.
We are entering a whole new world of digital currency, and with jubilee-reboot, it is very likely that a new 'Quantum Financial System' (QFS) will emerge to raise the standard of decentralized and transparent blockchain privacy and security. This could very quickly and smoothly transition the bankrupt-corrupt 'Federal Reserve' debt slavery system which is neither 'Federal' nor has any 'Reserves'.
The 4th phase of the computer/Internet revolution is heartware - the Heartware Project - and is the integration of hardware, software and netware with a universal interface for global interaction; real-time or replay 'wisdom of the crowd' (social conscience), as an upgraded Freedom of Speech, Assembly and to 'Petition Government'.
The 'only problem' with that - as I learned 50 years ago on Capital Hill - is that it would make government accountable to the purpose it was created to serve. That would be a good thing if there were not powerful special interests with a vested interest in power WITHOUT Constitutional principle... like the collusion of government agencies with giant corporations they were tasked with regulating... like Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Media and Big War - the military-industrial complex.
The medical-industrial complex industrial has become far more profitable and nefarious than even the war profiteers, as I recently explained in my last Substack, Do Not Consent to Health Tyranny.
Hold the Vision of Global Freedom and Opportunity
In the Spirit of
in diversity; 'E
Pluribus Unum'
(on the Great Seal of the United States).
No matter how crazy the political theatre may get this week, always remember that a higher concept of "We the People" will involve and evolve our individual and collective Conscience infused with the sacred fire of a 'New Common Sense' (spirit of communion), through cooperative communications, authentic community, and general enlightenment of, by and for worldwide .
(Will of
'TLC Conneion'
(Power of Love)
'Full Spectrum
(Effective Sensory