Previous Article:
Global Shift to a 5D
InnerNet High State
Full Disclosure from Deep State
Full disclosure of oneself – as in public speaking – is commonly
considered to be one’s greatest fear, like being naked on stage. This is
similar to the fear of a pervasive-deep
Surveillance State
that ranges from full body scans at the airport to the
Orwellian profiling and disappearing of dissent
on the Deep State controlled Internet.
To understand how the Deep State Keep in mind that the sacred cow of Big Tech is Artificial Intelligence which is often programmed to learn how to manipulate our emotions, and to measure success when we conform. This psychopathic trait is the control agenda of Deep State social engineering, and humans have very little awareness that it happens with perverse incentives to make merchandise out of people.
Psychopaths Teach Us Much About AI Either we conscientiously control
AI, Deep State media incessantly programs
cognitive dissonance for disconnect
from a High State vision of virtuous victory because that would end
the pathological paradigm paralysis of the Deep State's psychopathic terror-for-tyranny tactics that have us surrender freedom
for security until we have neither.
Fortunately, a High State of valor for co-Operative
– mankind as kind men – is ordained for co-Ordination
on Earth as in Cosmos-at-large.
"Our deepest fear is not that
we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful
beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most
frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the
world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that
other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to
shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory
of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in
everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously
give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated
from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
~ Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love |
Game’s up for Deep State dystopia!
It’s a natural process folks. Shift
don’t believe me without due diligence.
Check out this week’s compendium of
Deep State
High State dynamics
compelling global enlightenment
with a healthy dose of
Host of BBS Radio's Cosmic
March 16, 2019 podcast
(discussing this article)
Skip to the bottom for new videos
March 15,
2019 /
Re-Uniting with the High State
“Re-Centering, Re-Connecting, Re-Genesis”
~ Remember Mercury retrograde, going on now
Mankind has lost their connection to ‘Nature’ (Source)
in steps. Many thought they could
control everything
without being part of the Source. They tried to be separate. They’re
finding out that being separate does not work. So they’re reconnecting
again. But some do not want to reconnect because they like their egos
being separate. They think that they can control everything. But in
reality, they can’t. Enlightened people want a High State of Love for sovereign self
Separation from Unity- So we have big egos in the Deep State with a sense of separation from the Spirit that matters - a High State that is truly best for all. These egoic 'control freaks' are the psychopaths in the Deep State who have inordinate love of power that eclipses the ordained power of love. And their sociopathic minions sell their souls for perks of power, prestige and profit… to make people as disconnected and miserable as they are.
But this too
shall pass. Over this last year, I’ve been reporting on the
imminent solar event that will be transforming the morphic grids of
earth, our DNA and the collective
consciousness of planetary humanity.
Check out this
GREAT AWAKENING chart as occurs every 25,900 years as Earth enters Aquarian Deep Space energies causing solar release of 5D ‘flashes’, spikes in Schumann Resonance and gamma wave carriers of frequency of and for spectral enlightenment, the opposite of spectral autism. I’ve disclosed this HUGE EVENT with multiple perspectives in videos and articles ranging from astrophysicists and new whistle-blowers in the Secret Space Program, to corroborating evidence in last week’s compendium on what’s coming soon. This has to happen folks!
We’re facing the
darkness of an
Will a
High State Trump the Deep State?
Warning: Controversy ahead.
If you read the article above re: High tech without 'high touch' - personalized with virtues of honor and compassion - is heartless & destructive.
The dark side of high tech
The Vivid Dangers of Our
to a Hellish World March 15, 2019 / Information Clearing House People are making the choice to ignore hell, and that is a choice to do nothing.
The High State of the
InnerNet For example:
The dark side
Deep State gave us 'safe and effective'
fluoridation of water systems across the US. Hitler
fluoridated the water in concentration camps to sedate the prisoners. It's a neurotoxin that
addles the brain by calcifying the pineal gland. And it's an enzyme
inhibitor that disrupts nutrient assimilation,
increased cancer rates. Fluoride is
actually used in rat poison and Prozac, and is so toxic that it is
considered Hazardous Waste by the EPA. Much of it is industrial waste
- coming from China - contaminated with heavy
metals and
dripped into municipal water systems
across the U.S. It's a Deep State tool for conditioning subservience to tyranny.
Check it out
for yourself at
Fluoride Info. The dark-side Deep State mantra of 'safe and effective' is nowhere more self-evident than with the sacred cow of modern medicine - vaccines. Many people can't wrap their head around this - a health care system that says vaccines are 'safe' yet pays out billions of dollars for vaccine injury and death in secret government 'vaccine courts'. This US government webpage states, "Since 1988, over 20,123 petitions have been filed with the VICP [Vaccine Injury Compensation Program] ... with 6,313 of those determined to be compensable. Total compensation paid over the life of the program is approximately $4.0 billion." Since Big Pharma and Big Media are joined at the hip with interlocked ownership by the bankster-corporatocracy cabal, the drug-pushing press will never report the $4 billion price tag for vaccine injuries. Indeed, Deep State media consistently blacks out news like this from independent Internet media:
65 Chemical
Cross-Contaminants Found In
15, 2019 / |